
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

This place is...

(POV: Noah)

Andrew's punch barely missed my face, grazing my cheek. I retaliated with a solid hit to his chest, sending him back a few meters. He touched his sunken chest and laughed. "Haha... that hurt... it really hurt. Never in my life have I decided to fight myself in a fight, but... this feels exciting..."

I smiled, feeling the rush of battle. "Well... if that's what you want... COME!!"

Andrew sprinted towards me, his black eyes with red dots fixed on me, a smile plastered on his face. I mirrored his move, and we collided with a shockwave that shattered the ground. I grabbed his fist aimed at my face and bit it, tearing out some fingers. He gritted his teeth as red threads sprouted from his injured hand, flying towards me. I caught and broke them quickly.

"HAHA!! YOU'RE REALLY CRAZY, RIGHT!?!" Andrew exclaimed.

Ignoring my cut hand, which began to regenerate, I grabbed his face. "Fun time!" I slammed his head into the ground. Andrew gritted his teeth, hundreds of threads emerging from his arms and shoulders, crushing my arm into pieces. Blood splattered as my arm ignited in crimson flames. I controlled the flames to form a new arm and grabbed Andrew's face again.

"Well... that won't do..."

Andrew kicked me in the chest, but I ignored the pain. "Level activation... level 3... I will make you beg for mercy..."

My gloves glowed slightly red. I threw Andrew away, watching him crash to the ground as I approached slowly.

"Hey... you know something funny...? I always play... I always have fun... but today... I want to do something different... Andrew Bloodburn... do you want to know what fear feels like?" I said with a small smile.


(Third Person)

Andrew slowly stood up, red threads covering his charred, deformed face, leaving only his eyes visible. He clenched his teeth in anger.

"You... BASTARD!! MY FUCKING FA—" His words were cut short as his arms suddenly disappeared, blood gushing like a waterfall instead of the expected red threads.

"AAAARRRGGG!!" Andrew screamed in pain, falling to the ground, unable to regenerate.

"Haha... why are you screaming...? Didn't you say you were going to give me your final act...? Didn't you say you were going to give me a good act...?" Noah's voice sent a chill down Andrew's spine. He turned to see a large humanoid shadow with red eyes staring at him, its shadowy arm gripping his face.

"Come on... try it... or else I'll be disappointed..." the shadow taunted, throwing Andrew into the air. He crashed to the ground, blood splattering everywhere.

Andrew coughed and jumped up, looking around and seeing no one.

Suddenly, immense pain shot through his leg. Looking down, he saw it was gone, torn off without him realizing it. Andrew fell, gritting his teeth in agony.

"W-what the hell is happening?! Why can't I regenerate?!" Andrew thought, feeling an old, familiar fear rising within him.

He tried to get up but felt something step on his head. "Poor little thing... so weak and helpless... you're really not worth it... but... I think I'll play with you for a while... I think I'll be more serious now... hey... wanna see something cool...?" Noah's voice taunted.

"Fuck you... hahaha..." Andrew managed to say.

The shadow lifted Andrew's face, making him look at it. "What are you really...?" Andrew asked, confused.

"I'm a vampire..." the shadow replied.

Andrew blinked. "What...?"

A head emerged from the shadow's chest, revealing a face with black hair and brown eyes. Andrew's confusion deepened. "S-Sofia...?"

The shadow laughed. "Haha... what a beautiful reunion, right...?"

Sofia's head smiled. "Hello, Andrew..."

Andrew's mind went blank, unable to comprehend the sight before him. He tried to speak but couldn't form words. The shadow laughed, Sofia's head disappearing into it. The shadow grabbed Andrew's head like a toy, lifting him easily.

"What the fuck are you...?" Andrew muttered.

"I already answered that question... I am a vampire," the shadow responded coldly.

Andrew, in his nearly 90 years of life, had never encountered such a being. With a bitter smile, he said, "Haha... shit... I think we got into something peculiar..."

"Yes... quite peculiar... but hey... now I'll play a little..." The shadow's chest sprouted a monstrous dog's head, which bit off the remains of Andrew's arm. Andrew gritted his teeth, the pain intense enough to break them.

"How boring... I thought you were going to scream or something else... so... how about this?" The shadow thrust its hand into Andrew's stomach, pushing through flesh and muscle. Andrew screamed, feeling something writhing inside him, devouring his insides.

The shadow's head deformed, revealing a large jaw that bit into Andrew. As the jaws clamped down, blood flowed freely, and Andrew's screams filled the air. Countless red eyes stared at him from the darkness, adding to his torment.

The shadow devoured Andrew slowly, savoring every bite. Blood pooled at its feet as it consumed him completely. Once Andrew was gone, the shadow began to shift, slowly taking Noah's form.


(POV: Noah)

I looked up at the sky and sighed. "How interesting... it seems like I won't faint or something similar... probably because it was the first time I used it..."

[Indeed, host! Level 3 was a sudden increase in power. The "original" level 3 was not as powerful as the level 3 buffed by the system. Your body is quickly starting to adapt to the sudden changes in power!]

I smiled at the floating screen in front of me, adjusting my hair. "I feel reborn... Ah, yeah... let's look at this... it will be quite useful."

Closing my eyes, I felt my mind fragmenting, memories flashing before me. I opened my eyes, seeing thousands of memory fragments. I closed my eyes again and smiled. I understood the royal guards better now. Andrew could qualify as top 6...

Though the top 5 onwards would be difficult even at level 3 for my actual me... I will get stronger, without a doubt.

[You have leveled up!

Alucard (Hellsing) has risen to level 20!!

Upgrades: Increased strength, increased speed, increased senses!

You have achieved: Level 2 of the Control Art restriction system!]

I smiled at the floating screen. What a good moment...

Stretching a little, I felt something on my teeth. I pulled out a piece of a finger from my mouth. Deactivating my card, I swallowed the finger piece, feeling it settle in my stomach.

"I hope this gives me a decent buff to my blacklight," I said with a smile. Sitting on the ground, I decided to wait a while.

I felt my stomach start to burn slightly. After a bit, the pain disappeared, leaving me feeling good. I punched the ground lightly, watching cracks spread and expand. My strength had indeed improved significantly.

I looked at the dark sky and saw cracks forming, indicating the isolated dimension was about to break. Impressive that vampires have such dimensions, useful for preventing real-world destruction.

Jumping up, I surveyed the huge crater I created. "Master!!" Seras' voice reached me from a distance. I saw her running towards me, then leaping and landing headfirst into the crater. Oh... well...

I ran to her, my enhanced speed getting me there in 3 seconds. "You have to start jumping better," I said, looking down at her.

She scratched her head, wincing in pain. "Is it all over?"

"Yep, it's all over. Let's go home... well, to the hotel. I want to sleep a little."

"Yes!" she replied with a smile.

I squeezed my legs and ran out of the crater, Seras following beside me. A rest was overdue. Maybe I'll focus on making some money next.

After a few minutes, we reached what remained of the hotel. The upper part was destroyed, but I sighed and went inside. As I entered, I noticed countless cracks in the sky.


Luckily, when the isolated dimension broke, everything returned to normal. Seras and I managed to return to our room. Since waking from my 3-week "sleep," I'd been fighting non-stop.

Lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, I called up my stats. "Statistics, Seras Victoria."

[Seras Victoria: Level 24 / ??? 

Age: 20+ 

Physical Strength: Great Destructive Level / Multi-Building Destroyer / ???

Speed: High Hypersonic / Mach 80+ / ???

Intelligence: Average 


Bloodsucker: The ability to absorb a person's blood and soul, along with their knowledge and memories.]

She leveled up by 5 levels in that fight. Not bad. It seems she's growing stronger quickly.

Deactivating my card, I decided to try something new. Getting out of bed, I put my hands on the wall, feeling them stick. I climbed up the wall to the ceiling. "Not bad... now the important thing, do I have organic spider web?"

Pointing my hand at the wall, I tried to shoot something. Nothing came out. Disappointed, I scratched my face and felt something strange. Moving my hand, I saw a spider web on my fingers. It actually came from my fingertips. I struggled to pull it off, eventually falling to the ground. Ah... my back... this damn spider web...

After a while, I finally removed it. "Finally..." I muttered in relief. The webbing was incredibly tough, almost peeling the skin from my face. I examined my fingertips, watching spider webs emerge. Pointing at the TV remote on the bed, webs shot out, pulling it towards me. I grabbed it.

"It's similar to silk... not bad," I said with a smile. I pointed my fingers again, webs dragging me to the ceiling. I stood there, feeling quite pleased. Haha... now I'm Spiderman... but better.

Wait... Blacklight has probably enhanced the webbing, right?

I put my fingers together, webs covering my hands until I had light gloves made of spider web. Clenching my fists, the gloves felt sturdy.

Seras emerged from the bathroom, changed, and noticed the spider web on the remote and my gloves. "And what is that...?"

I pointed at her face, shooting a web. She dodged easily. "That... that came from your fingers?"

"Yup, I got an interesting power," I said with a smile.

I stretched my arms a little and said, "Well, I'm going to sleep for a while..."

I jumped straight into bed and closed my eyes, hoping to get some rest...


This place is strange. It appears to be a dense jungle at first glance. Walking a bit, I almost tripped over a stick on the ground but managed to catch myself in time. I sighed in relief.

Continuing to walk through the jungle, I suddenly heard a noise. Instinctively, I hid behind a tree. Could this be a dream?

Peeking out, I saw a monster, about the size of a wolf, resembling a lizard with greenish-blue skin and a crest with thorns. It approached a small animal. The scene felt oddly familiar.

The monster lunged at the small animal, biting fiercely. Suddenly, a massive roar shook the ground. I hid behind the tree, covering my ears. Damn, the noise is overwhelming!

Heavy footsteps approached quickly. Peeking out, I was stunned to see a massive yellow and orange creature with strong jaws and pointed ears. A Tigrex!

The Tigrex charged at the lizard monster, biting it with its powerful jaws and quickly devouring it, using its claws to tear it apart. I hid behind the tree, hoping it was all just a dream.

The Tigrex roared and left. I sighed in relief. Where the hell am I?

Walking away from the tree, I saw the remains of the lizard monster. If I'm not mistaken, it was a Jagras. Am I in the world of Monster Hunter!?

No, impossible. The system should have notified me if it sent me here. It wouldn't just happen suddenly, right?

I punched the tree, feeling pain shoot through my hand. Shit! It hurts! I don't have Blacklight? This must be a dream; the Blacklight should have merged with my body.

I continued through the jungle, seeing strange mushrooms and more Jagras. Luckily, I hid before they saw me. Tripping over another branch, I sighed and kept walking. The fauna was different yet familiar. I knew the monsters' power levels from playing the game, but I wasn't an expert. It would be funny to encounter one of the most powerful monsters.

Hearing a stick break near me, I turned and saw red eyes in the undergrowth. Shit...

I bolted, hearing growls and something big chasing me. "Shit shit shit shit!" I muttered, running through the dense jungle. Damn it, Monster Hunter!!

Spotting monsters in the distance, I even saw the Tigrex devouring another Jagras. It noticed me. I'm so screwed...

The Tigrex roared and charged at me. "SHIT!!" I screamed, running for my life. I want to wake up now!

Looking back, I saw a black, hairy creature with wing-like legs—a Nargacuga!?

I kept running, sensing danger. I jumped next to a tree, hearing roars behind me. Getting up quickly, I saw the Nargacuga fighting the Tigrex, skillfully dodging its attacks.

Ignoring them, I kept running, determined not to die here.

After several minutes, I hid behind a tree, panting and exhausted. "Damn... that was crazy... time to rest," I murmured, sweat pouring down my neck.

A sudden gust of wind and a roar from the sky made me look up. A large-winged, orange-scaled creature with black parts flew overhead—a Rathalos.

The Rathalos left my sight quickly. I heard another roar and a tremor in the distance. Holy shit!

A Rathalos, Tigrex, and Nargacuga seemed to be fighting simultaneously. Where exactly am I!?

Getting up quickly, I ran through the jungle, but my luck ran out. Seeing a light in the distance, I ran towards it, only to find myself plummeting off a cliff.

I fell, seeing a vast jungle below, monsters flying through the sky, and even a monster being flung into the air. Looking down, the ground was approaching fast.



I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling of the room. Touching my forehead, I murmured, "That was a dream, right? I hope so..."



well people!! I think you'll already know what the next adventure will be about! 

Although it will be in a while, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!