
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

I am superior...

(POV: Noah)

I looked at the dark ceiling with confused eyes; that strange dream made me nervous. I rubbed my forehead a little and sighed.

I glanced over at Seras sleeping next to me. When did she get there? I think I should do something else. I already killed Andrew and have his memories. Now, I need to make a plan in case any other vampires approach me, but I also want to rest.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes a little. I felt a tremor and looked to my right, seeing Seras trembling slightly. Her mouth moved as if trying to say something, but no words came out. She started to grimace. Was she having a nightmare?

I watched her for a while, then saw her fist clench. I sighed and put my hand on her head, hoping to calm her down. It worked; she stopped shaking and seemed to calm down. I looked at the ceiling, thinking about my plans but struggling to choose one.

"Master?" I heard Seras's voice next to me. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"Not until dawn. Sleep," I said, continuing to stroke her head. She nodded and drifted back to sleep. Should I level up Zinogre? That Monster Hunter dream might be a warning or something. Maybe I'll level it up.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Seras asked, looking at me with her blue eyes.

"Nah... I'll be awake for a while," I replied.

"Okay... hey, Master," she said hesitantly.

"Yes?" I asked, still looking at the ceiling.

"Can I ask you something... personal? If you don't want to say it, I won't force you!" Seras said quickly.

"...Well, ask," I said with a smile.

"What were you like when you were a child?" Seras asked.

"My childhood? Well... normal, I guess. I had some friends, although I lost some of them when we went to university. I graduated, got a job, and then... well, you know the rest," I said, continuing to look at the ceiling.

"And your childhood?" I asked Seras, realizing too late that it might not be a good question.

She gave a sad smile and said, "Well... I don't think it was the best... ha..."

I sighed and said, "You can talk to me whenever you want. Emotional things don't interest me much, but I can make exceptions."

She smiled and said, "Yes, I know."

"Hey, Seras, what did you do while I was asleep for three weeks?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well... helped John and Jess, the usual," she replied.

"Didn't you do anything else? Didn't you talk about something?" I pressed.

"Well... something," Seras said, blushing a little. "Well... I think I'll go to sleep. Good night!"

She turned around and seemed to fall asleep quickly. I sighed and murmured, "Well... good night."

I closed my eyes and finally rested.


I felt light hitting my face. Covering my face, I slowly opened my eyes. It was already dawn. I got out of bed slowly and stretched, looking around. Seras seemed to still be sleeping. I yawned loudly as I headed to the bathroom.

I took a bath, letting the hot water run down my body. I felt comfortable. It seemed like today would be a peaceful day.

After a while, I finished bathing. I got out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel to dry myself. Looking in the mirror, I saw my reflection. My body was well-trained. I flexed my arm, and my very defined muscles appeared. Not bad...

I started drying myself a little faster, whistling rhythmically. Suddenly, the door opened, and I heard a yawn. I looked at the open door and saw Seras yawning with her eyes closed. She rubbed her eyes and opened them, freezing in place.

"Hey... do you want to at least knock?" I said a little annoyed. My bathroom was a bit messed up now.

She blushed like a tomato and quickly walked out, saying, "I'm sorry!!!"

I frowned. Well, I think something like that could happen, and it did. Luckily, I had the towel hiding my "little friend." I started putting on other clothes and got out of the bathroom. "What a nice bath..."

I saw Seras sitting on a couch watching television, her face still as red as a tomato. I ignored that and sat next to her. "What's on the news today?"

"It seems like normal things," Seras said, coughing a little as her blush slowly faded.

The abandoned building was silent except for the flickering sound of broken lights and the distant hum of the city beyond its crumbling walls. Two figures stood facing each other, one with a briefcase, the other with a scarred cheek and eyes fixed with anticipation.

"You have it, right?" the scarred man asked, his voice barely hiding his impatience. He wore a black formal suit that contrasted sharply with the dilapidated surroundings.

The other man, obscured by the shadow of his peculiar black hat, smiled. "Obviously... but an abandoned building doesn't look like a good place for a meeting, you know?"

"I don't care. Do you have what I asked for?" the scarred man snapped.

The man with the hat slowly opened the briefcase, revealing four syringes nestled inside. The scarred man swallowed hard, his eyes glinting with greed. "Are you sure this will work...?"

"Obviously," the hat-wearing man replied with a sly smile. "This is even more perfect... Gene P...."

"Gene P...." The scarred man's eyes were glued to the syringes, his thoughts swirling with the possibilities.

"Now... do you want to use it now?" The man with the hat turned around and grabbed an old, barely usable chair. He sat down casually, saying, "Tick tock... time passes. I'll tell you one more time... this is our new job. So... do you want to use it or not?"

The scarred man hesitated only for a moment. "Give it to me."

"Grab it," the man with the hat said, smiling.

The scarred man approached the briefcase and took one of the syringes. He looked at it intensely and muttered, "Damn spider... now you'll see what I'm capable of..."

Without hesitation, he injected the syringe into his neck. The substance inside surged into him, causing immediate and intense pain. He threw the syringe away and dropped to his knees, clutching his head and screaming. 

Several armed men burst into the room, one of them shouting, "Boss!" He rushed to help, but the scarred man screamed, "It hurts... fuck... it hurts... it hurts... it hurts.... ARRRGGHHHHH!!" In his agony, he grabbed the helper's face, and a burst of electricity exploded from his hand, burning the man alive.

Electricity crackled around the scarred man, The lightning bolts struck out randomly, killing his men and charred the room. The man in the hat watched calmly, murmuring, "Maxwell Dillon, small-time thief, head of a small criminal gang. Most of his jobs thwarted by Ghost Spider..."

Max's screams filled the room as the electricity continued to wreak havoc. Finally, the pain subsided, and he stared at his hands, watching electricity arc between his fingers. "But... what...?"

The man with the hat applauded slowly. "Great! What a great power, honestly beautiful! Electricity, huh? A name... a name... oh I know... Electro."

Max looked at the hat-wearing man with manic eyes. "What happened to me?"

"I gave you power... the power to take revenge," the man with the hat replied.

Max's manic smile widened. "Power... power... to take revenge?"

"Yes! Go and get revenge... didn't you want to kill that spider? Now you have the power..."

Max pointed his hand at the man in the hat, a bolt of lightning shooting toward him with absurd speed. But the man with the hat vanished, reappearing behind Max. "Oh oh... that's not done, Max... that wouldn't be good. Don't you want your revenge?"

Max felt a chill run down his spine. "Yes..."

"Well! Time to continue doing my job!" The man with the hat disappeared again, taking the briefcase with him. Max stood alone in the ruined room, electricity crackling around him. He muttered to himself, "Who was he exactly...?"

On the outskirts of the abandoned building, the man in the black hat stretched his arms and chuckled. "Haha... I love my job. Mr. Trask has peculiar plans, but hey, it's my job, I don't say anything, hahaha!"

With a swift motion, he vanished into thin air as if he had never existed.

Inside the building, Max marveled at his newfound powers. He pointed at a wall and let out a bolt of lightning from his fingers, shattering it instantly. Max smiled madly, "Yes... YES!! NOW YOU WILL SEE MY POWER, DAMN SPIDER!!"

He walked out of the building, ignoring the charred corpses of his former gang members. All he could think about was killing the spider. Muttering to himself, "Now... where do I go?"


Maxwell wandered through the streets of New York, making his way to a bustling area. Stopping, he looked up at the giant screens on the buildings and grinned. "Party time..."

Raising his arms, he began to draw electricity from the surroundings, causing the screens to flicker and die. People around him started to scream and run as parts of the buildings crumbled from the electric onslaught.

"Yes... this feels so... GOOD!" Max yelled, reveling in the chaos.


(POV: Gwen Stacy)

"This tastes good..." I murmured while eating cereal with milk. It was a typical Saturday morning, with my dad at work and me at home, flipping through channels on the TV.

Suddenly, a news report caught my eye: a new villain, using electricity, was wreaking havoc in the city. "Shit... I thought I could have a day off today..."

I quickly suited up and slipped out the window, swinging between buildings toward the chaos. As I approached, I saw the guy floating in the air, surrounded by lightning. Great... a flying guy. Just my luck.

He noticed me and yelled, "SPIDER!! YOU CAME! NOW... DIE!!"

My spider sense went into overdrive. I barely dodged a lightning bolt that obliterated the roof where I'd been standing. People were screaming below as I sprinted across the rooftops, dodging bolts of electricity. Bullets were easier to dodge than lightning...


"Hey!! Can you at least stop being so...intense? Huh? That was good, wasn't it?" I quipped. He just glared at me, clearly not amused.

Another bolt came my way, and I dodged it in time. I swung closer and punched him in the face, feeling contact for a moment before it was like I hit nothing. Something struck my chest, sending me flying into the ground. Pain shot through my body.

I jumped up, barely dodging another bolt. Can he become intangible? This just got more complicated.

I ran down the street, dodging lightning bolts, trying to come up with a plan. Electricity... think, Gwen, think... how do I beat him quickly?

I swung back toward him, aiming another punch at his face. My fist went through him again, but when I kneed him in the chest, I felt solid contact and heard a grunt of pain. Dodging his counterattack, I propelled myself away with my webs.

Good! He can't become completely intangible. Maybe he can only phase certain parts of his body or can't maintain intangibility for long. I need to exploit that.

While dodging the lightning bolts, I considered several plans. What if I trapped him somehow? No, he could probably phase through it. Knock him out? That might work... Okay, let's try that. If it doesn't work, I'll try something else.

I swung through the air, dodging lightning bolts with agility. Approaching Electro, I clenched my fist and aimed for his chest but faked a punch and kicked him in the face instead. I hoped this would work...

He tilted his head back and screamed in pain, but my leg passed through his head like it was air. Damn, I didn't hit him hard enough. I need to increase my strength to knock him out definitively.

Suddenly, he struck me in the chest. I went flying, crashing through a building wall. The pain was intense.

I got up slowly, sighed, and muttered, "Another day as Ghost-Spider, huh?"

I smiled, leaped out of the hole in the wall, and swung away, dodging more lightning bolts. I needed to defeat him quickly. Luckily, the area had been evacuated.

I landed on a rooftop, looking at Electro floating several meters in front of me. "Hey friend, may I know why you want to kill me so badly?"

He screamed back, "YOU!! JUST SHUT UP AND DIE!!" He launched another bolt, which I dodged.

Suddenly, my spider sense tingled differently. What is this?

To my surprise, a blur hit Electro, sending him crashing to the ground. I looked down and saw a person wearing a suit and a spider web mask, with only their eyes visible. Who the hell is this?

I watched in surprise as the guy with the spider web mask swiftly stepped the guy's chest, causing the ground to sink and cracks to appear rapidly. he screamed in pain as the masked guy ignored his protests and grabbed his leg, slamming him hard to the ground. The screams were agonizing.

I quickly jumped over and landed on the ground. "Hey! Leave him!"

The guy with the mask let go of the guy and turned to face me. "Haha...damn...this is annoying. An electric guy and now the spider... I really wanted to have a quiet day, but I can't let this guy near my room."

He said, "Hello, Spider."

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you?!"

He simply replied, "I am... superior."



Yesterday I didn't upload an episode because my thoughts were disordered and I didn't know how to organize the chapter properly :(