
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

the short story of a child's tragedy.

(POV: ???)

"Grandma...could you tell me another story...?" I asked while snuggling under the sheets, eager for another tale.

"Well...but this will be the last one, understood? You need to sleep," my grandmother said with a small smile. I beamed and replied, "Yes!"

She coughed a little before beginning, "A long time ago, in a faraway kingdom, beautiful white clouds filled the skies, and the blue sky was magnificent. People ran, laughed, and loved—a kingdom where happiness reigned. But one day, everything changed. The skies filled with red clouds, and the people gasped in fear. The clouds darkened, the skies roared, and thunder appeared. A roar shook the entire kingdom as millions of people looked to the heavens. A dark being, a creature of endless evil, glared down at the people with threatening eyes, flying through the skies like the king of the heavens..."

That story...I hadn't heard it in a long time.

My grandmother continued, "The great dark being of the heavens opened its enormous jaws, and flames engulfed the kingdom. The orange flames, like molten lava, reached the heavens. The beautiful kingdom was transformed into a crimson sea. It is said that even from the skies of the world, the flames could be seen. The fire engulfed the kingdom, the castle, the people, and the animals. The great dark monster roared, and the clouds vanished. That day, a legend was born—the legend of the terrifying monster that destroyed a kingdom in one night. The crimson flames annihilated all life; every bit of life was destroyed..."


"That day, the legend spread across the world: the great dragon that left a massive void in the world. People who looked at the devastated place saw only an enormous void in the ground. Monsters began to run rampant, and hunters emerged from all over the world. It is said that one day, a hunter as dark as the dragon would rise to defeat it—a hunter with a black heart who could stop that legend, the legend of the black dragon. It is said that the black dragon darkened the world with its black wings, and every living being feared it..."

"Wow..." I said with a smile. It's a story that never bores me—a black dragon that destroyed a kingdom in one night, and a hunter as dark as the dragon who would stop him...

"Did you like the story?" My grandmother asked with a smile. I nodded eagerly, a big smile on my face.

"Well...time for bed. Tomorrow, you have to help me with work, okay?" My grandmother said with a gentle smile. I nodded quickly, and she kissed me on the forehead, saying, "Goodnight...sweet dreams."

She left the room, closing the door behind her. I curled up in bed and murmured with a smile, "The black dragon...wow...I wish I was a hunter...they are so cool..."

As I drifted off to sleep, I whispered, "A monster hunter...so cool..."

[I still remember that day when I lost everything...]

I looked at my grandmother and said while holding a fruit in my hand, "Grandma, look! Can this be eaten?"

She looked at the fruit and asked, "Maybe...where did you find that?"

"Over there!" I pointed towards the outskirts of the village, where dense green foliage was visible. She exclaimed, "You...did you leave the village?!"

I replied with some fear due to her loud voice, "Just...just for a while!"

She sighed and said, "Little one...you mustn't leave the village. The chief is the only hunter we have. It's dangerous out there...can you promise me you won't go out anymore?"

I clenched my fist and said while looking at the ground, "Yes..." I felt sad. Outside the village was so exciting! There were strange animals and cool things!

"You have to understand, okay? Monsters could come at any moment. It's very dangerous," my grandmother said as she caressed my head. I gritted my teeth a little and said, "Okay...I promise I won't go out."

She smiled and said, "Good boy...let's eat something special today. We have some meat!"

I smiled at the mention of meat, "Yes! Meat!" I said, moving my arms in excitement. Great!

[Time passes...I still miss you, Grandma...I'm sorry...]

"Grandma! This tastes great!!" I said, biting into a piece of meat with a smile on my face. She replied with a smile, "Don't worry...it won't escape from your mouth, haha."

I smiled and continued eating, hoping today would be a great day. Today I'm going out with the boys to play!

I finished eating and said, "I'm done!! I'm going out with my friends!"

I got off the chair and ran towards the door. "Don't be late!!"

"Yes, Grandma!!" I screamed as I walked out the door, but the only thing I saw was fire. The town was engulfed in crimson flames. I covered myself with my arms as a house exploded from a fireball. What is happening!?

I looked behind me and all I saw was a house on fire. "GRANDMA!?" I ran inside the house, what's happening!?

I ran and only saw ashes. The crimson flames flooded the village. "GRANDMA!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed desperately. What is happening!? Everything...everything was fine a moment ago.

I fell to the ground suddenly. I raised my head and felt a chill throughout my body. A large being with red scales, flying with its wings, filled the sky. Several more were flying just like it, but one had green scales.

I got up quickly and ran out of the house. I ran without stopping. My feet hurt, and fatigue began to flood my body, but I didn't stop running.

"No, no, no..." I murmured as tears ran down my cheeks. Why!?

Suddenly I felt like I was sinking. I looked at the ground and saw how it was starting to sink quickly. No, no, NO!!

I tried to get out but I couldn't. The darkness began to swallow me slowly. I felt like my flesh was melting, my body was burning. My chest hurt... I felt like I was being hit. It hurts... it hurts a lot... Grandma... Grandma help me... please...

I don't want to sink... please... help...

My mind began to slowly turn off... but... I saw a small spark in that darkness. I tried to move and I was able to get a little closer... closer... a little closer... In the darkness, I saw the light that could get me out of here.

I ran. The only thing my mind thought about was running. I ran with everything I had. My legs were burning, my chest hurt. So close... so... close...

I touched the spark of light with my hands, but I felt something grab my leg. I looked at my leg and saw a hand grabbing me. I tried to break free but I couldn't. Its strength was much more than mine. No...

"LET GO!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I felt them grab my arm. Another hand grabbed me. I felt like my leg and arm were burning. I gritted my teeth and tried to grab the light. "NOOOO!!" I screamed in anger, trying to get out of their grip. But they pushed me further and further away. I felt like they were pushing me away from the light.

I fell to the ground. I only saw darkness. No...

I tried to get up but I couldn't. I felt hands grabbing me. I tried to run but I couldn't. It hurt... The hands squeezed my body. I gritted my teeth as I felt my arms, legs, chest—everything hurt. It hurt too much.

"Please...leave me alone...PLEASE!!" I screamed in despair. Yes...this is just a nightmare!! Yes...it's a nightmare!!

I clenched my teeth. I felt like I was going to die. It hurts...please...help...

"Haha...poor child...it's all your fault...everyone died because of you. Your parents, your friends...your grandmother...you only bring death...HAHAHAHAHA!!" A voice echoed everywhere. It was an old and ancient voice. I just covered my ears, but the laughter echoed through the darkness. No... I... I...

"Wake up...WAKE UP!!"


I felt someone touch my shoulder. I opened my eyes in annoyance. "How many times have I told you not to wake me up when I'm sleeping, Naila..." I said while rubbing my forehead. I saw a small humanoid cat in metal armor—armor made to measure. She has been my Felyne companion for years.

"MEOW!!" She meowed and pointed her finger in a direction. I looked at the fluffy white clouds in the sky outside my bedroom window. I hate flying; it makes me nauseous. I got up from my bed and stretched a little. Naila meowed at me again and gestured for me to follow her. I sighed and followed her. I hate these flying ships; they always make me nauseous. I followed Naila for a while and arrived outside the ship. The sun blinded me a little, and I looked at several people. I walked and heard someone say, "Ohh!! The prodigy has arrived!! Haha!!"

That bastard Khai...

I walked for a while and saw some people in the distance. I approached them. "Well...what do we have to hunt now...?"

"Another nightmare?" asked a girl over 25 years old standing in front of a large table with a decently large map on top. She was Anastasia, the captain. I sighed and said casually, "Yes...it's not that annoying." She looked a little worried and replied, "Well...I hope you're okay...well! Today our mission will be to hunt a Rathalos! This time it will be dangerous; that area is full of Jagras and different monsters!"

I sat at a table and looked around. There were several people in armor; some had huge swords, hammers, bows, etc.

I wanted my sword again... Anastasia continued while looking at the large map on the wooden table, "This time we will be divided into teams of four. The area is quite hostile, so I strongly recommend that you bring your flares. Luckily, we have a way to enter without making a lot of noise and without attracting the attention of the monsters in the area."

I glanced around, looking at the blue sky. Ignoring Anastasia, I went to see the views. I approached a part of the ship and looked at the massive hole below us. This place once housed an ancient kingdom; now, it was just a massive hole that could only be filled with hundreds or even thousands of mountains. The great hole was as big as the eye could see.

I sighed and murmured, "Fatalis...the black dragon..." That name... I remember when I heard my grandmother's story. Years passed, and my hometown was destroyed by Rathalos. I still remember the crimson flames, the screams of the people, the sight of people burning, dying in seconds. My grandmother helped me hide. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday. When I came out, I was the only one who survived. Was it a miracle or a disaster...? I always asked myself that.

At 23, I finally became a hunter. Now, at 26, I'm decently experienced. Well, I'm in the middle range—I'm not a novice, but I'm not quite an expert either. I don't think that's too bad. I always dreamed of seeing those legends of Rank G, but maybe it is impossible. I could die at any moment. Those hunters are very few; they are considered legends of hunting. Some hunt elder dragons, how the fuck they can hunt beings that can destroy mountains or even countries!?

I sighed and muttered, "Well...I'm young...at least I'll try to get to the high rank...although G rank is probably a child's dream for me...at least I'll try to get as high as I can...Don't you think so, Grandma...?"

I smiled a little as the wind blew through my black hair. "Hey, your weapon is being repaired. Do you want it now...?"

I turned around and saw Captain Anastasia. She had short brown hair, and her armor was made from a Rathalos—very resistant. She had great strength. I joined her team two years ago, and I even saw her kill a Rathalos alone. She cut its head off, though the fight was difficult.

"Yes, yes...I'm going to see the blacksmith," I said with a small smile. I left the place and walked through the flying ship. I hate having to go there; it's irritating. I have to go through several things, although the people there are not annoying—they're nice, you could say.

I passed through several doors and finally arrived. The temperature of the place was powerful, the heat was very strong. Damn...I'm going to burn alive here...

I saw a burly man with big muscles using his hammer on a large, fairly long katana. He said out loud as he continued hammering, "Go over there! There's your great sword!"

"Thanks for fixing it!" I screamed because of the loud noise of the place. I walked away and saw a large shelf with several weapons. I looked at my sword on it. It was from a Rathian, the monster with which I made my sword. It was a huge green sword. I grabbed the sword by its handle and put it on my shoulder. At least I have the strength to carry it...

I left the blacksmith shop and went outside. The wind made my hair flutter; it felt very refreshing.

I decided to go to my room again. It will take us a while to reach our objective. I went into my room and put my sword against the wall. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I hope everything goes well...


(POV: Noah)

I felt someone touch my shoulder and move it. "Master, it's daytime!" I heard that voice and slowly opened my eyes. Another dream...?

I got up and said, "Good morning Seras..."