
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

transfer to... (edited...)


This chapter was edited because I did things wrong 💀🕳️🤾


(POV: ???)

"My head hurts a little..." I murmured as I got out of this bed. It's uncomfortable... this damn ship...

I rubbed my head a little; it hurt...

I stretched a bit and yawned. I think we're about to arrive. I looked at my armor on a nearby table and walked over, grabbing the helmet. I sighed and started putting it on.

After a few minutes, I finally put it on, though I left the helmet off—it was a little uncomfortable. I grabbed my greatsword and strapped it to my back with some cables that allowed it to stay in place easily. "Okay... it's time."

I left my room and walked through the hallway with some wooden doors, the other hunters' rooms. This mission is peculiar... An experienced hunter would say that hunting a Rathalos could be complicated or relatively easy, but the strange thing is that this time it seems to be a peculiar Rathalos. From what I know, this Rathalos is much faster than an average one. It also seems that it once killed several Rathalos at the same time... a very peculiar Rathalos...

I left the room and went upstairs, opening the door to the outside. The wind made my hair flutter. I inhaled the air and sighed. It was a good day. I walked outside and looked at the people gazing out; some of them were eating meat and talking with their Felyne companions. For now, everything seemed fine.

I walked towards the main area of the ship. I saw several people in the center and approached them. "Hello...do we have more information?"

Anastasia replied, "Not for now...but we are close. We sent some field teams to explore the area. They should arrive shortly..."

I nodded and looked at the others. They are of the same rank as me. The high-rank hunters for now are the captain and another one I saw there. Two high-rank hunters will probably be enough to defeat that Rathalos... right...?

I nodded and sat in a chair. The captain looked at the map to see various locations. I heard several hunters talking as always. I have a strange feeling... This Rathalos is much stronger than a normal one... I could hunt a normal Rathalos, but it will be complicated... I once went to the Dede desert. Those damn Cephadromes... they were so annoying...

Now that I think about it...why would the Rathalos go to that area...?

A normal Rathalos would not go to that area... its behavior is peculiar. In that area, there are only monsters that a Rathalos should be able to defeat relatively easily. Plus, this Rathalos is unusually stronger than an average one...

Well...I should stop overthinking. We just have to hunt it... I got up from the chair and walked somewhere to get a better view. The wind felt fresh. I sighed and murmured, "I want to go back and rest..."

"Meow!" A meow made me look to the right. I looked at my Felyne companion with a piece of meat in her hand. I smiled and grabbed the piece of meat. I bit it and chewed; it didn't taste bad at all. "Thank you..." I said with a smile.

She meowed and left. I ate another piece of the meat while still looking at the sky. The huge jungle below was dense. Even from so high up, I could see a Great Jagras. It seemed to be eating another monster. I looked elsewhere and saw the clouds in the sky. 

It was a calming sight...

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice spoke to me. I looked behind me and saw the captain. "Yes, I'm fine, just enjoying the view," I said while eating another piece of meat. She looked at the large jungle and said, "This place is really huge. Every time I see it, it's as if it were another world. The Great Jungle, eh..."

"This place is very dangerous...? I've been here very few times. I never went very deep," I said with curiosity while continuing to eat my meat. She said, "More or less... Some say that many decades ago, there was a big fight here among ancient dragons, but it was decades ago. They even said that the place was very different from how it is today. They even said there was a mountain, but it was destroyed when the battle started..."

"Wow... Hey, Captain..." I said casually. She responded, "What?"

"How strong are G-rank hunters...?" I asked with genuine curiosity. I really want to know how strong they are.

"They are...very strong. I once saw one...he destroyed several monsters in seconds...a terrifying speed. Every time he moved, the air was torn. His weapon was bigger than his body. Each blow destroyed the ground...every movement was as if it were something casual...but they are not gods. G-rankers can die. Even a G-ranker couldn't easily hunt down an Elder Dragon...it would be an incredibly difficult battle even for them...but they can kill the Elder Dragons...but it will be very difficult," said the captain as she gazed at the great jungle.

"So they're that strong..." I murmured while looking at the clouds in the sky. Can I reach their level...?

I shook my head and sighed. No...it's just a silly dream. Probably my limit is high rank. G rank is another level. Well...

"Captain, are we close to the target?" I said as I finished my meat.

"Yeah, we'll be there in a few minutes," she said, turning around and walking back to her place.

I nodded my head. It seems like it's time to go hunting. I want more meat...

I looked at the great jungle below. This place is immense...there are probably many monsters. I remember my first days as a hunter. I almost died a few times. I even remember when I suddenly found a Tigrex. I ran like never before. Luckily, I was able to dodge it in time, and the Tigrex fell off the cliff.

"Haha...what memories," I murmured with a smile. Then I stopped smiling. Many companions died. That's why I don't like going in teams. But it's an order from the captain. I have to obey. I hope I can rise in rank quickly. I want to hunt alone as always.

Suddenly, the boat shook. I almost fell but grabbed a part of the ship in time. What happened!?

I looked behind me and yelled, "What happened!?"

The captain said out loud, "It looks like an attack!"

An attack? But of what? There are no flying monsters in this area. There's probably only the Rathalos or some very far away from here.

Suddenly, the whole ship shook even more. I heard an explosion nearby. I looked in surprise as a part of the ship was quickly destroyed. What the hell!?

The fire spread rapidly. The ship began to burn quickly. I looked behind me and, in the distance, I saw a figure. A large being with wings. Rathalos...

"THE RATHALOS!!" I yelled as loud as I could, pointing at it.

"ARCHERS!! CROSSBOWMEN!! SHOOT!!" the captain shouted loudly. The hunters with bows and crossbows aimed at the Rathalos and began to shoot. The Rathalos started to fly and dodge the arrows quickly, then began to approach quickly. Shit!

I took my sword from my back and drew it. The Rathalos descended quickly under the ship.

Suddenly, another explosion was heard on the ship. I looked behind and saw the Rathalos carrying another fireball.


The crimson fire enveloped me before I could react. I quickly covered myself with my sword. I felt a great heat suffocating me. I felt like I was flying away quickly.

"NO--" I heard a scream, and darkness enveloped me. I felt a strange sensation. I began to cough quickly. I tried to move, but I couldn't touch anything. I looked around and saw how I was beginning to plummet.

"NO NO NO!" I screamed quickly. Shit, I'm going to die!

I moved my head and saw how the jungle was getting closer. Damn...


I opened my eyes slowly. I only saw a light and felt heavy. I tried to move, but my body hurt. I opened my mouth a little and felt like I was swallowing water furiously. I closed my mouth quickly and moved. I felt like I was sinking. I quickly swam up. Closer...CLOSER!!

I opened my mouth when I finally emerged from the water. I began to swallow air furiously, coughing heavily. My chest hurt... I looked around and saw that I had fallen into a lake. I saw dense green plants. It seems that I was lucky...

I began to swim quickly. My sword was still in my hand. I never let it go. I learned to always hold it even if I was unconscious, a habit I began to have when I started hunting.

I crawled on the ground and started coughing even more. "Shit...what happened...?" I murmured as I lay down on the ground and looked at the sky. Was that Rathalos...already waiting for us?

I got up quickly, grabbed my greatsword, and put it on my back. I needed to get back quickly, but where exactly am I?

I looked around and only saw dense green flora. I sighed and walked in a random direction. Damn...my items were in my room...I have no food and I have no traps...just me and my sword...

"It seems like it will be like old times, huh..." I said with a tired smile. I sighed and continued walking.

While I was walking, I saw several plants and mushrooms. If I had my partner... would Naila be okay...?

"Calm down...just think about surviving. The only thing that matters is surviving. I am a hunter. I hunt and I survive..." I murmured and continued walking. I hope I don't encounter a very strong monster..

I walked through the dense flora of the jungle, the trees robust and towering. Small and peaceful monsters sometimes passed by, but they were scared of my presence and fled. I needed to rest, but finding the others quickly was more pressing.

I clicked my tongue and decided to continue exploring. I walked and walked, but didn't find much until I heard a massive noise. The ground began to shake strongly, followed by an explosion in the distance. I ran in the direction of the explosion, my face getting cut by bushes, but I ignored it. Finally, I saw a big black smoke in the distance. There...there they are!

I started running in that direction, needing to get there quickly.

While I was running, I heard a roar in the distance. Shit! I accelerated my pace even more. I had to arrive quickly. Please...ARRIVE!!

As I got closer, the ground continued to shake, and I heard more explosion noises. Finally, I arrived at an open area and saw the ship on the ground, most of it destroyed. Hunters were fighting against the Rathalos. I gritted my teeth and ran with everything I had, pulling my sword from my back and jumping.

I clenched the hilt of my sword and hit the back of the Rathalos.

The Rathalos roared in pain. I dodged its tail in time as it swung towards me. The Rathalos roared again, and I saw sparks forming quickly in its mouth. It closed its jaws and opened them, releasing a large ball of fire headed towards me. I jumped to the side and got up quickly, using my sword as a shield. The impact of the fireball sent me flying, and I crashed to the ground, clutching my chest and struggling to breathe. The air wasn't coming in. Shit...

I hit my chest lightly and began to inhale air quickly. When I regained my breath, I saw the Rathalos throwing another fireball at the hunters. I needed to kill that bastard. Wait, where is Captain Anastasia!?

"WHERE IS THE CAPTAIN!?" I yelled at the nearby hunters.

One of them yelled back, "I DON'T KNOW!!"

How does he not know!? I gritted my teeth and ran towards my greatsword on the ground. The Rathalos noticed my presence and charged at me. I gritted my teeth and ran with all my might, grabbing my sword in time. I squeezed the hilt with both hands and swung it around quickly, aiming at the Rathalos as it got closer. The Rathalos' head tilted down, and a small shock wave resulted from my attack. The ground cracked, but my arm hurt like hell.

The Rathalos roared and turned quickly, its tail hitting me in the chest. I gasped and felt the air leave my body as I was sent flying and crashed into a tree.

Shit...it hurts...am I really going to die like this...? I watched as the Rathalos continued to kill the hunters. One was charred, another was crushed by the Rathalos' jaws. The monster then turned and looked directly at me.

"I'm so screwed..." I mumbled with a small smile.

But suddenly something appeared in front of me.

[Host starting...]

What's that...?


(POV: Noah)

I ate the pizza with pleasure while watching television. This tastes so good...

"Master, this...tastes great!!" Seras said next to me, enjoying the pizza with a smile. I decided to buy some pizza and couldn't believe how good it tasted...

I looked at the television, but something appeared in front of me without any warning.

[Host starting...]

What's that??

I frowned. System...?

[Host starting...selected world...]

world selected? Is it going to send me to another world!?

I stopped eating my pizza. System, are you listening to me or not?


I got up from the couch and said, "Seras...I think we are going to go to an interesting place..."

"Where?" Seras said, confused.

"other world..." I said, still looking at the floating screen in front of me.

What the hell is going to happen now...?

[Transmission completed! Starting world transfer...!]

world transfer!?

[Selected world: Monster Hunter: Extremis]

Monster Hunter...but what does Extremis mean!?

[Extremis: Original world improved and buffed by the system]

Oh...wait...improved and buffed!? Are you fucking with me!? So how strong will the elder dragons be!?


I felt darkness surrounding me. I hope I don't die...


(POV: (???) Noah)

I felt pain in my body. I opened my eyes and saw a monster running towards me...really!?

[Skills adapted: blacklight (MH)

 Blacklight: Superhuman strength and speed (MH), biomass absorption (MH), regeneration (MH)

It is not possible to activate any kind of card. I hope you enjoy the adventure, Host!]

The system adaptated my Blacklight?...great...although it will be relatively easy to become very strong with that.

Ssuddenly, new memories flooded my mind, a painful process that almost brought me to my knees. The sensation abruptly stopped, and I was left gasping for air. Looking up, I saw the Rathalos charging towards me. I couldn't help but smile, gripping my sword tighter.

"System, show me the updated Blacklight abilities," I commanded, and a detailed screen appeared before me:

[Blacklight (Version Adapted to the MH World):]

- Biomass Absorption (MH): Absorbs biomass from living targets to strengthen the host. The nerfed version absorbs 80% of the biomass power of the humans and a 120% of the monsters. The host cannot absorb beings immune to viruses. Absorption grants memories and knowledge to the host. The host can decently modify body parts to resemble absorbed beings. Elder dragons will take months or even years to be completely absorbed.

- Adaptation (MH): Allows the user to adapt to various scenarios and areas, including poisons and viruses. The MH version can adapt to monsters (buff), situations, or mentality. 

- Regeneration (MH): Allows the host to regenerate amputations, body parts, organs, etc. The MH version can be improved by absorbing monsters instead of humans. Humans can also be absorbed but are not as efficient as monsters.

- Original Base Body: The current body is different from the original in the Marvel world, equipped with an MH version of Blacklight. The original abilities absorbed by the Blacklight in the Marvel world are not available (though abilities from the current world can be absorbed and improved through adaptation).

- Flesh of the Elder Dragons (MH): The Blacklight may absorb Elder Dragons, but it will take months or years to completely absorb their bodies, powers, and abilities.

- Tasty Meat (MH): Absorbing monsters grants buffs and improvements to the Blacklight. Monsters provide greater enhancements and better abilities than humans.

This is much better. Having Seras with me would be a huge help, and the new system updates seemed promising. I sighed in relief, knowing that I had some significant advantages now. Another screen appeared:

[Goals and Rewards (Choose one goal, you can only choose one):]

- [Objective 1]: Fight an Elder Dragon or a first-class monster (Elder Dragons much stronger than normal ones).

- [Objective 2]: Survive an attack by an Elder Dragon or first-class monster (Elder Dragons much stronger than normal ones).

- [Reward 1]: Unknown card in hibernation + chance of Lucky Wheel.

- [Reward 2]: Unknown card in hibernation + chance of Lucky Wheel.

- [Time Limit: 5 years (although it may be shorter depending on how the host acts and advances)]

Fighting or surviving an Elder Dragon seemed impossible in my current state, but I had five years. That should be enough time to prepare.

The system intervened in my thoughts: 

[Host, calm down. The goal is just to fight or survive. Currently, defeating a being of that magnitude is completely impossible. Your chances of winning are 0%, so you have two options: fight (you don't have to win, just fight a little) or survive against an Elder Dragon. I recommend not fighting; Elder Dragons have enormous speed and can move faster than lightning. Focus on becoming stronger!]

I sighed. Fighting such beings would be immensely difficult. But I had five years. That should be enough time to grow stronger.

I looked at the Rathalos running towards me and muttered, "Well... I'm a little weakened in my actual body but not that much in a world where there are beings that destroy mountains and countries. I think I'll get stronger quickly if I absorb monsters instead of humans, although it's probably going to be a crazy adventure!"

Another screen appeared:

[Updating and adapting the system to the selected world...]


- Low Rank

- Mid Rank

- High Rank

- Pseudo G Rank (Current Range)

- G Rank

- Rank: ??? ]

[your summon will take a while to arrive, please wait a while host...]



a necessary change, I had to edit SEVERAL things, although I think this looks good, literally the blacklight was buffed ☠️, although it was buffed for when the MC absorbs the monsters, well bye.