
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

the kingdom

(third person)

The Targaryen kingdom, the most powerful human kingdom, is home to millions of people. It is one of the most protected and safe kingdoms in the country, and also one of the few remaining. Centuries ago, there were more kingdoms, but many were destroyed or captured by supernatural beings. The Targaryen kingdom is one of the few places where peace thrives.

The kingdom is vast, filled with buildings, shops, houses, and large commercial structures. It is incredibly diverse, which is why it remains in perfect condition. Recently, the kingdom's soldiers were sent to different parts of the country to protect nearby villages and human settlements. Some missions were successful, while others ended in destruction.

In the bustling streets of the kingdom, a girl was with her mother, buying food. The girl was playing with a small rag doll, laughing softly. She dropped the doll, and as she tried to retrieve it, the crowd's footsteps pushed it further away. The girl ran after the doll.

When she finally grabbed it, she realized she couldn't see her mother. Panic set in as she called out for her mother, but the noisy streets drowned out her cries. The girl walked until she collided with someone and fell to the ground.

"Oh little one, are you okay?" said a soft voice. The girl looked up and saw a young girl with straight dark hair falling just below her shoulders. She wore a black office shirt with a white vest, white pants, white shoes, a red tie, and a white trench coat. She stood at about 5'5"/ 1.65 meters.

The woman in white helped the girl up and asked, "Are you okay, girl?"

The little girl stood up and replied, "Yes, miss!"

The woman smiled, her slightly red eyes giving her a peculiar look. "Go to your mother, won't you?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice called out for her daughter. The girl saw her mother in the distance and ran towards her, tears streaming down her face. "Mommy!"

The girl hugged her mother tightly, and the woman, desperate moments ago, embraced her daughter with relief.

"Mommy, a lady helped me!" the girl said, wiping her tears with her arm. She looked back, but the woman was gone.

In the distance, the same girl in peculiar white clothes walked through the streets. People gave her confused looks because of her strange attire.

"Oh, so this is the Targaryen kingdom, huh?" the woman said with a big smile. Her eyes glowed red for a brief second before returning to their usual black color.

"Well, I guess it's a bit of a girlycard, huh?" Noah thought with a smile.


(POV: Noah)

I looked at the bustling streets as I walked. I chose this form because I was bored. Being shorter than usual felt strange, but I didn't mind. People stared at me, likely because my clothes were out of place in this era. Even though I wanted to kill things, I restrained myself.

As I walked, I gazed at the blue sky. It took me two hours to get here, even though I didn't travel at full speed. I found interesting things along the way, although the journey was somewhat turbulent. I encountered death and corpses—this world is chaotic, but that makes it even more fun!

I saw many people: families, children playing, drunks stumbling around. I sighed and murmured with a smile, "Not bad, huh? I hope this is fun..."

I disappeared with incredible speed and quickly arrived at a tall building. Perched on a ledge, I looked over the kingdom. It was enormous, with millions of lives and souls.

"Haa... I don't think it's good to kill these people... for now," I said with a smile, crossing my legs and looking at the sun.


Night fell, and unexpectedly, the kingdom was almost completely empty. It seemed that people locked themselves in their homes, even though the kingdom was considered safe. It had been easy to enter. In the distance, I saw armed knights patrolling the streets, providing nighttime security.

I jumped off the ledge and landed softly on the street. As I walked down the street, I whispered, "Looks like it's time for a night walk."

As I walked through the great nocturnal kingdom, I began to whistle softly. I walked for about 10 minutes and then stopped. I smelled something familiar, something I hadn't smelled in a long time—blood.

I looked in one direction and quickly ran without making a sound. I climbed some buildings and jumped across them until I stopped on top of one. I had arrived at an interesting place, a cathedral, quite large.

I jumped to the ground and saw two guards at the large doors of the cathedral. They were quite tall, wearing heavy armor, and had large swords sheathed at their waists.

I sighed and walked towards the large double doors. They noticed me, and one said, "Excuse me, miss, you shouldn't be here right now. It's curfew."

I sighed and raised my fingers so they could see. "Forget that you saw me. You didn't see anyone come in here... no one."

The two guards said in unison, "Let's forget what we saw... we didn't see anyone enter... no one..."

I sighed and entered the cathedral using my intangibility. Inside, it was decently lit, though it seemed empty. There were long pews for people to sit, large pillars, and the place felt sacred, but I didn't sense anything truly holy. It was strange. Even if the aura was strong, I should at least feel a little discomfort in my head, but nothing...

I walked further into the cathedral. There were large windows through which the moonlight streamed. I reached the center, where there was a large table, but it was empty. Hmmmm...

"How strange, I still smell blood in the air..." I murmured with slight confusion. I walked around the place more thoroughly. While walking, I noticed a door in the distance. I walked towards it and passed through it, not wanting to make noise or cause trouble. It led to a rather long hallway with windows letting in the moonlight. As I walked down the hallway, the smell of blood became more intense.

I looked at a specific door and went through it. It was a small room with furniture and a bookshelf full of books. The smell of blood was even stronger. I licked my lips a little and examined the room. Everything seemed normal, but when I approached the bookshelf, I noticed the smell.

"Haa... a classic," I said with a smile. I looked at the books one by one, examining their minute details. One book caught my eye—it was titled "Holiness." I grabbed it and brought it close, but it didn't trigger anything. Suddenly, I heard the sound of mechanisms. Well, yes, a classic. Although at this time, maybe not so much.

The bookshelf moved to reveal a metal door. I passed through it and saw some stairs leading down, to an underground place, again...

I went down the stairs for about 5 minutes and arrived at an underground area. I saw a torch on the wall, which I took to light my way. As I held the torch, I saw my surroundings. It looked like a tunnel leading to an even deeper place. I walked further and finally saw something interesting.

"The safest kingdom, huh..." I said with a bit of irony in my voice that echoed through the place. I saw cages full of people—children, adults, even the elderly. Some were dead, others had lifeless eyes, and some were murmuring nonsensical things. I even heard screams of agony in the distance. I walked around, looking at the ceiling and seeing cages hanging from thick metal chains.

As I walked, I saw a door in the distance. I approached and passed through it. I looked around and said, "Well, this is an interesting turn..."

The place looked completely different. The floor was made of exquisite marble, the walls of high-quality wood, and there were torches on the ceiling to light the place. It was a hallway leading to another area.

"It looks like the church is in some trouble..." I said with a playful smile. As I walked down the hallway, I looked around. There were large paintings on the walls, but I didn't recognize any of them, so I ignored them. I saw doors in the distance. As I approached, one door opened, and a person dressed as a butler came out, carrying a tray with several plates of food—meat with red sauce. I smelled it and smiled even more. It was blood.

The butler saw me and said, "Ah..."

I quickly grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the wall. "Hello... goodbye, friend," I said, grabbing the tray and biting his neck furiously. He couldn't scream because his blood was absorbed in seconds. I let go of the body, and it fell to the ground.

"So... the church is connected to the kingdom that was captured by the... vampires, huh..." I said with a smile.

I sighed and decided to see what was behind the door. I opened it slightly and peeked inside. There were several people sitting at a large table, eating meat and drinking from glasses. The smell of blood lingered in the air.

I saw some women and men sitting and eating while laughing. A peculiar man caught my eye. He smelled human. He wore leather clothes, but of much better quality. He was chatting and laughing with the vampires. Had I found a traitor to humanity?

I noticed butlers standing far from the table, holding trays and waiting for orders. One had a peculiar smell.

"So... it's not long now, right? Until the big day? It's in 2 days, right?" The human asked with a smile. He had well-combed brown hair and looked to be between 40 and 45 years old. He seemed happy.

A vampire in luxurious clothes, adorned with jewels on his neck and hands, smiled and said, "Yes! Our king will give the order, and this whole place will be destroyed."

"Yes... this is better. Much better," the human said with a nervous smile. I saw sweat slowly trickling down his neck.

"Don't worry, Edwin. You made this decision... besides, you want to be close to God, right?" the vampire said, placing his cutlery on the plate and clasping his hands together with a smile.

"Y-yes..." said the human named Edwin, looking nervous. I saw him clench his fists. The vampire smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry... you made an excellent decision, boy. We will give you your share as we promised. We are much better at that than those dogs with no manners!"

The vampire stood up from the chair and began to speak, "For now, you need--", suddenly he paused and said, "Haa... Edwin."

"Yes, sir?" Edwin responded, nervousness clear on his face. The vampire smiled a little and said, "I told you to protect the place better."

"What are you talking about, Mr. Nasiel? The place is perfect as it is. The butlers are personally trained, there are guards protecting the place. It's perfect!"

Nasiel smiled and said out loud, "Looks like I'll have to do a little job."

This was a good show. I watched as Nasiel eyed one butler in particular, a young man in his twenties. Nasiel walked up to him and said, "Haa... you're not fooling me... doggy."

Suddenly the butler attacked Nasiel, but Nasiel grabbed the butler's arm and broke it into pieces. The other vampires laughed and chatted, ignoring Nasiel's actions.

I watched as Nasiel bit the butler's neck mercilessly. After a few seconds, Nasiel stopped biting, and the butler's body fell to the ground, dead.

Nasiel grabbed a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his lips. He sighed and said, "Haa... improve your security, Edwin... stray dogs got inside."

Edwin began to sweat nervously and said, "Y-yes, sir!"

Nasiel sighed and said, "Our king is preparing the troops. As I told you before, it will take them 2 days to reach this kingdom. We already have some ways to enter. It won't be very complicated..."

Edwin nodded quickly.

Nasiel started laughing slowly and said, "Haa... hope in the human heart is enough. It's so good to see humans being betrayed by their own..."

I watched Edwin sweat. He was indeed a traitor. In 2 days, this place would be a huge war zone. It seemed I would have a big fight here. Yes... this sounds too exciting...

I opened the door and said as I walked in, "Hello!!"

The vampires looked at me in surprise. Nasiel looked at me with curiosity, and Edwin stared at me in shock.

"Oh.... who could you be, miss?" Nasiel asked with a polite smile.

"Shut up, cocksucker," I said with a small smile as I sat in an empty chair. I grabbed a glass and tasted it. It was sweet—blood. It tasted pretty good.

I noticed Edwin's face was completely pale. The vampires around me looked at me with murderous glares. I sighed and said, "So, they will come in 2 days... bingo, I have time... now... fun time. But honestly, you guys are boring. Your strength isn't worth it."


I looked at the head in my hand. It was Nasiel's. The room was filled with the destroyed bodies of vampires. The butlers were dead and headless. I left Nasiel's head on the table and said to Edwin, who was sitting in a chair, "Calm down, you're useful. You're lucky, you know...?"

Edwin looked at me with fear. He had seen how I killed everyone in the room except him in seconds.

"What... what are you!?" Edwin said with desperation in his voice. I told him, "I'm the real deal, isn't it obvious...?"

I looked at Edwin and said, "So... explain everything to me. I want you to be precise, eh? I don't want to kill you; that's boring."

Edwin swallowed and said nervously, "Eh... e-eh... well, the vampires will come in 2 days. It will be a vast army, hundreds of thousands, close to millions, that's all..."

I sighed and said, "No, no, not that, Edwin~... why did you betray humanity~?"

Edwin began to get even more nervous. I saw how he put his hands together and squeezed them. He gathered his courage and said, "I... I just want to be close to God..."

"Pfft... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I couldn't help but laugh non-stop. Close to God!? What a nice joke.

"Hahahahaha... what a good joke, Edwin. You're a good comedian," I said while wiping a tear from my eye. I looked at him and said, "Don't fuck with me, you damn kid... it's greed, isn't it? 'Immortality' of vampires... you want that, don't you?"

Edwin protested, "No!! I just want to be closer to... to..."

I watched as he began to hyperventilate. Damn asshole, he fell into such a weak trap. He was blinded by greed. Plus, they tricked him; they were never going to turn him into a vampire. I noticed how some vampires wanted to drink his blood. He was just a stupid old man blinded by greed for "immortality" who was going to be devoured by vampires.

"Haa... how useless," I said, looking at my cup full of blood. I saw how the blood began to levitate in the air. Edwin watched the blood in surprise. I said, "You're no good..."

The blood hardened like a dagger and pierced Edwin's head. His body fell to the ground with a thud. I sighed and muttered, "I really just want to do my mission. I don't give a shit about the lore of this world..."

I watched as all the blood in the place began to levitate slowly. I moved it with my mind, the blood surging out of the room like a tsunami. I felt it destroying everything alive within this underground place, absorbing hundreds of souls. After a while, I stopped using the ability, feeling certain there was no one left here—no humans, nothing. I had killed the captured people and everyone else who was here; nothing alive remained.

I got up from my chair and walked to the door through which I had entered. I stepped out and saw the entire hallway covered in blood. I walked towards the tunnel door, passing through the place, noting the now empty cages. There was nothing, no living being. My blood had devoured everyone: the living, the dead, everyone.

The system did not react, which made sense; humans are too weak to be considered "enemies." Although, perhaps there are some worthy of being "enemies."

I climbed the stairs and reached the room from before. I moved the book again, and the bookshelf once again hid the door. I walked through the cathedral and exited through the main doors. The guards stood still without saying or doing anything. I went to the roof of a nearby building and looked at the moon.

"Haa... it's a good night. Tomorrow I'll enjoy this place a little... and then the real fun will begin," I murmured with a smile as I gazed at the moon.




Kill 50 enemies: 50 / 50 !

Kill 100 enemies: 100 / 100 !

Kill 200 enemies: 200 / 200 !

Kill 500 enemies: 442 / 500

Kill 1000 enemies: 442 / 1000

Kill the special enemy: 0 / ???]