
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

punishing the puppies

here the author!!

If you find problems in the texts tell me and I will fix it :)

Leaving that aside, enjoy the chapter!


(POV: Noah)

I dodged dozens of blows that destroyed the rotting trees around me. Claws grazed my face, and I felt part of my mouth being torn off in fury. I walked away quickly, my mouth regenerating. I sighed and approached him rapidly, grabbing his arm that was heading straight for my chest. I squeezed with all my strength and pulled him closer to me, kneeing him in the chest. The guy pressed his feet on the ground, preventing himself from being thrown away by the impact, but the ground behind him shattered into pieces.

"Shit...that hurt, asshole...you're strong, so try THIS!!" said the werewolf, clenching his fist. He hit my face hard, tearing my flesh, but I quickly regenerated and punched him in the face, making him moan in pain. He hit me again, and I hit him back.

Each blow broke the sound barrier and destroyed the nearby trees and the ground beneath us.

"AAAAARRGGGGG!!" The werewolf screamed in fury as we continued hitting each other non-stop. Each blow demolished our surroundings. Parts of my body were destroyed, but I regenerated quickly. I grabbed his incoming fist and bit down hard, destroying his hand. His fingers bled profusely. The werewolf roared in pain, grabbed my head, and slammed me to the ground, destroying my vision and shattering my skull.

While I regenerated, he continued hitting me with fury—claws, punches, and even bites.

"DIE NOW!!! DAMN RAT!!!" the werewolf shouted, his voice filled with rage. I quickly dodged a fist and punched him in the chest, sending him crashing through numerous trees without difficulty.

I jumped up from the ground, shaking my head to remove the dirt from my hair. Annoyed, I sighed and said out loud, "Okay puppy...you made me angry..."

The werewolf walked slowly towards me, saying, "Me too...I'll tear you apart and gut you, you damn trash..."

I put my hands together and murmured, "The bird slowly leaves its nest, it walks slowly, it opens its wings and tries its flight for the first time, the bird flies for the first time and takes to the skies...level 6..."

The ground shattered into countless pieces, and the air tore apart from the aura of power emanating from me. I looked at my hands as blood slowly dripped from them. A drop fell to the ground, and I smiled. It was time to punish the puppy.

I ran towards him, grabbing his face and slamming him into the ground. I started hitting him non-stop, causing cracks to spread rapidly. The ground was sinking and breaking quickly, forming a crater.

I was sent flying backwards, looking at my destroyed hand as I flew through the air. A red and black shadow began to rapidly regenerate my hand as if nothing had happened. I stabilized in the air and landed on my feet.

I looked at my hand in the werewolf's jaw. He spat it out and said with disgust, "You taste like shit..."

"Thank you for the compliment," I said with a smile. I quickly ran towards him, dodging cuts at hyper-fast speed. I dodged a slash and kicked him in the chest, sending the werewolf crashing into trees.

He quickly stood up and roared with uncontrollable anger.

"Ah...shit...hurts...FUCK!!" The werewolf said as he pulled a piece of rock from his abdomen, blood gushing out but healing quickly.

"Shit...SHIT!! I WAS GOING TO HAVE A FUN TIME AND YOU CAME, SON OF A—" I interrupted him by punching him in the face, sending him flying like a rocket. He spun in the air and crashed into the ground, creating a considerable crater. I sighed and shouted, "GET UP, YOU SHIT!!"

In the distance, I saw the wolf roaring in anger while clutching his bleeding chest. He continued to roar, and the ground beneath him shattered into hundreds of pieces that flew around.

I ran towards him with a big smile. We collided, and the wolf flew away again. While he was airborne, I grabbed his face and slammed him into the ground hard, creating a shockwave that formed a crater over 50 meters in diameter. I looked at his bloodied body. He glared at me with red eyes full of rage. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT, YOU USELESS DOG?!?"

He roared even louder, and I felt his arm pierce through my chest. I vomited blood but ignored it. I pushed his head even further into the ground and said, "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! IT'S TIME FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT!"

The blood slowly seeped from my chest as I pushed his head into the ground. Cracks spread quickly, and my smile widened so much I thought my cheeks would tear. Raising my free hand in the air, I clenched my fist tightly, feeling my muscles tense immensely. "PUNISHMENT TIME~!"

I struck his chest with all my strength. The shockwave was so immense the ground beneath us sank considerably, the air exploded, and trees were torn apart non-stop. The sound resembled a large explosion. His chest caved in, blood gushing out continuously. The wolf's screams of agony fueled my excitement even more. I began hitting him repeatedly, my fist moving like countless bullets fired at an unprotected target.

I continued pummeling him, but suddenly I felt a blow that sent me flying like a rocket. I crashed near a tree, looking up to see another person. This time, it was a woman who appeared around 30 years old. She had waist-length black hair and wore leather clothing covering her body. She was as tall as the other guy before he became a werewolf.

"Look at the condition you're in, idiot," I heard the woman say as she glanced at the werewolf, whose chest was bleeding profusely, ribs protruding. Despite the severe injuries, he was still breathing, though with difficulty.

"Big sister..." the werewolf said, his voice broken by immense pain. The woman grabbed his foot and threw him behind her. "Go and heal. Let the elders handle this."

I got up and walked toward her, smiling. "Hello, miss...it seems like your little brother hit me..."

She sighed, surveying the destruction around us. "Looks like I'll have to take care of this myself..."

She whistled into the air, frowning. Moments later, I heard footsteps in the distance. Many werewolves appeared, surrounding us. I smiled. "It seems people came to see the show, huh?"

"No...you are strong, obviously. I will need reinforcements to kill you," the woman said, her eyes guarded. Seeing those fierce eyes filled me with ecstasy. Time to increase the fun.

I ran toward her with a big smile, and she did the same. Our fists collided, creating a shockwave that sent the surrounding werewolves flying into trees. I dodged her blows, but a kick grazed my eye, cutting my vision in half. I sighed, sniffed a little, and grabbed something in the air—it was a leg. I slammed it to the ground.

The woman grunted in pain. I slammed her again, but my arm was cut off. Looking at the stump of flesh bleeding non-stop, I smiled as it quickly regenerated. My eye regenerated too. I fixed my hair a bit. "Not bad, huh...you're a tough bitch..."

The woman growled, teeth clenched. I dodged another kick and hit her chest, which she covered with her arms in time. She flew back with a huge explosion, crashing into werewolves who exploded in a bloody mess. I smiled and shouted into the air, "COME ON!! LET ME FEEL THE ECSTASY!! LET ME FEEL THE ADRENALINE!! BE A GOOD BITCH AND FIGHT!!"

She roared, her skin falling off as the aura around her intensified. She transformed into a werewolf with completely black fur. Suddenly, I felt my head cut off cleanly. I didn't see her speed...yes...YES!!

I quickly grabbed my head in the air and put it back in place. Her speed was incredible, maybe 20 or 30 times faster than mine.

I sighed. "Not bad... bitch..."

"Time to ramp this up," I said with a small smile.

I put my hands together and quickly pointed them to the sides, "open level...level 5..."

The aura around me surged, increasing my power immensely. I smiled, watching in slow motion as a claw came for my face. I moved my head aside and clenched my fist tightly. My right arm's muscles bulged abnormally as I punched her chest. She flew hundreds of meters away, crashing to the ground and trembling before finally going still. Slowly, she got up, her body shaking. Her chest was a bloody mess, with ribs protruding

She quickly shook off the injuries, her chest healing rapidly. I sighed, raising my hands in the air. "Are you ready for round two...?"

She grunted and asked, "Let me ask you a simple question."

"Tell me...?" I replied with a small smile.

"Are you on the side of the bloodsuckers?" the werewolf asked, her voice laced with rage.

"Nah, I'll kill you both. Don't give me your team bullshit. I decide which team to be on. I don't care about werewolves, vampires, or humans. They're my decisions. I'm a free bird. So...that's it," I said, smiling.

"Ha...shit, I think this will be troublesome..." she muttered, clutching her chest in pain.

"Well, round two in--" I was interrupted by hundreds of werewolves throwing themselves at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the female werewolf escaping. I clenched my teeth. She escaped...no...NO!! MY FIGHT!!

"FUCK YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!" I screamed furiously, cutting down the werewolves without difficulty. Blood splattered on me, but I ignored it, grabbing my face with my hand, gritting my teeth.

"I thought werewolves had pride...BUT THAT DAMN BITCH DARES TO RUN AWAY...AAAARRGGGHH!!" I yelled in fury and took off after her. She was several kilometers away, but I caught up in seconds. As we ran, I shouted, "COME HERE!! DAMN COWARD!! FIGHT!!"

She kept running, not looking back. I gritted my teeth and leapt at her, grabbing her head and slamming it into the ground. The force created a massive crater. I sighed and slammed her harder and harder. She screamed in pain. Damn shit...DIE!!

I pounded her with my fists. She wasn't worthy of a real fight...

I hit her harder, cursing under my breath. SHIT!!

Anger surged inside me. I clenched my teeth so hard I felt them breaking. The "body" of the werewolf was now just a shapeless mass of flesh and fur.

I stood up, sighed, and put my hand on my face. "They're no good... THEY'RE NO WORK!!"

Roars echoed around me. A large horde of werewolves were running towards me from all directions. I sighed, raising my hands in the air. "COME!! THEY WILL BE A GOOD APPETIZER!!" I shouted with a big smile.


Hundreds of werewolf bodies lay on the ground, blood everywhere. The sun was high in the sky. In front of me was the younger brother of the female werewolf, his arms missing, his breathing weak, his body covered in blood.

"You're disappointing...you're no good, you're trash," I said disdainfully, stepping on his head. He muttered weakly, "It's not enough...the alpha will kill you...remember my--" I crushed his head, brain matter and blood splattering. A beta werewolf wasn't enough...they were weak garbage. Level 6 was enough for now. That female werewolf specialized in speed, but her strength wasn't that great. I think I overdid it activating level 5...

I sighed, looking at the floating screen in front of me.

[You have completed a mission!!

Kill 50 enemies: 50/50!

Kill 100 enemies: 100/100!

Kill 200 enemies: 200/200!

Kill 500 enemies: 432/500]

I looked around at the hundreds of werewolf bodies lying on the ground, feeling their souls enter me.

I think I've cleared this "dead zone." I ran through hundreds of kilometers and didn't find any more werewolves. Better.

It seems the "bosses" of the area were these two "beta" werewolves. Finding an alpha will surely be more fun than dealing with this garbage.

[You have leveled up!!

Upgrades: Increased strength, increased speed, increased senses!

You have achieved: Hemokinesis!!

Hemokinesis: The ability to manipulate blood, although the ability is limited to blood outside the bodies of living beings!

Alucard (Hellsing): 9/30!]

I smiled at the new ability and said aloud, "System."

[Here I am, host!]

It seems I can only talk to the system when I level up or something about the system itself appears.

I glanced up at the sun and asked, "System, how much time do I have left until the 'fight zone' ends?"

[Time left:

71 hours left!]

Almost 3 days... Perfect. Time to head to somewhere more lively. I'm off to a kingdom. Curious to see what it's like in this 'world'...

I gazed at the sun, a tune on my lips as I strolled towards my next destination.

"London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady~

Build it up with iron bars

Iron bars, iron bars~"

With a smile, I whispered to myself, "I hope humans amuse me... Looks like your rat house is in for the surprise of a lion..."



[Alucard (Hellsing): 7/30


Pseudo immortality:

When Alucard suffers fatal or incapacitating damage, the damage is redirected to his soul pool, using a soul to instantly recover from almost any injury.


The power to manipulate objects and people with the mind, allowing control and movement without physical contact.


Alucard can control the minds of people weaker than him, making them follow simple or complex commands.

Ultimate regeneration:

Alucard can regenerate from serious damage, such as decapitation, dismemberment, and incineration. When he suffers serious damage, his body turns into a shadow-like substance and reconstitutes itself.


Ability to pass through solid objects.

Shadow Manipulation:

the ability to manipulate shadows into physical forms for various uses.

Change of form:

Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into various forms, including bats, insects, snakes, etc. , amorphous darkness and other human forms.


The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul, along with the knowledge and memories of them.

Hemokinesis: The ability to manipulate blood, although the ability is limited to blood outside the bodies of living beings



Control Art restriction system:

an ability that allows the user to release the limitations of Alucard's power levels. There are six levels available, and each lower number is stronger than the higher ones. The system upgraded the skill to be many times stronger than the original.