
Monster Idols anon

A snake and a weak human must survive.... Secrets and brutal truths they must overcome. A snake betrayed by humans before must help another human survive! How will they survive in a world together?

ee_Anon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

CH3 The Fusing

Earth XX3-

Thunder Torrance Territory

What is this? And what is this mortal doing with me!

(Italics snake's thoughts)

 The emperor snake struggled so the mortal woman could stop hugging him but the mortal held him closer and started patting his back. As the patting continued the snake felt drowsy he tried curling himself in a circle but he couldn't.

The snake tried focusing on his energy in his sleep and noticed there was latched onto his awakened spirit. It was this bright bubble that was giggling at him.

What a weird thing and what is this sensation when I look at this.

The snake then tried communicating with the giggling entity only for it to latch onto the snake's spiritual body, the snake who felt his energy decreasing tried detaching himself from it.

He felt his awakened spirit had shrunk even more, it was taking some of the spirit and possibly replacing that energy with himself…

Great, this thing is now a part of me. Why am I with this thing in the first place?

As the snake in his new form tried to gather energy he couldn't his cultivation, no matter how much he chanted. He even tried activating the soul orb but no change. When he activated the awakened spirit he just had something in his head.

This weird thing better not mess with me more.

The activation had taken some time the snake did not realize that he was making the mortal body assimilate to the soul energy in a deep slumber.

After two months of the same chants and deep slumber—---

Soon the snake could hear voices.-"Darling Xian is sleeping already he doesn't fuss much."

Who are these people, Darling and Xian?

As the snake focused more on his surroundings he felt some energy from the giggling spirit that was with him. Good it knows to repay me, I'll let you stay here shiny thing.

As the first month that Xian was born went along his mother had noticed something.

"Darling, don't you think Xian is too quiet? I talked with Sister Qiqi and she said her baby used to cry so much the first month was just him crying and sleeping. I even asked my aunts. They say the first month is hard with a newborn, so why is our Xian so quiet for so long… Does he have something wrong?" Maiya, a 25 year old half American half Korean woman who was laying on her bed was worried about her baby who was sleeping in his crib next to his mother.

"Maiya, look.." Her husband pointed to Xian who had opened his eyes to look at them.


"Ah bah"

"Yes Xian"

"Ah ah"

"Maiya why are you so worried, he is our son, he can hear and listen to us. I think we were given a patient baby by god after our trials. And if you think he has a problem we will take him to the doctor in the city ok?

And I think it's time my son and I enjoyed lunch. Right Xian" 

"Ah oh oh"

"Alright come here my cutie, let's feed and change you so I can take pictures of you!"

Maiya was only appeased for a while but soon she realized a pattern with Xian. He would whine when he would need his diaper changed and when he was hungry other than that her baby would just babble in his sleep.

"Hehe this sleepy head" 

He would also sleep alot, so much so Maiya was able finish chores and talking to her mom then find her baby staring up as if he was waiting for someone.

"Come Xian let's play"


 After a few more days of struggling with sleeping, the emperor snake had realized he was not an awakened snake anymore.

I'm a mortal now; a mortal with no cultivation. I have to build up energy to even feel some of my old power.

This tiny mortal is apparently baby Xian. That shiny was probaby his small soul which was fading.

"Maiya look, Xian is talking to me." Then a bearded man picked him up and saw him up close,

Supposedly I am Xian now too. This Emperor saves a poor soul and it latches to me.

I have two mortals who call themselves my mother and father.

They must be mates and I am their offspring: Xian.

Mortals do have a weird connection to their offspring and brethren.

"Xian come here, it's time to drink milk, my baby."

Whenever this mortal woman called me Xian I felt something inside me and my eyes water.

These mortals had even given me a name, whatever.

When the mortal woman came with a big male who had a big beard they both seemed to take turns hugging me.

When will they stop with these embarrassing acts, the woman puts my face in her bosom for milk like some dog. Then the big man cleans my shit, do mortals always do these acts for babies?

I wanna look at my lair now but this useless tiny body can't do anything. The most I can do is shake my limbs and scream, my clones were better than this.

This mortal woman has even given me weird things that jingle and that show images on a small thing as if a mirage.

This world seems interesting.

~~As Xian's next month with his parents went by~~

"Have you heard Miya has an angel baby!"

"What do you mean angel baby?"

A group of aunties outside Xian's house were gossiping.

"Have you heard her cry or complain about her baby? My daughter who went to talk to her after her confinement was done saw how Maiya was relaxed with her baby. He barely cries and whines for food or nothing else."

"Oh dear I must see this angel baby!"

"What are you thinking about Miya, you know how fierce Matthew Chen is, he barely let Maiya and her friends meet. You think he will let us in and think we should just wait it out. The baby hasn't even had his first welcome party yet. When they do it then we should go with the excuse to celebrate that and see if rumors are true."

"Quit wasting time on rumors and doing nonsense things, so what if Miya has a gentle baby you should congratulate her instead of investigating her child. Noisy woman"

 A big man at the height of 6 '4 was talking to the nosy gossiping women who were talking about his nephew and sister in law. He was Zhanshi Chen, another fierce man of the Chen family who was here to see his nephew for the first time.

Once the group saw that Zhanshi had arrived they ran away, 

Zhanshi grunted and headed inside the two story house belonging to his brother.


"Ah Xian look who's finally here to see you, meet your uncle Zhanshi my little brother."

Zhanshi was stunned when he saw his older brother act like a fool with Miya a few times but him cooing at Xian really changed his brother's image.

That's when he focused on the baby in his brother's arm a 3 month old baby in a blue cloth with a green suit on.

"Why is he still so tiny…?"


"What it's true Nathaniel wasn't even so tiny!"

"Don't worry my boy your uncle is saying nonsense, you're growing so big already. You can even wiggle on your back I know." 

Zhanshi was baffled that his brother was comforting a baby and then he heard Xian laugh..

"That's my Xian!" The loving father planted a kiss on the baby's cheek.

—To be continued—

Changes are done--

Hoped you enjoy the edited chapter :)

ee_Anoncreators' thoughts