
Monster Idols anon

A snake and a weak human must survive.... Secrets and brutal truths they must overcome. A snake betrayed by humans before must help another human survive! How will they survive in a world together?

ee_Anon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch4 Bonding with A New Mortal

 Chapter 4

"Wanna hold him?" 

"Matthew what are you doing?! Oh hello Zhanshi you're back from your duty. Come come, you must wanna meet the new guest, Xian look your little uncle is here, I think your older brother will be coming here as well." Miya greeted Zhanshi as she got out of their kitchen.

"Ah ah" 

"Yes Xian" 

The little baby pointed at Zhanshi as the man came out of the bathroom.

"You want uncle to pick you up huh, what about Mama Xian, you're leaving me alone." Miya said with a tensed face.

I may as well leave you, think I am not your brethren. I don't feel hurt but what about your son, woman.

Don't say that about Mama.

Shut up idiot, she thinks you're someone else's son.


Curse whatever celestial being that put me in your body!

Don't say that brother.

Who's your brother, I've taken your body.

After you saved me.

Cheeky brat.

"C'mere my nephew! Hyung, is everyone coming for the celebration, it's almost here."

"Yeah my Captain and his kids are coming, so is Dad. From Miya's side it's her siblings and her colleagues."

"Dad's coming out of the workshop?"

"He surprised me too, I guess the photo Miya sent him made it too hard for him to resist Xian."

"I wouldn't be surprised look at how this boy has changed you. Dad will even want to stick to Xian the whole time."

Zhanshi cooed as he took Xian from Matthew.

As he looked closer to Xian the little baby had a cute face but the eyes were different, he tried to look closer. 

"Hyung, come here!"

"What Zhanshi? Did something to Xian?"

"Look at his eyes."

"What's the problem with his eyes?!"

As Matthew took the baby to the light, Xian's eye shifted from brown to red when Zhanshi held him..

"Wha… How? His eyes were brown, how is it?"

"Are you sure they weren't red from the start… "

"No look, we had photos from before, let me get them here, entertain him while I get them."

Zhanshi was cradling the baby as he watched the baby hold out his hand and waved at him.

"Yes Xian, are you missing your Dad, he's coming one second."

Looks like the effects are setting in.


 I am an awakener and since I took over a mortal body changes are made to the body so some energy is at hand.

But I thought mortals are weak?

They are, the mortals from the Spirit Overlands haven't had many techniques to Transcedial Realm and when some did make it to Emperor or Saint awakener level they were hunted.

So now what erm great snake,,,

I will live with you for the rest of your life..Your soul was leaving your body but then it settled in my awakened spirit. My awakened spirit is anchoring you down and giving you energy.

You really saved me!

Yeah I did.

"Uwa wa wa"

"Here come back to Dad Xian"

Let's see how they react to the eye change now that the "uncle" saw it.

Why did it happen now?

You're well er we are very excited so I guess it pushed a little more energy to the eyes right now.

"Hyung looks like his eyes are not red in the photos."

"Uhhhh Maiya"

"What happened, why did you call me! Do I need to change Xian's diaper again?"

"Did you know Xian's eyes are red?"

"No, I just thought they were light brown?" 

"Come look at him and his photos."

"Oh dear, how did we miss this? At the hospital when they gave me Xian he hadn't opened his eyes and was just sleeping, remember."

"We have a very special baby babe!"

"What happened what special baby –"

"It's red eyes. Just red eyes sister in law, what's the matter with that?"

"No one in our family has red eyes, not even mine!"

"It's fine babe they're just a different color nothing else."

" No it's not fine. I knew I should have taken him back to the doctor for his different behavior now his eye color is even different. What if he's not my baby, not only is his looks are different from me–"

"What do you mean you took him earlier and not yours!?" A loud voice asked Maiya in a threatening tone.

Now who is this mortal and why does she scare them?

She must be a grandmother.


That's my father's mom.

How did you know?

When I was in the bubble she used to read me books and talk to me alot.

Right humans have their offspring attached in them for the first months.

She doesn't think you are hers when you were literally carried by her for months,, hmph foolish mortals. I would never do that to my blood. Whatever more information you would like to share now that your consciousness is awake?

We are in some territory. It is on Earth and this is the year 2533. My mother is Miya de Luc and she eloped with my father Matthew Chen, one of the Chen Brothers. Father, uncles and grandpa are space soldiers.

Space soldiers?


Well this planet is interesting, we both will learn more later let's watch what happens to Dear Mama.

"Mother, why are you here?"

"You fool I may be mad at you and your wife for eloping but that doesn't mean I will miss out on my grandson's life! Now what happened to him, let me see."

The impressive woman who stood at 5 '7 even at the age 60 was Vivian Chen, the Chen Brothers strict mother.

Zhanshi and Matthew brought their mother to the kitchen as they took her bags. She came to the living room and opened her arms for Xian.

Let's see what they do to us.


"I will introduce Xian Chan born on June 3 at 2533 5.9 pounds. 

Mother he barely cries and doesn't act like other babies."


"That's it Miya?"


"Are you serious Maiya, we live in the 25th Century just cause your baby acts different from other babies you think he is not yours! What if his eyes are just a mutation that's why he looks like that. Other than that, he doesn't look like my Matthew."

"I'm sorry" Miya hung her head down as she looked at Xian who was in his grandmother's arms. 

These mortals are very soft, she doesn't even know I a monster am in this body

"Do not say sorry to me, say it Matthew and care for your baby properly. I will stay with you guys just so Xian is properly taken care of. Hmph people are saying god has given you an angel baby and look at how you think of him. He was born during the year of the Snake and he's supposed to have good luck but look not only was he born small but he has you. "


"Be quiet Matthew this is why I didn't want some spoiled princess in our family she can't—"


I better make a fuss or the mother might actually leave.

Xian started crying alot in his grandmother's arms for a long time. Even as Grandma Vivian patted the baby on the back he wouldn't stop crying. The older woman waited for Miya to take the baby from her but she didn't do anything.

Then Matthew picked him up, started to rock him and put him in a baby bouncer machine.

"If you want to fight, do it outside, don't do it in front of Xian. He is my innocent son."

The minute he said that, Xian smiled at him and laughed. 

"He's laughing at you brother."

"I know, Xian knows Dad's with him." Matthew said with tears going down his face.

They're brat, I reassured your father now let your grandmother take care of your mother so she treats us better. The most she has tried is just giving toys and milk then she runs away with a sad face.

Mama, I'm sorry for being bron weak.

Haah, I'll act a little more like a mortal from now for you little twerp.

It's not your fault brother, I need your energy anf you came to my weak body so it made you weaker. It's my fault for hurting—

Shut up twerp we both needed rest that's all your mother couldn't understand that, grandma will make her understand now we drink milk and sleep. 




Things are getting a little complicated....

It gets even better in the next chapter (~_^)

Thank you for waiting....

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