
Monster Idols anon

A snake and a weak human must survive.... Secrets and brutal truths they must overcome. A snake betrayed by humans before must help another human survive! How will they survive in a world together?

ee_Anon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

CH2 A True Beast Awakening

At Geraid's lair

Geraid who woke up from his sleep from pain was rushing for his supplies to find Kani. He stumbled around to find his scepter.

"Kani, Kani.." The more of this deep pain he felt the more madder he was becoming.

Then a reddish human appeared in front of him.

"Hello Geraid" The reddish human spoke.

"W-o aare yoouu aand wy…" Geraid stumbled and was on his knees holding his knees.

"Ssshh my foolish human the pact spell is active, the pain is just starting."

For a long time the snake had watched Geraid suffer from pain as he went over their memories in his head.

He believed just because I was a snake he found, I would always do what he wants. I the Great King survived my trials alone and even guarded you from dangers for taking me in. You only saw me as a thing to use; well "this thing" will put an end to you.

The snake was just about to stab Geraid when he heard a message play on the orb.


"Geraid, mage Geraid where is Kani. The Great Saint is asking for his daughter. She has not contacted us other than the meeting 3 days ago where she would get your snake's soul. Please let us know what happened. We will come to you soon."

A battle is starting, the red human smirked.

"I suppressed my blood thirst with things as I hunted for you. And now humans will come crawling here to satisfy my thirst. Thank you foolish cuckold."

The snake slashed down and Geraid the human who had was already a thin man with madness turned to dust.

I couldn't eat these disgusting pests. The other human trackers will just be my next meal.



A month later in Spirit Guild Gathering Center

Rumor was snakes had overtaken Geraid the great mages lair because he didn't respect the familiar pact.

Geraid and his party were eaten by the snake king.

Other spirit awakeners weren't sad for Geraid and his party.

Kani was known for not respecting the rules. Yes she was a rebel to rules but that woman was even breaking pacts so they only felt it was ironic she was eaten by as a snake who had been betrayed by a pact.

Soon the public was outraged when saint followers and hunters were eaten by the beast.

Yesterday a research team who had come from the lair only returned with the tanker and healer of the team. The two last people had explained how other snakes was around the Great Base, it had become a place for strong snakes to mate now.

The amount of humans who went there had allowed snakes to make new snakes which were Demon Snakes.

SS-class hunters were being sent along with the Saint to destroy the enraged beast and the other snakes before it became a Demon Beast.

 ~~~At the lair ~~~~

Look at them frolicking; they must be happy with the great prey that's coming this way.

I only called them to protect me and they completely annihilated the awakeners, I guess these new awakeners are weak.

The Emperor Awakeners are so much better than these pests.


The Great Beast noticed the noise came from where the smaller snakes were at edge of the lair.

The small snakes seem to have taken a lot of the new party, armor was underneath their scales and dragging marks were seen to the side of the snake.

"YOU beasts have eaten Captain! HOW dare you, I will make you into mince meat."

Just as the king snake was about to send poison to the awakener with yellow armor he was attacked by another snake.

"Please mercy, stop, we will not attack anymore please give us our comrades!" A saint follower had come out after he had seen the Saint run away leaving them with these monsters.

"Well you should know what was going to happen to you the minute you hunted one of us. You came into our territory and attacked me their king, what do you think will happen." The great snake spoke back as he came to the front and the awakeners finally saw him.

The Spirit Beast was only seen by other nation attackers or guild enemies. None of these people had actually seen The Great King of Mon Snake.

"We are sorry we angered you great beast, please we lay down all weapons and soul promise to leave you alone. We will even tell the guild not to attack and suppress them, let us leave first." A young healer who was a female healer bowed and asked earnestly.


"I will let you leave but know any other human or spirit awakeners will be eaten by my brethren, soul promise and leave."

As the guild members and some saint followers did the soul promise the Snake King felt an energy surge towards them.

"You bastards! How dare you surrender, now you will die with them." The Saint who was with the group chanted a Life spell that used all his energy for another spell to make it stronger which was Meteor Ball.

My brethren, no soul bead ; protection activate.

A circle encased the snakes in the lair. The Saint fell down due to using all his energy; some Saint followers who had not taken the promise tried attacking the snakes outside but were thrown to the side as the snakes slithered around the circle.


Then red armor knights flew from the sky, "Red Raider Guild is here, we're dead" a awakener with a S badge and hunter emblem yelled.

"No we aren't" The snake king said.

The big snake had transformed into his red human skin to go out and fight. The other snakes even some wit eggs had tangled their tails to stop the king from leaving.

He spoke in snake tongue,

"I must go or we all die, I am your king and to protect you now is my role after I called you here. Now tell your mates to hide. And, run when the field is clear."


The snake king red human went out made 50 clones and took care of the enemies. They attacked his clones but these clones were strong and resilient and killed the knights after putting poison on their scales and using bone swords.

Once the shield was taken the party left and the Snake King leaded his brethren to a secret island.



 ``````````Secret Island```````

 He passed a mark on some snakes telling them when times come some of them will be in the next trial.

The trials may save your lives next time.

Now I must cultivate more before more dangers come.

He proceeded to protect the island until he was leveled up to Emperor Snake when bright red blames were coming from the sky attacking all Spirit Continent.

The Emperor Snake used his Soul Bead then told the Mon snakes and the others to hide deep in the ground.

The fire from the skies had gone for long and it got to the point the land above the shield was gone, and the snakes were squished down.

Soon the Emperor Snake had used all his power when the shield broke down and the snake emperor laid on top of the pit to protect them.

I sense danger

A few small orbs were in holes near the pit and were covered in smoke.

Then the orbs opened and black figures looking like orcs crawled out to attack the Emperor Snake.

The Emperor Snake bit a few and threw them in the pit to be taken care of by the strong snakes on the top.

He continued biting until energy was back in to make some clones which took care most of the orcs. Some orcs who were on the side had started regenerating and came to attack them.

So he made sure to rip off the ligaments of these dark strong orcs then threw them in the pit.

He ordered the snakes to eat them to make sure they were dead.

"Poison field" The emperor snake casted on the orbs and ground, soon whatever orcs spawned or came out of the hole was corroded.

These small fry have been taken care of and he let the other snakes know.

The Emperor Snake who had fought all these disasters was making rounds around the island when more orbs came from the sky. These demon orcs must be planning to take the whole planet and everything. He signaled everyone to get in a new hole and started another shield.

But then he thought what if these guys continue until everything on this planet is gone.

He looked at all the snakes and the eggs at the bottom that were nestled by the smallest of snakes. I will ensure they leave, he chanted for a long time even when most of the shield was gone he laid himself on top to protect the others.

After months of chanting and their last deep hole on the island was opened by even bigger Demon orcs the emperor then yelled Activate and sent all of his brethren to another planet.

He used so much energy; he felt his awakened spirit and soul orb shatter. Emperor Snake had chanted that all of them be sent so far that the snakes were sent to the whole universe and landed on a orbit.

Once the last chant was given to the spell, the Emperor Snake fell down to the hole he spat out his poison so for a while he could fight these Demon orcs.

Then once the poison was gone he slithered out and ate a few orcs regaining energy. Then he realized the island had seemed to have gotten bigger and he could see a dozen more orbs.

'I was right, they're here to take everything.'

Once the Emperor Snake had scanned the area he recalled the new orbs that looked even bigger than the rest.


When the new orb was opened, a creature that looked like a strong dragon had come out.

When the dragon came out it went immediately to the red and black snake to chew on it. The emperor's snake sensing the danger made clones run away.

The emperor snake had gotten near the ocean when the dragon came to chase him again after dealing with the fakes. He was being dragged when a small shark jumped out to bite the dragon.

This dragon shot out acid breath that made the shark melt down.

"I will die if I don't do something."

The snake chanted using whatever was left and what the trial Ascenders had kept in their minds to hopefully run away.

This chant was...



(a secret to a cheating system in another world)




It was actually a portal to another world, but the minute the Emperor snake had chanted this all his energy left and dragon acid had melted some of his body.


And then the emperor snake disappeared from the Spirit Overlands.

As he was being teleported his awakened spirit had shattered but his soul orb had a few cracks in it.

The emperor snake was being teleported so far by the time he had gotten there he had slept a long nap.

The emperor snake who woke up once feeling the teleportation to end, tried moving but he couldn't feel his snake body.

Rather he felt like he was in his red human form what had happened.

To be continued…..

Here is the begining of the fusing btw the next chapter will be taking place in a different world era some things are same some are not.

Enjoy and bye~~

ee_Anoncreators' thoughts