
Monster Above Other Monsters

Anon, previosly known as #01, is a remarkable person with psychic abilities. However, having been grown in a strict lab environment, he's developed an anti-social personality. Things recently changed for him, and his parents arranged for him to be sent to a highschool. Yet, this school isn't your typical highschool. It's a school for monsters and other inhuman races. How will Anon fare in this new life?

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
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7 Chs


I sat up in my bed and stared at the doorway. Blurry numbers could be seen through the wall, in the 4 digits.

Someone strong just showed up, was it that girl eyeing me earlier. No, her battle power was in the 5-digits.

The door flung open as someone kicked it open rather rudely.

"Sheesh, what a day. That crazy bastard got me good..." The person muttered.

As the figure stepped into the doorway, I was taken aback to find it was Faolan.

"You!" We both exclaimed simultaneously.

Faolan was the first to follow up. "The hell you doing in my room?! You stalking me now?!"

I fired back. "I should be asking you that question?! This is my room! I even have the papers to prove it."

"Alright show em' to me!"

I handed him the paperwork that the receptionist gave to me.

He looked it intently. His expression had fell into one defeat and he handed me the paper.

"See!? It's my room."

"Read the paperwork again," Faolan muttered.

What? Read it again? Why should I? I already know this is my room.

"Fine, I'll humor you," I said as I looked over the paper.

That's when it hit me. I hadn't see it before because my thumb had been covering it.

"Due to lack of sufficient space, you've been placed in the roommates program."

Wait...then that means we're...roommates.

(3 Minutes Later of Awkward Silence)

"So~what do you do for fun?" I asked to Faolan from the bottom bunk.

"Huh? What kind of question is that?" He replied cynically.

He's right, stupid question. "I don't know."

"Whatever, I'm gonna hit the shower."

Faolan jumped down from the top bunk, grabbed some clothes from a nearby dresser, and went to the bathroom, slamming the door behind himself.

Guess I'll take a nap, although my roommate may try to kill me in my sleep.

I stared at the top bunk until I faded into darkness.

Whenever I went to sleep and had dreams, I always had the ability to freely control them without fail: Lucid Dreaming.

That's why, when I couldn't move, I knew something was wrong.

I woke up in to a dark room, but my body was restrained.

I could feel that I wasn't alone, but the other prescence wasn't Faolan.

I looked off the doorway and saw crimson red orbs floating. Eyes?The orbs moved closer as if swaying.

As they came closer into the view, their owner did as well.

It was Estelle, she looked at me hungrily. She licked her lips and climbed on top of me.

Leaning in closer and closer to my neck, she began sniffing me.

He body jolted upward as she held herself.

"Such a divine scent, I knew you were special! Oh, I can't wait to taste you!"

I looked up at her crazed, lustful expression and internally cringed. Her opened mouth displayed abnormally sharp canines, which seemed to be rearing to dig into me.

Yeah, like I'm going to let that happened. Using psychokinesis, I forced my body to move. It felt like something was resisting, still trying to restrain me, but I eventually broke through.

The heavy burden lifted with just a bit of force. Was that magic?

I pushed her off of me and onto the floor; I stood up from the bed, looking down at her.

"What brings you to my room in the middle of the night?" I asked sarcastically.

"W-wha? You shouldn't be able to move!" She exclaimed.

"Answer the question," I demanded.

"Isn't it obvious? Don't you understand how fortunate you are, boys are usually lucky to even receive my touch!" She screamed at me.


"Just lay back down, and I'll forgive your transgression. Just one bite, that's all I ask. I promise it'll feel good." Estelle urged.

"Who would want your touch?" I replied coldly.

Estelle was visibly shaken.

"E-excuse me? I-I don't think I heard-"

I sighed. "Are you deaf or something? I said, who would want your touch? Get out."

I snapped my fingers and teleported her to the girl's dormitory.

It's too late at night to have to deal with trash. Who would have thought that she was crazy?

Whatever sleep's overated. I can just charge my body manually.

Wait, where's Faolan?

(Estelle's Perspective)

"Who would want your touch?"

Those words echoed throughout my head, each reverb knocking something out of it's place.

I am Estelle Scarlet Erickson, daughter of an esteemed noble vampire and world's most gorgeous succubus.

It's only natural that I would be born a superior being to everyone else.

All my life, I have been praised and worshipped for my beauty, intelligence, and noble prestige.

All of the girls at school either wanted to be me, or be with me. I even had boys and teachers bending over backwards just to appease me.

Never has anyone dared to disrespect or reject me. It's unthinkable! But that insolent fool did just that.

It's...it's so...envigorating~!

No one has ever made me feel this way! This rush, this tension, it's elating! My hearts fluttering.

Anon, I'll make you mine! Afterall, I always get what I want.

(Back to Anon)

*ACHOO!* *Sniff* *Sniff*

"I just got the chills, are my allergies acting up again?"

I turned the lights on and found that Faolan was nowhere in sight.

Where is he? It's mandatory that all students be in their rooms by 11:00AM. I searched the building using clairvoyance.

He wasn't inside, but I did manage to find him on the roof. He was just staring up at the moon.

I remember studying that wolves have a tendency to howl at the moon, maybe that's what he's doing.

Anyway, I can't go back to sleep. Might as well join him. I teleported to the rooftop and just layed down on the structure that covered the stairway.

A lot's happened to me today. I enrolled at a school of monsters, made my first friend, got into a fight, and almost got sexually assualted by someone I've never even met. Inspite of the craziness, I guess I feel happy.

It occured to me that I've never physically been outside like this while I stared up at the moon.

In a strange sort of way, I felt more free than I have ever been. So what's this suffocating feeling I still feel?

I put my hands in front of my face and looked at the inhibitors on my wrists.

"If I took these off, would I truly be free? Am I really that much of a danger to the world that I qualify as a monster?" I said out loud to no one in particular.

No, maybe I'm just bored and I was left alone with my thoughts for too long.

"Who's there!?" Faolan yelled out at me.

I stood up to reveal myself. "It's just me."

"What's a guy like you doing out here so late at night?" He asked jokingly.

I shrugged my shoulders and threw my hands up. "Got bored, couldn't sleep I guess."

"Pft. Same, maybe you should check out the nearby forest if your so bored." Faolan suggest.

"What so great about the forest?"

"You're from the human world right, I bet there's plenty of things you haven't seen yet."

He's right. I've ever seen a fraction of what life has to offer.

"Good point, I'll check it out."

I used psychokinesis to make myself fly. I flew at sub-sonic speeds to the direction of the tree line the mysterious surrounded the school with no obvious opening.

I flew below the speed of sound as to not break the sound barrier and alert anyone. I also didn't teleport because I enjoy flying.

I would always do it in the labratory whenever I got the chance, but mom would always reprimand me.

There's just something so liberating about denying gravity the right to pull you down.