
Monster Above Other Monsters

Anon, previosly known as #01, is a remarkable person with psychic abilities. However, having been grown in a strict lab environment, he's developed an anti-social personality. Things recently changed for him, and his parents arranged for him to be sent to a highschool. Yet, this school isn't your typical highschool. It's a school for monsters and other inhuman races. How will Anon fare in this new life?

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Iseshi and I went back to just relaxing beside each other on the rooftop. There's just one problem though, why is Faolan still here?

Out of my peripheral I could see him staring at me curiously. His strange behavior was interupted by the distinct ringing sound of Iseshi's wrist watch.

Iseshi perked up. "Welp, guess it's time to head back to class."

I teleported the three of us into the school. We appeared in an oncoming crowd, so no one suspected a thing.

Iseshi was caught by surprise, but Faolan didn't seemed phased by it. Strange, he must be accustomed to interdimensional travel.

We started walking back to our homeroom. Huh? Faolan's not moving. I waved my hand in front of his face, then snapped my fingers.

He blinked before responding to the visual stimuli. "Hey guys, weren't we just on-"

I closed his mouth with telekinesis and told him everything via telepathy. Faolan nodded and started following us.

Upon opening the door to homeroom, we we're immediately met by everybody's gaze. Yet when we gazed back, they all turned their attention away.

Hushed tones could be heard all around.

"He's still alive!"

"Iseshi didn't eat him."

"Holy crap, what are they doing with Faolan?

We all walked over to our respective seats and prepared for the next lesson.

I noticed something even more peculiar than their comments however. I could see numbers above all of the students.

1254...3245...2343. The average battle power in this classroom is actually relatively low compared to those like Iseshi and Faolan.

"That's reassuring," I thought to myself.

"Don't underestimate them, some monsters are able to supress their power just the same as you" Faolan advised.

"I'll keep that in mind," I acknowledged.

Suddenly, I felt a strange sensantion course throughout my body. It's like I was being influenced to look in a specific direction by an unseen force.

I turned my head in the direction of the entrance to the room.

Blurry numbers could be seen on the other side of the door...then it slid open.

The numbers came into focus little by little until they finally revealed their true value. A battle power of 14,788...

The owner of this BP was a girl with bleach white hair. Her figure was gorgeous, and her crimson red eyes acted in stark contrast to her hair.

It seemed like her very being was made to be beautiful. I'm sure I would have noticed this person when I first showed up, meaning they weren't around before.

"Our queen is back." Someone whispered cheerfully.

"I literally can't get over how pretty she is."

"It must be so nice to be born from a vampire and a succubus."

Vampire and Succubus? So that's what she is...

She walked over to the desk behind me and took a seat. Many of the female students gathered around her, in turn, gathering around me.

I couldn't really focus, so I just put my head down in my arms.

"Estelle, what do you think of my hair, I tried that shampoo you suggested?"

Estelle must be the name of the girl sitting behind me.

"Oh, well, it's quite lovely." Estelle replied.

"No fair, I was gonna ask her that!"

"Eh?! No you weren't! You didn't even do anything with your hair!"

The classroom erupted in a cacophony of annoying bickering. Class should start pretty soon.

"Everyone to their seats please!" Ms. Sheila announced.

Pretty soon class was in session. The lesson wasn't all that interesting. It was just a physics lesson, but physics don't really matter much when you can freely manipulate it.

When class ended, Ms. Sheila made another announcement.

"I need a male volunteer to help Anon get situated in the male student dormitory. Anyone up for the task?"

Faolan raised his hand when no one else did.

"This new student just keeps getting more and more unlikely."

"I kind of feel bad."

"Couldn't be me."

This school really knows how to give a person anxiety.

Ms. Sheila was surprised by Faolan's agreeableness. "Um-thank you Faolan. I'll leave Anon in your hands then. Alright class, you may leave now."

Students began leaving one by one, group by group until there was only a handful left.

Faolan and Iseshi walked over to me.

"Ready to go?" Faolan asked.

I stood up, grabbing my bag. "Yeah, let's get out of here."

We all made our way out of the classroom and down the hall. I could feel people's watchful eyes on us, but only one gaze really unsettled me.

Using clairvoyance, I was a bit shocked to see that it was Estelle. She gave off the impression of a starving predator, but she was otherwise acting completely normal in her social clique.

I could have sworn she licked her lips at me, I hope that was an hallucination.

It rubbed me the wrong way, so I started walking faster. I already knew the direction to the dorms, so it's not like I would get lost. Iseshi and Faolan picked up on this and started walking faster as well.

Iseshi leaned in. "What's up? Why'd you speed up?"

"Someone's preying on me," I muttered.

"What? Who?"

I decided to lie as to not start anything. "Not sure, let's not talk about it anymore."


"No buts, let's just get out of here." I said.

Iseshi silently pouted, but Faolan remained silent. I could sort of tell that he already knew.

Eventually we left the main school building, but the feeling of unease never left until we reached the dorms.

Iseshi stopped once Faolan and I walked past the male dormitory gates. Right, I forgot. The only exception for females are members of staff to be on male dorm property.

"I guess this is where we say goodbye."

"Yeah, but just for today. Goodnight Iseshi."

"Goodnight Anon," Iseshi said.

Iseshi smiled warmly before turning to walk toward the female dormitory.

Faolan and I approached the large industrial looking building.

"So what's the deal with you and her?" Faolan asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in return.

"Nah, nevermind. Forget I asked."

It was a weird question on Faolan's part, but I didn't want to pry so I brushed it off.

We stepped inside the building and approached the front desk.

"Just ask the receptionist for your room number and give her your ID, I'll wait over here if you need help." Faolan said as he plopped down in one of couches placed in the lobby.

The whole verification process took about 10 minutes.

Faolan was staring up at the cieling with a magazine over his face and his feet up on a table.

"I'm all done," I informed him.

"It's about time. Welp, see ya around new kid." Faolan said as he walked off to a nearby elevator.

This confirmation paper says my room is on the 4th floor, room 326. I don't feel like walking or taking the elevator.

I settled for teleportation, and made my way into my room.

It looked pretty decent. There was one large window on the far left of the room, a bunk bed, a bathroom, mini-fridge, and you get the idea.

It had almost everything I had seen on my little escapades back at the lab. (And on the internet)

Funny enough, I've never used any of these things, although I really want to try a bed.

My parents made my sleep in a hybrid incubation sensory deprivation tank.

I carefully climbed into the bottom bunk, testing the integrity of the mattress.

I then slowly layed myself down on my back. Strange, it's soft, yet firm, I like it.

As I was beginning to relax, suddenly, I heard the sound of the door to my room unlocking.