
Monster Above Other Monsters

Anon, previosly known as #01, is a remarkable person with psychic abilities. However, having been grown in a strict lab environment, he's developed an anti-social personality. Things recently changed for him, and his parents arranged for him to be sent to a highschool. Yet, this school isn't your typical highschool. It's a school for monsters and other inhuman races. How will Anon fare in this new life?

AgileTrickster · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Forest Escapade

After flying to the tree line, I lowered myself below the tree-tops and began gliding through the forest.

It was dark, but the moonlight shinned at just the perfect angle, illuminating the midnight forest with a beautiful radiance.

The forest was relatively quiet, but I could hear the occasional sound of animals.

I lowered myself to the ground so that I could walk, but when I did, something incredible happened.

The forest floor lit up on with every color of the visible light spectrum and more.

The light was in the form of various patterns. When the light began to rise, that's when I noticed that the artwork was the doing of various insects.

The insects scattered everywhere, creating a vortex of light around me.

The vortex swirled fiercly until all of the bugs were gone.

"Cool~!" I exclaimed.

I've never seen anything like that. I continued through the forest for about 30 minutes searching for more excitement.

So many things that I thought impossible, proven possible in front of me. And that's coming from a guy who can mess with the laws of physics (kind of).

Looking all around myself, I noticed something strange. There were small, blurry, green symbols floating off in the distance.

It's kind of strange how battle powers can pertrude through objects, but I guess it's helpful.

By now, I knew what that meant. There are other people in this forest.

Needless to say, in my state of intensified curiosity, I went over to investigate.

As I drew closer, the distict sound of an intense scuffle became more clear. The battle powers were also fluxuating like crazy and dashing all over my field of vision.

I peered through a row of trees and noticed two people fighting in a clearing. They had a humanoid appearence, but were clearly not humans. BPs of 13,451 and 12,987.

Something about them was familiar though, maybe I had seem them at school in their human forms.

By adjusting my vision and hearing, I could see and interpret details more closely.

One looked like a girl with tiger-like features. Black and orange striped tail, yellow cat eyes, and paws for hands and feet. The other seemed tall, fairly toned, had pale white skin, and jet black hair.

Her eyes were a piercing red, like...Estelle. Remebering her made me shiver. Maybe I should tell somebody at some point...

She had her hands wrapped in bandages, like some sort of boxer too.

After some pretty high speed combat, they both stopped to catch their breath after forcibly clashing and breaking apart.

Their clothes were torn and they were visibly exhausted.

The tiger-girl was the first to speak, although her breathing was labored. "Your...defense...never ceases to amaze me Prestilla."

The boxer-girl, Prestilla, according to tiger-girl, laughed in response. "You flatter me. Besides, we both know you're holding back your true offensive capabilities Mizuki."

So Mizuki's the tiger, and Prestilla's what I assume to be a vampire.

Mizuki lowered herself to the ground in response to this. "Guess I should go all out then, ready for round two?"

"Ready as I'll ever-" Prestilla stopped short and looked around.

Her bright-red eyes settled my general area.

Uh-oh, stinky...

"Why'd ya go quiet all of a sudden, scared? Mizuki asked as she stood up.

"Someone's watching us..." Prestilla trailed off.

"Let 'em, it's not like they're doing anything," Mizuki insisted.

"But what if they are? They could be waiting to pounce at any moment." Prestilla argued.

"I guess you're right," Mizuki shrugged.

I should probably get out of here, but a part of me wants to stay.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to reveal yourself creeper, otherwise I'll drag you out by force." Prestilla yelled at me.

I wonder how she noticed me. Maybe I didn't supress my battle power enough.

"10...9...8...7," Prestilla counted down as she and Mizuki approached my hiding spot.

Probably best to reveal myself, it would only make for awkward interactions in the future if I continued to hide.

I squeezed through the trees and stood in front of their gorgeous figures.

"You got me," I put my hands up.

"What did you hope to accomplish by hiding?" Prestilla interrogated.

"I got interested in your fight and didn't want to disrupt your fight." I protested.

"Well, his body didn't lie, he's telling the truth." Mizuki stated.

"Yeah, but it could be a fluke. Why are you out here so late at night?" Prestilla asked.

"Got bored," I shrugged my shoulders.

Mizuki clapped her paws together. "Wow, another truth."

Prestilla rolled her eyes. "Alright final question...did you have any intentions of attacking either one of us."

"Nope," I replied.

"100% the truth," Mizuki announced.

Prestilla scratched her head. "If Mizuki's says it's true, then it's true. Sorry for suspecting you. So what kind of monster are you Creeper?"

Shoot! If they can detect lies, then I can't say I'm a demon.


"Look if it makes you more comfortable, I'm a vampire and she's a were-tiger," Prestilla said, pointing at Mizuki.

If I use Biokinesis, I can control my internal process and conceal my lie. It's my only option.

"I'm a demon of sorts," I said.

Mizuki's left ear twitched in reponse and she tilted her head a little.

Prestilla broke out laughing. "A demon!? With that battle power?! It's in the 3-digits!"

She continued laughing. I personally felt embarrased.

I-I think I might die if this keep up.

"I believe him," Mizuki stated.

Prestilla stopped laughing and expressed visible confusion. "Huh? You can't be serious."

"Why not, maybe he has so much control over his power that the amulet doesn't fully register it." Mizuki suggested.

Prestilla crossed her arms. "Fine, prove that you're a demon."

I strengthened my body a considerable deal while standing still. I also kicked up a bit of dust and red lightning for added effect.

Prestilla and Mizuki were taken aback.

"A battle power of 18,569?!" Prestilla babbled.

Maybe I raised it too high.

"There, is that enough," I said.

Mizuki's eyes were wide open and her tail was standing straight up. Prestilla looked anxious.

"Not bad, you're pretty strong. I'll believe you for now." Prestilla admitted.

Mizuki's tail was swaying curiously. "Yeah, that really surprised me. Just who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Anon, a new student at Irinera. Nice to meet you."

"Uh, right. You probably already know our names, but I'm Prestilla."

"And I'm Mizuki."

"So, were you two fighting? From looking at it, it kind of seemed like playing." I asked.

I don't think I've ever played with anyone before. Although I've always wanted to, especially ever since I saw the world for myself. I know it sounds childish, but it's true.

Prestilla's red complexion turned red. "We weren't playing, we were training."

"Although it's kind of like playing. Whenever someone makes open contact, they get a point, like tag-or dodgeball." Mizuki explained.

I don't know what either of those things are. "Can I play?!" I gushed out.

"It's not playing!"

"Sure, why not? But there are some rules: no magic, no intentionally injuring others, no face touching, and remember to be polite. Those are our terms for playing."

So I should probably obstain from using emiter type psychic abilities.

Pristella grew more and more red everytime someone refers to training as playing. I didn't know people could get that red, especially vampires.

Mizuki's face suddenly got serious. "However, your BP is considerably higher than ours individually. So, why don't we do a 2 on 1?"

2 on 1. I know what that is. I was usually always the 1.

"Alright, I'll agree to that." I said.

Mizuki and Pristella nodded at each before jumping back.

Mizuki was now leering, while lowering herself to the ground. Prestilla took the stance of some martial arts style I had seen somewhere before.

Mizuki yelled out loud before vanishing out of sight. "On your mark, get set, go!"