
Money making system:I get stronger by extending my harem

***From a young age Carter's dream was to have a place of his own especially in this fifth rate country where only the rich rule as supreme. however Carter's fate took a turn when he unlock a self proclaimed system. [ding!!] [money and power system has binded to the host ] ok now for the important details. MILFS PREGNANCY NO YURI HAREM-SLAVES-MONSTER-DRAGON-SUCCUBUS-DEMI-HUMANS-INCEST-VARIOUS RACES-R18-PRINCESS'S-QUEEN'S-LACTATION. MC WILL NOT BE A FOOL NTR? absolutely not so don't worry. MC will not be cucked also the women he'll be sleeping with are those who he deemed worthy . idk if the title made it clear but MC will get stronger so don't expect me to wait until the 400th chapter for him to have something for himself. mc thinks with his brain not his lower head. A/n: I learned a lot from my previous book loved all the support I received hope you all will read this one.

Sshido · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Government Hanes

**Slums~ Government's area**

"Stop right there!" an unknown voice shouted.

"They're finally here," Carter said, sighing in a stressful tone.

"Report your name and purpose of visiting?" a man said, walking towards Carter's direction while being covered in a bulletproof vest.

"I'm here to visit Mr. Hanes," I replied.

"Mmh, okay," the man nodded his head as he glanced around the cart that was neatly tied.

"What's inside the cart?" the man asked.

"It's the rice that I'm supposed to be delivering."

"Uh... okay."

The process was quite long; accompanied by being bombarded with questions, Carter was also searched carefully.

Still, Carter didn't mind as he saw it as the government being concerned about his own safety.

After an hour of questions and investigation, the guard then scooped up a bag of rice and went his way.

"The government and his people are really full of shit," Carter thought to himself.

The government, the soldiers, and the Ministers of their respective categories also did this: they'd bombard Carter with various questions, then they'd rob him of the little he had.

A few minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

It didn't take long for another guard to appear and to lead Carter to the government.


Along the way, Carter was greeted by a familiar sight.

The walls were painted in a light grey, while the sound of the light flickering sounded throughout the hallway.

The sound of footsteps were heard as Carter made his way throughout the hallway.




"Come in," an unfamiliar voice sounded.

The door was then pushed open, granting Carter a small peek inside.

"Stay here," the guard said as he walked into the room.

After a few minutes, Carter was then allowed inside.


"So what's the reason for your sudden visit, Mr. Velhound?" a bald-headed man said.

Carter's eyes trailed over the man's body for a while.

A sigh then escaped his lips.

"I'm here to deliver the amount of rice we agreed on, Mr. Hanes," Carter said with a professional smile.

"Oh... I see," Hanes frowned inwardly.

Carter wasn't oblivious to this, but in fact, he really didn't care.

The government needed his crops; it wasn't him that needed the government, as the government was the one that needed him.

"Mr. Hanes, I'd like to ask, when will the water be delivered to my farm?" Carter inquired.

"Hmmm! Don't worry, Mr. Velhound. After I've checked the goods, I'll make sure that the water will be delivered to your farm," Hanes reassured.


"That's good," Carter nodded.


The two sat silently at the table for a while, no one dared to blink.

Until Hanes did.

"Is there something else I can help you with, Mr. Velhound?" Hanes said in an annoyed tone.

"No," Carter shook his head.

"Then you may leave," Hanes said with a professional smile.

Carter smiled as well; he then got up and glanced around the room that was filled with alcoholic bottles and not paperwork.

"For a government, he sure is nasty," Carter then continued.

"Sigh... it's the same as last time; the bastard would only deliver the moss water to grow the crops but not pay."

Carter felt frustrated.

However, he knew he still had to be grateful; if it wasn't for his fake farm, he's sure he'd probably be picked on a lot.


It wouldn't take a fool know that the government was an two faced bastard.

He'd bashed others about Their wrong doings and in the end he'd end up doing the same shit he was against.

'i hope the rice chokes you to death ' Carter cursed inwardly as he made his way Throughout the slums .

After cursing the government inwardly a bit to vent his frustration Carter then decided visit the slums for any useful information.


Standing atop a tall tree was a girl that seemed to be in her late teens, her blonde hair cascaded down to her waist,her emerald green eye shined in a light hue,The girls body was covered in a black see through material that showed her lewdest parts.

'oh~carter darling ' The girl said as a smile formed on her face, her body shivered due to her impure thoughts.

Suddenly the feeling of The juice of her cunt dripped down her legs.This made her slightly lift up her dress and insert two finger.

'umhuh Carter my darling just hold a bit longer I'll make sure that the old bastard won't bother us anymore' the girl though as her breathing became somewhat unstable.

Placing her hands on her breasts she massaged them while moaning in ecstacy.

The girl glanced down at her wet cunt her face distorted a bit as she touched her cunt.

"Just wait a longer alright mini me.. I'll make sure that you'll have your fill..heheh I'll make him put me upside down and .."




The tree branch cracked, causing the girl to fall over and scrape her ankle a bit.

"Ow... owie, that hurts," the girl cried in pain.

"That's what you get for acting like a weirdo," a voice that the girl found oddly familiar said.

Veins bulged on the girl's forehead as she shouted, "Shut up, you bitch! What do you know about me?"

"I know that you're a stalker who doesn't have the courage to face a little boy."

"I don't need an old Cow like you to tell me what to do," the girl said in an unfriendly tone.

"Gosh! You're so fierce, but oddly enough, you remind me of your mother," the voice said once more, but this time, the person chose to leave their hiding spot.

Shoulder-length blue hair, matching eyes, and, most importantly, the cake.

The woman seemed to be around her late thirties.

The girl rolled her eyes as she stared at the woman's milk jugs with envy.

The woman chuckled as she thought of a way to reassure her friend's daughter.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that once that little crush of yours knows how you feel, I'm sure he'll come to accept you," the woman smiled slightly as her thoughts lingered on a certain boy.

'Seems this little girl has similar taste to her mother,' the woman thought.

"Hmmph, what do you know about my Carter?" Lily said in a sulking tone.

It was clear she was angry.

( pics in discord)

Grace smiled wryly; she knew it was about time she had stopped entertaining this little girl.

Grace then threw something in Lily's direction.

"Catch this."

Lily flawlessly caught what Grace threw at her.

"Don't you find it weird having the sensation of the wind brushing against your..." Grace stopped mid-sentence.

Lily rolled her eyes as she shook her head.

After putting on a pair of panties, the two then left.


At this moment, Carter was on his way home. Coincidentally, he learned that the government had some scanty rumors surfing Throughout The slums .

Not wanting to get caught up he made his way home.


"I'm home," Carter said in a tone only Amelia was able to hear.

Carter then went inside and browsed through the house in search of his wife, Amelia.

After a while, he eventually found her in the kitchen.

Amelia, who was around the stove, stirred whatever was inside the pot slowly. Her movements were slow yet entertaining.

Leaning his shoulder onto the wall for support, Carter stood there as he watched his wife cook. From time to time, her face would beam with enjoyment, yet throughout it all, there was a hint of sadness.

Having watched enough, Carter then went into the hall. He knew it was about time he had styled the house a bit.


[Smart TV Tier 0: 10 GP]

[Couch Tier 0: 7 GP]

[WiFi Tier 1: 24 GP]

[Air conditioner Tier 1: 30 GP]

[Clothing Set Tier 0: 5 GP]

[Bed set Tier 0: 10 GP]

GP: 4

The remaining four GP would be used to purchase food.

The process this time was rather quick considering that most of the products Carter bought were rather light.

After having dinner the two then took a bath together aside from teasing Amelia a bit Carter hadn't done much.

And no he hadn't told Amelia' that she was pregnant Carter preferred for her to find out by herself.

Now the two were cuddling while watching a movie .


The sound of movies and moans filled the room.

Currently carter was having the time of his life by teasing Amelia.

During these two months the two had come to know themselves better .

Amelia could now take all of Carter's cock down her throat and this was all due to their regular training session.

"Husband where did you get all these stuff from?" Amelia' asked while she moaned softly from Carter's touch.

Carter knew it was inevitable that Amelia would ask such a question soon or later however it seems he still had not thought this choice of this through.

"Do you really want to know?" Carter asked

"Yes I do " Amelia nodded as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Well it starts with a- "


Slowly he pressed Amelia under him and planted a small kiss on her lips.

oddly enough I think I'm grasping the feeling of knowing how to write again.

thank you to the readers that' stuck around regardless.

Sshidocreators' thoughts