
Money making system:I get stronger by extending my harem

***From a young age Carter's dream was to have a place of his own especially in this fifth rate country where only the rich rule as supreme. however Carter's fate took a turn when he unlock a self proclaimed system. [ding!!] [money and power system has binded to the host ] ok now for the important details. MILFS PREGNANCY NO YURI HAREM-SLAVES-MONSTER-DRAGON-SUCCUBUS-DEMI-HUMANS-INCEST-VARIOUS RACES-R18-PRINCESS'S-QUEEN'S-LACTATION. MC WILL NOT BE A FOOL NTR? absolutely not so don't worry. MC will not be cucked also the women he'll be sleeping with are those who he deemed worthy . idk if the title made it clear but MC will get stronger so don't expect me to wait until the 400th chapter for him to have something for himself. mc thinks with his brain not his lower head. A/n: I learned a lot from my previous book loved all the support I received hope you all will read this one.

Sshido · Fantasy
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43 Chs

*Pathway and a bit*slightly R18 *edited

"The rice Field has been progressing Quite well,if it continues at this rate it wouldn't take long before I get to visit the The slums" Carter said in a somewhat complicated tone as he frowned slightly

Having to harvest rice four times per year for an entire country wasn't easy but Carter somehow managed to have pulled it off.

The rice itself wasn't the issue but it was the ways the government used to achieved it.

Having the government threatening him to sell his rice at a lower price was something that pained his heart.


Carter sighed in a stressful Tone.

'The father Threatens The daughter seduces what should I do '

Enveloped in his thoughts Carter silently searched His rice Field in row .

The process of growing rice had multiple stages and currently Carter was at the last 3 stages "pest management /harvesting /Threshing/drying and marketing ".

Marketing would be the right word considering that what Carter trade for was a Jug of moss water which he'd use to drink.

Looking back Carter did feel cheated however he knew he was no fool .

No one was willingly to drink the sea water for one specific reason.

It's toxicity.

Carter chatted with himself as he worked diligent.

The hours seemed to have caught up before he even knew it .


That's the discord link if anyone is willing to join there it is, pictures will be posted there shortly.



The sound of flesh being sucked on echoed throughout the room.

It's been less than a few hours and the couple were already prepared for another love making session.

Currently Amelia was on her knee's while Carter was sitting on the bed edge.

Ugh ~

"Good..d" Carter groaned with pleasure as Amelia stroked his cock and licked his glans.

"Husband are you enjoying it?" Amelia questioned,her innocent eyes were glued to Carter's cock.

"Mmh it's good just keep doing it like that" Carter replied.

"Mmh" Amelia nodded as she moved her hand in an up and down motion slowly.

Amelia then bended her foot slightly and placed her heel between her lower lips.

(Back part of the foot is called heel/heel bone)

Oddly enough she was starting to feel a twitch in her lower lips while it oozed clear Liquid.

Still Amelia ignored that feeling her main goal was to satisfy her husband.

Mhhh ~


A light moan left Amelia as her Tongue rolled around Carter's glans.


Carter said out loud as his cock shivered with pleasure.

Slowly he brought his hands to Amelia's head. Carter felt like ramming his cock down Amelia's throat but he knew he couldn't do that,he had to go slow and feed it to her bit by bit.

However now and later were two different words themselves .

He grabbed onto Amelia's hair and slowly push half of his cock in her mouth .

*Mmmh *ugh*




Amelia coughed The feeling of wanting to vomit filled her body .

Her eye suddenly became teary as she looked into Carter's eye.

Carter stared at her for a while.

He then placed Amelia on the bed and made her lay on her back.

He opened her mouth and slowly inserted his cock .

"Stick your tongue out " Carter said 

"Mhhh" Amelia nodded, The sound of her moan made Carters cock tremble.

Slowly Carter rocked his hips in a back and forth motion.



Hearing Amelia gag made Carter enjoy it even more.her throat was oddly similar to the sensation of her pussy.

The deeper Carter went the more her throat would tighten.

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes,her hand held onto Carter's thighs as her messy hair rolled out of the bun she tied it into .

"Ugh~wife just bear it a bit longer"

Suddenly Carter sped up his pace a bit .


Amelia gagged as she rubbed her thighs together.



She came .

It didn't take long for the bed sheets to be soaked in her essence.


Gluggh !

Rocking his hips back and forth Carter watched as his cock reached the middle of Amelia's throat.



Amelia tapped Carter's legs as snot leaked from her nose,her eyes turned red and she felt weak.

However Carter didn't stop.




Finally the feeling of relief Carter wanted finally came .

His cock trembled.

Amelia felt this as well .


He came!

His essence was directly poured down Amelia's throat regardless whether she wanted to drink it or not.

Carter didn't keep his cock in her throat for long he directly pulled it out .



Cough !

Amelia coughed .

But after a while it seems her condition has gotten a bit better.

"Are you alright?" Carter asked in a caring tone.

Looking back Carter realized he was in the wrong.

"Mmh cough_im alright now husband" Amelia replied with a smile on her face .

Carter shook his head in denial as he thought about what he had done.

"If you don't like it just let me know alright" Carter said as he help Amelia stand up.

He then wrapped his arms around her waist and gently brought her under the sheet.

considering Amelia's current condition Carter knew she'd at least need a day or two to recover .

He then gently kissed Amelia's forehead as he said "Let's rest for tonight alright"

Amelia felt sweet inside bo one has ever said those words to her aside from her husband.

"Alright husband I'll listen"


The next day.

The birds chirped while the trees swayed due to the forceful wind. The sea rose up and down, indicating the dangerous waters at the moment.

The sun shone as its light seeped through the crack, illuminating Carter's face.

Slowly Carter opened his eyes,The cracks throughout where the sun shine filled his vision.

Seeing this Carter frowned.

'i guess I really do need the curtains' Carter thought.

At first he would've thought about changing the boards but considering how time consuming it would be Carter decided to leave it for now.

Glancing at his tired wife Carter smiled slightly as he gently ran his fingers through her silky black hair.

2 months later ~

It's been 2 months .

During this time Carter had been commiting his duty as a husband daily.

He'd plow the rice Field then he'd plow his wife's field.

This became a daily basis for Carter.

[Ding! Your wife Amelia is now pregnant spread your seeds for greater benefits]

[Rewards:2 gold coins each day upon birth of the child]

'what! Amelia's pregnant ' Carter was overjoyed by this.

After a few minutes of stabilizing his emotions Carter then decided to check his system status.

The lottery would expire within a few minutes.


[Ding! Received Tier 0 Eye Ascender's insight]

[Ascender's insight : A Pathway to the souls]

**Name**: Ascendancer's inSight

**Appearance**: Ascendancer's inSight appears as an otherworldly eye, with an iris that shifts in color between deep azure and radiant gold, symbolizing the duality of truth and deception.


1. **Soul Ascension**: Ascender's inSight grants Host the ability to ascend beyond mortal limitations, enabling them to transcend physical barriers.

2. **Soul Severance**: As The host evolves and harnesses the full potential of Ascendancer's inSight, they gain the ability to sever the souls of their adversaries. This formidable power enables them to vanquish opponents with a mere glance, rending their souls asunder and ensuring their defeat in both the physical and spiritual realms.


1. **Soul's Burden**: The use of Ascendancer's inSight exacts a toll on your character's soul, burdening them with the weight of the knowledge they acquire and the souls they sever.

A few minutes later~

"So it's like that's huh, a way to grow stronger" Carter was somewhat excited seeing this but after a while he frowned.

The backlash that the system referred to was him potentially becoming blind or even destroying his own soul.

Shivers ran down Carter spine while he thought about it.

However with the opportunity at hand Carter wasn't willing to waste it as he saw it as a means to protect both his family and himself.

"According to the system as long as I don't overdo it then everything will be fine -i think"


Carter Velhound

Inches :5.6

Age: 17

Harem: Amelia

Stage: Ascender's insight Tier 0

GP: 90

Kin: 1 (unborn /2 months old)

Property: Wooden House.

[Wooden house: it generates around 0.5 gold points per day. 0.5 x 30 =15]


The wind twirled as the sea rose!

Shifting his gaze to the north Carter sighed as he thought about what's to come