
Money making system:I get stronger by extending my harem

***From a young age Carter's dream was to have a place of his own especially in this fifth rate country where only the rich rule as supreme. however Carter's fate took a turn when he unlock a self proclaimed system. [ding!!] [money and power system has binded to the host ] ok now for the important details. MILFS PREGNANCY NO YURI HAREM-SLAVES-MONSTER-DRAGON-SUCCUBUS-DEMI-HUMANS-INCEST-VARIOUS RACES-R18-PRINCESS'S-QUEEN'S-LACTATION. MC WILL NOT BE A FOOL NTR? absolutely not so don't worry. MC will not be cucked also the women he'll be sleeping with are those who he deemed worthy . idk if the title made it clear but MC will get stronger so don't expect me to wait until the 400th chapter for him to have something for himself. mc thinks with his brain not his lower head. A/n: I learned a lot from my previous book loved all the support I received hope you all will read this one.

Sshido · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Something Salty

A week later

It's been over a week since Carter visited the government, yet Carter had not received the moss water.

Speaking of response, after Carter went to visit his main farm, he received a paper and a knife That was tucked inside a piece of wood visible for carter to see.

However, Carter considered it more of a threat than a gift.

[To: Mr. Velhound

I'll kill you if the rice stops being produced.]

'Well, it wasn't hard to guess who had sent this,' Carter sighed as he leaned against a nearby tree.

Suddenly, a sound chimed in, shattering his thoughts.

[Ding! You've been promoted to a Spirit apprentice.]

"Spirit apprentice? What's that?" Carter asked the system in confusion.

However, The system didn't have the ability to talk.

Shaking his head, Carter decided to check his stats for more information.


Carter Velhound

Inches: 5'7

Age: 17

Harem: Amelia (1 GP per day)

Strength: Tier 0

Soul: Tier 1

Speed: Tier 0

Durability: Tier 0

Talent: Normal

Stage: Ascender's Insight Tier 1

GP: 7

Kin: 1 (unborn /2 months old)

Property: Wooden House

Having come to a certain conclusion, Carter then closed his system status.

Over the past 2 months, Carter wasn't just dawdling around in his spare time; he'd used his wife as a means to train his ability.

Now, Carter could determine whether Amelia was lying or not.

Suddenly, a warm feeling flowed down Carter's cheeks. This prompted him to touch his cheeks.

Holding up his fingers that were painted in blood, Carter trembled slightly.

'Shit! I did it again,' Carter cursed inwardly.

There was always that saying that everything had causes and effects.

And Carter fell into that categority, Sometimes Ascender's insight would act up causing his eyes to bleed .

Normally this wouldn't happen however it all came down to Carter's abilities.

Taking a few deep breaths, Carter tried to stabilize his emotions.

This was a thing that he accidentally discovered would happen once his emotions are out of his own control.

His eyes flickered with a deep azure and a radiant gold before they returned to normal.

Carter sighed in a stressful tone.

'This pathway to strength was not meant for everyone.'

Lifting his shirt up slightly, Carter used it to wipe his bloodied face.

[Ding! After reaching Tier 1, you are now able to harness spiritual energy into the body.]

[Ding! Tier 1 scripture's are now available in the system store.]

Curious, Carter decided to check the system store.

[Tier 0: Spiritual Energy Gathering Scripture]

Moving into the next section, Carter realized it was affiliated with weapons.

[Tier 0 dagger]

[Tier 1 longsword]

[Tier 0 bow]

Moving onto the next section, Carter was greeted with various potions and eggs, however, due to his limited funds, he wouldn't be able to buy anything for the time being except for the [Tier 0 Spiritual Energy Gathering Scripture].

[Would you like to purchase?]

[Price: 7 gold points]

Carter then proceeded to buy the scripture.

It didn't take long for a small scroll to manifest in his hands.

Pulling the small string that bound the scroll, Carter then stood in silence as he stared at the scroll with a rather complicated look.

The language was oddly the same; however, it seems as if the longer Carter stared, the more the scroll would change into various languages he was unable to recognize.

"How the hell am I supposed to use this?" Carter scratched his head as he racked his brain in search of an answer."


Suddenly, another noise chimed in, prompting Carter to shift his gaze to the system.

[Would you like to integrate the following item into your soul? Note: It may cause pain.]

"Oh boy," Carter massaged his brows as he began the process.

A day later~


Sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, Carter grunted in pain.

The process of drawing spiritual energy into his body was extremely painful.

The spiritual energy process was rather simple; however, the difficulty lay with the body.

The spiritual energy had no other places aside from Carter's eyes where it would slowly seep through.

No matter how many times he closed or squinted his eyes, it didn't help with the pain whatsoever.

The veins in Carter's forehead bulged as he drew the turbulent spiritual energy in his direction.


Carter felt something pop, which prompted him to stop drawing spiritual energy into his body.

[Due to the turbulent force of spiritual energy, your body couldn't keep up and in the process, your vein was damaged.]

Placing his hands on his forehead, Carter rubbed it a bit before he ruffled his hair as a means to cover it.

"I should stop for now."

[Spiritual energy > 0 → Tier 1]

Carter then closed the system panel and got up.

He then stretched his body a bit as he yawned.

Carter then made his way to the bedroom where he was greeted by the sight of his wife, Amelia.

Amelia was wearing a casual black nightgown.

Carter leaned on the door as he watched his wife settle in bed as she munched on some snacks that Carter bought.

Carter chuckled lightly as he walked inside the room.

Grabbing a set of clothing, he then left the room and came back an hour later.

"You sure took your time, husband," Amelia said in a sarcastic tone.

Carter's lips twitched as he thought of Amelia's words.

His once shy wife broke the barrier that surrounded them.

Now Amelia was more proactive when it came to their night sessions.

But that still didn't mean she wasn't clueless when it came to certain things.

Carter wasn't any different. All this was because of their limited knowledge.

Carter ignored Amelia's tone and proceeded with his own question.

"How are you feeling now? Do you still feel like vomiting?"

"Mmhm," Amelia replied as she munched on her snack.

"These days all you've been eating are sweets; have you realized that?"

"Mmmh," Amelia replied.

Most of her attention was focused on the TV.

Carter sighed when he saw this.

Ever since he had bought this TV, Amelia had been glued to it day and night.

Still, Carter wasn't mad nor was he jealous.

He'd rather have his wife stay home than go outside for some random person to come knocking on his door.

After some thought, Carter then brought Amelia closer to him.

The two silently lay there while watching a movie.

Sometimes the moments were intense, sometimes they were not.

Throughout all this, Amelia just watched as she munched on her snacks.

While Carter, on the other hand, was on the verge of falling asleep.

His head would fall back sometimes, and when he realized, he'd brush it off while acting as if everything was fine.

A few minutes passed, and Carter was now asleep.

Amelia glanced at him a few times with a smile on her face.

However, after a while, Amelia put down the bag of chips, her expression changing to one of disgust as the craving for something different kicked in.

Amelia suddenly wanted something salty.

She didn't feel the need for chips, nor did she need drinks.

Still, she got up to search the kitchen for something to drink.

Inside the refrigerator, there were various things ranging from drinks to snacks and snacks to food.

Amelia reached out and grabbed a random bottle that was marked by the word.

"Emergency cum"

Without an ounce of hesitation, Amelia poured whatever liquid was inside the bottle into her mouth.

But then she frowned as white liquid leaked through the corners of her lips.

"It's cold! And it's not salty enough," Amelia complained as she ruffled her hair.

Her frustration rose when she saw the sight of her husband sleeping.

"Humph! You have the gall to sleep when we should've been watching a movie."

"I'll make sure to teach you a lesson," Amelia said as she puffed up her cheeks cutely.

Amelia then went back into bed, her resolve to punish Carter nothing more than a means of getting what she wanted.

"Calm down, Amelia, calm down!"

Amelia took a deep breath, her chest heaving up and down as she stared at Carter with evident lust in her eyes.

"I'm sure my husband wouldn't mind me sucking him now, right? I mean, he's my husband, so it's not like it'll be weird or anything, and I just need something salty from the main source, right?"

Amelia's thoughts were in chaos, her emotions all over the place.

The temptation and guilt in her heart slowly faded as she glanced at Carter's pants .

And finally after much effort she grabbed his pants and skillfully rolled it down.

A sigh of relief left Amelia

Her hands then moved towards her husband's unerect penis.

Her breathing became somewhat unstable while her chest heaved up and down.

Slipping her hands under her nightgown Amelia then shifted her panties sideways.

She then teased her cunt while she played with her husband's unerect cock.

Ahn!!! Amelia moaned as she clenched her Pearls.

Her grip tightened around Carter's cock due to her previous actions.

Huff!!! "Yes!!! Touch me more mmmh"

Amelia moaned in a soft voice.

Her hands then stopped stroking Carter's shaft as she approached it slowly.

Amelia then took a whiff of his cock scentjust this alone made her feel as if she was on cloud nine.

Bringing her face close to his dick Amelia stroked it gently.

In second's her husband's cocked rised .

Precum slowly leaked from the tip .

Seeing this Amelia was in a daze

But it didn't take long for her to feel The liquid that was dripping from between her legs.

Licking Carter's pre-cum Amelia then bit her lips seductively.

The feeling in her lower region began to build up over time .

Yet her cravings were not satiated as yet .

"Husband! Wake up " Amelia said in a soft yet seductive tone .

"Pfft" hearing an unfamiliar chuckle this prompted Amelia to look up.

Her husband was staring at her with a small smile on his face .

His golden eyes shimmered ask they sucked Amelia in.

But after a while her husband shifted his gaze .

Then he shifted it towards her once more.

"What is it that you want? Hmmm" Carter said in a tempting tone as he slammed his meat stick across Amelia's face .

Water welled up in Amelia's eyes as she stared at Carter seductively.

"Husband I want something Salty" Amelia truthfully said.

[Your wife Amelia Is speakin the truth]

Seeing the message display Carter sighed innus heart as he thought of what to do about this eye of his.

From the system message it was obvious Ascender's insight was acting on its own again.

'forget it I'll think about it later' Carter Thought as he tried to stabilize his emotions

"Isn't there food inside the refrigerator that you could've eaten?" Carter asked .

Throughout the time Carter was here he wasn't actually asleep.

"Umuh but husband their just not as salty as this right here" Amelia' puffed up her cheeks as she grabbed onto Carter's cock.

Carter chuckled.

He then took off his shirt and brought his hands behind his back.

"Alright then but you'll have to perform that new technique that you've recently learned"

Amelia beamed with energy after hearing Carter's words .

Pants, panties and shorts were then scattered throughout the room.

Carter showed not the slightest interest about such a thing and neither did Amelia.

*Lemons in next chapter*