
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-12 Fight(1)

All five of them moved to the fighting arena just outside their classroom, it had no people in it as it was off limits for anyone else.

There was no special class before in the martial spirit hall, as never did so many geniuses were born together. Due to this they made the special class just a year ago to grow trump cards of the hall of souls.

The students of the special class all have potential to be a Hyper Douluo or even above so Spirit hall does everything to hide their existences. They make sure to hide the potential future pillars of Spirit hall from the eyes of the outside forces so that they can grow without being targeted.

Instructor Guo made the four of them stand at four corners of the rectangular ground and he stood in between and spoke

"I'll let you guys know at first that this is a fight to judge your strengths and weaknesses not a fight to the death nor is it a fight to prove yourselves."

Then he looked and Yuze and said,

"I'm conducting this fight just so that I know at what places I should help you improve.

And you three if you want to gang up on him you can, but I don't know if your pride will allow that.

And one more thing don't go too far if things get out of hand I might step in, but you never know" Instructor Guo spoke as he let out an evil laugh.

"Now let the fight begin" As he said that he vanished from the ground leaving behind a trail of lightning and reappeared outside the fighting arena.

As instructor Guo was giving the lecture Yuze heard a voice inside his head.

*A quest is being given*



TASK : Defeat Shizi Zimo and Zhi without possessing Martial soul.

DL(Difficulty level): S

REWARDS: Hand to hand combat arts



'It'll be tough as it's not gonna be an easy fight, just shadow manipulation on a smaller scale won't be enough to take this guys head on and if they decide to gang up on me if the right conditions are not met I won't even be able to win without my first spirit ability but I'll have to take the chances.'

As Instructor vanished from the first Zhizi and Zhi possessed their martial souls.

Shazi's hair grew longer and turned dark red. Two pointy horns just like the ones on his martial soul emerged from his head. His eyes turned that of a lion and his iris turned blood red in colour.

Zhi's spirit possession didn't bring such drastic change to her appearance, just her eyes colour changed to that of a peacock's feather looking extremely mesmerising.

And Zimo summoned his bow spirit

'Yuze will be the most trouble of the three to deal with because of his versatile Martial spirit and I don't really know anything about his spirit skill so I'll have to take care of him before he gets a chance to use them so let's just focus on him first.' Zimo thought as he stretched the string of his bow and then his spirit ring blinked. A crystal arrow with a beautiful feather at its back appeared on the stretched string and he pointed it towards Yuze.

Shizi without thinking much rushed towards Yuze engaging in a hand to hand fight. He first threw a few random punches and kicks but seeing everyone of them getting blocked he decided to use his first spirit skill.

As Yuze was engaging in hand to hand combat he made sure to keep an eye on the other two while blocking Shizi's attacks. As he saw Zimo pointing his arrow at him he made sure to force Shizi in position where Shizi would come in between Zimo's arrow and him.

'There is not profit in bringing down Shizi right now as he's keeping Yuze occupied but If I knock him out now Yuze will be free to move and it'll cause unnecessary trouble for me' thoughts were rushing through Zimo's mind when he noticed that Zhi was still standing still and judging the fight before taking part in it.

So he let Zhi be left alone as he didn't want to receive her agro as it'll just be more trouble for him. So he started running along the edge of the map trying to get a good angle to shoot his shot and at the same time moving away from Zhi to avoid a potential fight.

"First spirit skill"

"Claw of the demonic lion"

" Thunder killing"

Both Shizi and Zhi activated there soul skills simultaneously

Shizi's bone on his arms moved weirdly as his arms became more bony and claws streched from his finger nails, his arm got covered with dark red fur giving off intense heat that was enough to heat up the surroundings.

As Zhi activated her skill her whole body got covered in a luminescent blue aura with lightning sparks coming out of her.

She was waiting till now to see if anyone makes a flaw that she can take advantage of to bring that person down with a swift and efficient attack. As she saw Zimo giving her an opening she wouldn't miss the chance. She blitzed from her place and started approaching Zimo at an extremely fast pace.

As Shizi used his spirit skill it became impossible for Yuze to block his attack with just spirit power reinforced as Shizi's body was giving off intense heat and his claws were as hot as molten iron.

So to avoid getting burnt Yuze started coating his hands with shadow energy but as he was in the middle of it Shizi bent his upper body forward and used all the momentum from his movement channelling it into his claws and striked it towards Yuze's chest.

At the same time as Zimo was aiming at Yuze, Zhi appeared in his back. She coated her hands in lighting attribute spirit power and striked towards Zimo's head.

Both Yuze and Zimo's eyes grew bigger focusing on the fast approaching fatal attacks towards them.


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