
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-11 Spirit energy traits

"Teacher Guo I know that having innate full soul power gives an insane talent but is it not too abnormal that Yuze is already at level 16 within just a few days of awakening his Martial soul. As you know we burned up a lot of resources in the last year to reach this level. "Zimo asked.

"You see Yuze has a special physique just like Shizi and also your right eye. When it awakened after absorbing his first spirit ring it provided him with soul power that helped him advance this fast." Instructor Guo said switching to his serious mode again.

"But why didn't we get any boost in soul power when our physique awakened?" Zimo asked.

" Every physique is unique and they have their own unique abilities as you already know. So it's unpredictable what physique will show what characteristics. '' Guo explained.

" Then what is his physique and its ability ?" this time Zhi asked.

" His physique is known as The body of the Shadow Monarch; it's related to his Martial soul. It brings a full body physique. It'll obviously provide a boost in all his attributes but the other abilities are not known yet and if somebody knows it, it'll be only him." Instructor Guo said and then he looked back at Yuze as if expecting him to say something.

"My physique grants me control over shadows. It lets me manipulate and shape them to my liking. And it also provided me with the Eyes of the Shadow Monarch which basically lets me see the aura of others around me no matter how much they try to hide it. And also it makes it impossible for anyone to sneak up on me cause before they come I'll already know their position." Yuze let them know as those are the abilities he always uses so it doesn't make any sense to hide them.

"That is so cool, unlike my stupid physique that just gets me beaten up for no reason." Shizi said, crossing his hands and making an angry face.

" What does his physique do? " Yuze asked.

" Shizi's physique is a bit special. It's known as Tyrant's body. It provides a significant increase in all his attributes and has a rather unique ability. It lets him adapt to things, the more he gets beaten the stronger he gets and he'll also adapt to certain types of attacks if given enough time but it's usually slow so in real life fighting it isn't really useful but that might change with time. This is an insane ability and it's still unknown how much it can grow with time. He just doesn't understand how much of a broken ability it is." Guo said with a sigh.

'That ability has insane potential. It's almost broken to the point of no return what was the author thinking when giving him this broken ability? ' Yuze shouted in his mind.

[ hehehehehe sorry buddy ]

"And what about Zimo's right eye ?" Yuze asked.

" It's known as Heaven's Eye and it has a simple ability, it just makes me never miss my target. " Zimo spoke up, sitting with his eyes closed and hands crossed.

'His Martial spirit was a bow and his eyes make him so that he can never miss his target so essentially he's an archer whose arrow never misses. That's overpowered too. 'Yuze thought.

~Clap Clap~

Everyone looks towards the teacher's platform. Guo had just clapped two times to gather everyone's attention and then he spoke.

"Now that the introduction has been taken care of, let me start the class. Today I'll tell you about something that is really rare among spirit masters but all of us in this room have it except Shizi. It is Spirit energy Trait. Essentially it is a property of spirit energy that is extremely rare even among top Martial souls.

Traits are changes brought in your spirit energy by your Martial soul, it's like a passive skill that changes your spirit energy, changes are not fixed and vary depending upon the trait. For example my soul power... "

Guo then brought his palm in front of his face and there were suddenly lightning sparks between his fingers.

"This is a trait, it changes my soul power into thunder automatically and it always stays like that so if someone even comes in contact with my soul power and can't resist it they'll electrocuted or if they can resist it the part of their body that is in contact with me will get paralysed. This gives people with a Trait always an advantage over people without it. '' Guo explained.

" Yuze's Trait to my knowledge should be an elemental Trait just like mine. It transforms his soul power and gives it properties of shadow, a very versatile trait.

Zimo's trait not an elemental Trait, his trait is gives makes his soul power have an piercing effect. It matches with his Martial soul making all his arrows have a chance to bypass any kind of defence.

Zhi's trait is the most unique as it makes her soul power rough. It doesn't sound really fascinating but if someone gets hit by her punches they'll understand. Her spirit energy is like a sand paper with just a contact with it's enough to get bruised.

Her punches hit differently so be careful when you people fight her that trait is more troublesome than you think. " Guo explained everyone's trait.

" They all have such cool abilities, why don't I have it just like you people?" Shizi said in an annoyed tone.

" Shut up, what you have is already too overpowered if you had a trait above it even the heavens would be envious " Zhi said angrily.

" Don't be sad, You always have a chance of awakening a trait like I did but, it's not that easy as I only obtained my trait when my martial spirit reawakened. " Guo said to Shizi, patting on his head.

" What is a martial spirit reawakening teacher?" Zhi asked.

" It's a very rare phenomenon, when a martial spirit changes or mutates mostly in a positive direction only when certain conditions are met. Those conditions are unknown and vary from one martial soul to another. So it just can only be met by pure luck Or you can consume an immortal herb that suits your Martial soul, if you manage to find it of course. " Guo explained with a smile.

'Trait huh, it wasn't a thing in the novel. Is this new or the novel never really explained this. Now that I think about it carefully, trait was a part of the power system in Douluo as people could be seen having unique attributes to their soul power but it is a concept that was never really explained. ' Yuze thought.

As Yuze was in his thoughts Guo stood up and said.

"Now that the theory class is over can we move on to some physical training. Let's go to the ground, We're gonna have a battle royale."


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