
Monarch of Entertainment

1 chapter every two days. 4pm UTC At least 2k words per chapter. *** Time:- 1992 Location:- unspecified. *** "Heh, Who would have thought it would just take a single box office hit to stop them from coming after my armour" Tony snickeringly said while he was reading the newspaper in his hands. *Scribble scribble* "Who pissed you off enough to use that notebook." Tony curiously asked a man with blue eyes sitting infront of him. "Some wannabe time traveler." The man with blue eyes said as he wrote 'Nathaniel Richards' including a graphic description on what would happen to him on a black leathered notebook. "Oh, anyways which superhero movie are you planning to release next?" Tony didn't bother and asked what he was actually curious about. "Probably the X-Men, Xavier has been nagging me recently" The man with blue eyes said as he relaxed back into his chair. Before Tony could comment A knock was heard from behind him as a Female voice said "Luke, Odin has sent the list of repairs they had to do because of Goku." Which caused Luke the man with blue eyes to rub his forehead as he muttered "Sigh... Why did I think it would be a good idea to summon him..." *** Anyways hopefully you liked the synopsis, that was a foreshadowing to a future Luke is an OC or self insert. Yes he is a reincarnator. Yes this is a harem but it's more so me trying to wingman him than him being horny, he much rather spend most of his day trying to get rich or explore the other universes. The entire plot of the marvel is fucked, so don't worry about canon stuff, Consider it entirely AU with just the character existing with new background information. Yes there is also a system. Yes He will visit more than one universes after chapter 5. so be warned Anyways join my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN, if you wanna.

Rillik · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 009: Heil Hydra.


Previous chapter Recap:-

Luke managed to gain the Philosopher's stone along with other crucial cards he wanted and finished his first year at Hogwarts.

Chapter 9:-.


Time:- 8:47 Pm, 2nd of October, 1981, Friday

Location:- Emma Frost's bedroom.


Emma was ecstatic. Her father had finally relented and gave her permission to store Luke's books in her room.

Previously her father was disdainful of it and thought it would distract her. However due to reasons she didn't fully know, recently her father became more supportive of her friendship with Luke.

Although Emma speculated it might be due to how popular Luke had become recently. But she couldn't be completely sure.

Emma eagerly held the first volume of 'Harry Potter: The philosopher's stone' the cover depicting a young boy with blue eyes and the iconic zigzag pattern on his forehead, sitting on a pair of stairs with the company of a silver tabby cat with markings around its eyes that looked like spectacles.

Emma looked at it with a fond smile reminiscing about that time when Tony convinced her to read which she had once considered Unladylike yet here she is now, in love with the capitaving story of Harry Potter.

She gently opened the volume as the first thing she saw was a quote handwritten by Luke "Have you ever wondered. What if… magic existed…?"

Emma initially didn't have time to consider such silly things but after becoming friends with Luke, she had started to ponder more and more.

Emma started reading the first chapter, which depicted a hushed conversation between the headmaster and deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore and Minerva respectively as they neared the house of the Dudley's.

Emma's heart tightened whenever she saw this scene as she knew what was about to happen to Harry. She still couldn't understand how a family could be so horrible. While her family was strict but they loved her… at least she thought so.

The second chapter depicted how gradually as Harry grew up the Dudley's became more and more unreasonable and intolerable to Harry.

Emma was confused about this depiction as she speculated there was more to Dudley's behavior than just what was hinted. She had asked Luke but he merely gave a punchable smile as he said to wait since she would understand the answer herself.

Which Emma thinks she did as the second Graphic novel of Harry Potter talked about something called Horcrux and the ways Harry reacted to He-who-shall-not-be-named.

but Emma didn't tell Luke as she was afraid of being made fun of, which was bizarre considering she knew Luke as a person who never cared about such small things… 'Well unless Tony was being obnoxious' She chuckled remembering their usual banter.

She quickly focused on the third chapter where she smiled as she saw Harry run away at the age of seven from the Dudley's, Emma eagerly waited as she saw the iconic scene of the silver cat turning into Professor Minerva.

Emma was genuinely surprised when she first saw it and she is now while she was rereading it.

Harry's conversation expanded into chapter 4 where she saw Minerva erase the memories of the Dudley's so they only knew Harry existed with another distant family.Emma smiled knowing Harry deserved a better place to grow up.

The next two chapters, 5 and 6 depicted multiple iconic scenes while Harry was growing up with Professor Minerva.

His first broomstick lesson, His first Christmas with Minerva, That one time he accidentally let out a snake while being able to understand and speak to it.

Emma bitterly smiled as she knew that was a foreshadowing to the second graphic novel where Harry was targeted because of that.

Emma eagerly saw the iconic scene of an owl flying out of Hogwarts and arriving at Harry's new home,Harry opening his own acceptance letter. Oh how she wished she could receive a similar letter and visit Hogwarts.

Emma had asked Luke if Hogwarts existed but he said then his book would have never been published due to the secrecy law.

Emma, although disappointed about Hogwarts not existing but her eyes swelled up with tears when she remembered Luke's trust towards her enough to give her the ability to use magic. She for the first time in her 11 years of life genuinely felt cared and trusted by someone. She cherished it very dearly.

Emma shook her head as she focused on reading as she saw the clock was nearing her bedroom, Oh how she wished she could read this forever.

Emma saw the next three chapters, 7,8 and 9, where Harry went to Diagon Alley and met his life-long best friends for the first time.

She smiled as she was reminded of her friendship with Luke and Tony. Although the circumstances and situations were different, she still felt she was a genuine close friend of theirs.

Emma hastened to read chapter 10, 11 and 12, Which depicted Harry traveling to Hogwarts with his new friends, confronting Draco in the train and meeting Hadrid, a favorite character of hers.

And finally chapter 13, 14 and 15, Depicting Harry being sorted to Gryffindor same with Ron while Hermione was sorted into Ravenclaw. Which Emma found kind of dissatisfying to read as she wanted all of them to be in the same house.

When Emma relentlessly asked Luke about it he finally complied as he pointed out how Neville the boy they helped in the train was sorted into Hufflepuff, She was still confused about that hint as it felt completely random.

Emma speculated it had something to do with the four houses but she couldn't figure it out. Eventually she fell asleep while thinking deeply about the reasons.

Next morning after Emma came back from Luke's house, She started reading the second volume. The cover depicts the four houses and each corresponding character from their respective house standing in front, Emma was a bit confused on why Ron was the representative of Gryffindor instead of Harry.

The first three chapters, 16,17 and 18, depicted Harry's first Hogwarts classes, which Emma personally loved reading about since Luke's artstyle was unlike any other in the market, while it did contain some realism but it was more fluid and animated.

Emma had asked Luke about his art style, which Luke said was inspired by the Japanese manga industry but with his own in-depth touch on it.

That Emma agreed with as everytime she would read chapters where the backgrounds were depicted, she would always find something new.

Chapter 18, 19, 20 depicted Harry and his friends encountering the three-headed dog Fluffy and their subsequent investigation of it.

Emma was truly baffled when she saw this big dog, especially more so when Luke said he could summon such a dog if she wanted it. Although she was tempted, she was afraid her family wouldn't let her keep it thus she rejected Luke's offer for now.

Chapter 21,22, Depicted the continuation of Draco's Rivalry with Harry as Draco constantly bothered them in any possible way he could.

Emma even now whenever she read these chapters ,wanted to visit Hogwarts just to teach Draco a lesson. She even whined about it to Luke, hoping he would draw chapters where Draco suffers.

But she only received a strange look from Luke which caused her to be a bit embarrassed.Unaware, Luke had done exactly that but in person.

Chapter 23 to 25, Depicted Halloween and How the golden trio managed to knock out a troll to save a pitiful scared Draco.

Emma was amused as despite their evident hostility towards Draco, they were nonetheless brave and caring enough to save him.

Chapter 26 and 27, Depicted the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Emma despite already knowing the results was still excited to read it.

Chapter 28, 29 and 30, Depicted their everyday life and also their first Christmas in Hogwarts, where the iconic Invisibility cloak was shown. She wished she had one, then she would be able to stay up at night reading Harry Potter.

Before Emma could read the final volume of the first collection, she was called for dinner. Which she quickly tried to finish so she could go back to finishing.

Chapter 31, Began with Harry's second quidditch game where he appeared more confident and skilled.

Emma was happy for Harry yet the next few chapters truly showed his actual feelings as chapter 32 and 33 depicted him discovering the Mirror of Erised and becoming obsessed with it. Her heart aches whenever she sees a lonely Harry visiting that mirror just so he could see more of his long gone parents.

Thankfully Professor Minerva was passing by one day and saw Harry's behavior so she helped him get over it.

Chapter 34, The golden trio visited Hagdrid's House, where they discovered a dragon egg due to Hermione's questioning and deduction. Emma smiled whenever she saw Hermione shine as she felt a sort of kinship with her.

Chapter 35 and 36, Showed the continuation yet the twist of draco becoming suspicious of their behavior and following them to discover their secret was something that caught Emma off guard which eventually led them to the forbidden forest.

Chapter 37 and 38, Depicted their visit there, where Draco and Harry saw a man drinking unicorn blood, Emma was startled by it, she even speculated it being a vampire.

Chapter 39 and 40, Showed the trio heavily focusing on finding out who this person was, Hermione, always the clever one, was able to deduct many things which led them to tell Dumbledore their finding. Who was surprisingly calm as he said he already knew about it.

Dumbledore then requested their help in this matter as they would pretend to vie for the Philosopher's stone so the culprit hastens their plans and can be caught while making a mistake.

Emma was initially suspicious about Dumbledore's intentions as she felt the trio shouldn't be involved in something so dangerous since they were just First Year students.

Chapter 41 and 42 Depicted Dumbledore warning the trio about the culprit trying to steal the Philosopher's stone and them following after hastily completing the challenges set up by different professors until eventually the at the last pages It was revealed that Professor Quirrell was the culprit all along.

Emma was genuinely surprised when she first read this as she had suspected this whole thing to be a ploy of Dumbledore since the challenges seemed harmless.

Chapter 43 depicted the confrontation between Harry and Him meeting Voldemort for the third time, many things were revealed that Emma had started to speculate from the previous chapters. The chapter ended with Harry turning Professor Quirrell into ashes while Voldemort seemed to have escaped as Harry passed out.

Chapter 44 and 45 showed the conclusion of the first year and how Gryffindor won the house cup while Ravenclaw followed behind being the runner-up. Then the scene of Harry just about to enter the train and receiving a photo album which contained moving pictures of his parents was shown and Harry claiming Hogwarts as his second home.

Emma let out a contented smile as she finished reading the first book for the nth time yet still loving every moment of it, Her desires to visit Hogwarts merely grew stronger each read. Luke had jokingly called her the first Porterhead, which meant She was a diehard Harry Potter fan.

Emma gladly accepted it considering she had analyzed every page, which was a lot considering there were at 30 to 45 pages per chapter. She was proud to be able to recall specific scenes by what page and chapter it was part of.

Emma gradually drifted to sleep with a happy smile on her face, dreaming about visiting Hogwarts and bashing Draco's head against the wall…


Time:- Evening, 9th of October, 1981,Friday

Location:- somewhere in Sokovia.


A 13 year old young boy with silverish hair ran as fast as he could while carrying a young girl with reddish hair of similar age.

"Are they *huff* still following us?" The boy asked his sister with a somewhat exhausted voice.

"Yes… I can't sense Mom's life force anymore…" The red-haired girl muttered as tears welled up in her eyes threatening to fall yet she firmly denied it.

"Hey! Hey! everything is gonna be alright Wanda… Dad will protect us." The boy tried to soothe his sister yet he himself was feeling the same pain.

"I know… I can sense dad… he is there… he is angry… very angry, holding mom's body…" Wanda muttered as she clenched her teeths "I sended him our location… he should be here soon"

The twins waited patiently as they stalled for time yet the ones who arrived first were not their dad but the enemies who attacked them suddenly… and the one who killed their mother.

"So this is it… huh" The boy muttered "I will hold them back… you run away as far away as you can."

But he received a firm rejection from his sister who said "No! I am not losing another one of my family, Pietro." As her eyes started to glow a shade of red.

"Sigh… Why are you so similar to dad." Pietro said as he brought out an Adamantine baton from behind him while cracking his neck as he said with a bitter smile "I guess this is our first actual fight then."

The man with the cybernetic arm moved with agile speed just as he moved to land a punch, he quickly used his cybernetic arm to block a hit from Pietro.

Pietro tried to attack him from different angles using his baton and fast speed yet the man managed to react to each one of them pretty quickly as if he was a trained super soldier.

Despite that Pietro managed to land some hits whenever Wanda managed to distract him using her telepathic powers.

But it didn't last long as the twins gradually grew exhausted due to their younger body and less experience. The man managed to grab Pietro firmly as he firmly landed a punch which knocked the wind out of Pietro.

"STOP IT!!" Wanda let out a desperate cry seeing her brother being manhandled which caused a red rue of energy wave to hit the man, who staggered back as he felt the combined negative emotions of Wanda but intensified

"Steve…" the man managed to mutter with a clarity in his eyes as if remembering something but almost immediately the eyes turned dull, similar to a robot as he steadied himself.

His eyes looked in a certain direction where a beautiful lady came out while saying "That was close… she seems to have a lot of potential" As she bent down to cast some sort of spell upon Wanda.

"Quick Carry them, I can sense the madman approaching rapidly" The lady commanded The man with the cybernetic arm, who immediately Complied as if a loyal servant.

"The girl seemed to have sended her position at the last moment… troublesome…" The lady muttered as they quickly moved away from that location.

Soon after a man hearing a helmet came rushing in "WANDA!! PIETRO!!" as he yelled in desperation yet he quickly got his answer when he looked at the signs of a battle and Pietro's baton.

The man didn't say anything as he gently grabbed the Baton and started walking back to the house.

He walked into his now broken house as he grabbed a shovel and started digging a grave for his wife after making sure she was properly buried, he gently whispered to her grave.

"I promise… I will get our kids back… even… if I have to break my promise of never going back to that life." He stood up as it started to rain, He went inside the house as all metallic objects within it started to vibrate as if to resonate with his inner anger.

He looked at a wall which broke apart as it revealed a wide range of weapons, he ignored it as gently an old rusted phone came to him which he used it to dial a number.

*Tururu Tururu Tururu- click* There was a heavy silence even though the phone connected.

Eventually a disheveled voice muttered "How long has it been?..."

"15 years…" The man answered.

"Hmm, you still remember… yet you didn't call even once…" The voice bitterly said then continued "What do you want?... Eric"

Eric released a heavy sigh as he said "I need your help…Xavier. They have my family… at least what remains of it."

"..." There was a small pause as if to absorb all this then Xavier said "Very well… but promise me… you wouldn't-" Before he could finish Eric coldly said "You know I can't, Xavier. Not when my family is involved…"

He softened his voice as he said "They are just innocent kids, Xavier… unlike me… they deserve to live a life without all this bullshit…"


"Very well… I will contact the others…" Xavier finally relented.

"The same old place?" Eric asked

"The same." Xavier said then after a pause the call ended.

Eric let out a deep breath as he went near the wall where there were many pictures of himself, his lovely wife and his precious kids. He softly muttered while looking at his wife"Am I cursed to suffer..?" Then looking at his kid's pictures he continued with a hardened tone "I won't let my curse affect you…"


Word count:- 2896

So what did you think about the chapter? Was Emma's reaction too dry and awkward? How can I improve it? Give me examples if you can.

The latter half also marks the prelude to what will eventually happen. I will from now on at least try to depict such events each chapter if I can and if it makes sense while the former will focus on Luke's side of things.

The next chapter will be Emma's reaction to the second book of Harry Potter unless you want me to refocus on Luke, not that there is much other than him looking for an Investing firm for his now vast fortune after a year of publishing the books.

Anyways if you like my fanfic then leave a comment even if it's a simple gif that's more motivating for me to continue writing than power stones as currently it feels kinda barren despite knowing there are at least 100 effective readers ( which I presume means they actually bother to read it right now instead of stocking)

Power stones don't matter right now unless it's Sunday where a small amount of them could let this fanfic be in the top rankings thus giving it more exposure.

So either donate your power stones to "Hollywood Head-Hunting system" By Ramenlord (a close friend of mine) or your favorite author who would be able to use it to reach another rank.

Thanks to 'Dain_Dankil', 'Jack_Moriarty' and 'WarMachine78' for consistently leaving a comment, even if they are simple, they genuinely make me feel happy enough to continue writing lol.

Oh also I forgot to mention in earlier chapters but we have a review for this fanfic now, although it was more like asking questions to me on why I did etc things but I replied nonetheless. It has some information about my version of the Marvel timeline if you want to check it out.

I won't share it here since it would be considered a heavy spoiler and not everyone would want to know about It.

Btw You can also read the auxiliary chapter called 'Basic explanations' if you want to know more about the system and how it functions, I had made a separate chapter for those extensive explanations after my close friend Ramenlord suggested it since not everyone wants to read a long explanation about etc things and just immerse themselves in the story.

And finally, This story is Potentially Harem with at least 2 lovers, so if you haven't checked the tags or ignored the synopsis, I would like to warn you here if you aren't a fan of that tag, you can peacefully leave right now and not be disappointed later.

To some on the fence about that, don't worry, I won't make a degenerative gotta fuck Ehem all like certain fanfics here. Luke personally doesn't care about romance as he would much rather focus on becoming richer and stronger. The harem mainly stems from my own desires to build a big Caring family which I can't realistically achieve in real life. Thus I wish to selfishly introduce it in my stories, sorry if that is a turn off.

I don't know if I will write 18+ NSFW chapters since I don't like reading them personally as it feels like a useless chapter… just go search up some fan doujinshi lol.

Either way thanks for reading the chapter, see you on Thursday.

If you want to then consider joining my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

The main benefits are, you can directly communicate with me about the fanfic, like questions, suggestions, anything, you will also get pinged (if you select a role for it) whenever I or Ramenlord releases a chapter.

If you want to then consider joining my discord server:- https://discord.com/invite/GqMKJsCUNN

The main benefits are, you can directly communicate with me about the fanfic, like questions, suggestions, anything, you will also get pinged (if you select a role for it) whenever I or Ramenlord releases a chapter.

Rillikcreators' thoughts