
mob in my hero academia

Mob is a boy with incredible psychic power in a natural world ,But suddenly a mysterious light appears and sends him to another world where 80% of the world's population possesses superpowers, and now Mob must find a way back home.

DaoistkaHAxg · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Two kids on the beach

hhhhh aaaaaaaaaaa

The nurse screamed excitedly as she watched Mob's fight

"Amazing," she said excitedly. She had replayed that video 8 times and still doesn't understand how this happened

she stopped the scene at the point of confrontation between Mob and the giant, this little boy facial features were harsh and cold that looked like


Strong anime characters. Madara, Itachi. Hajiro Hanama (damn I don't know a lot of badass characters) ahh he must be a great hero

Here she felt something hit her head and looked back to see her co-worker Haibara standing in front of her waving the notebook "What are you doing. Sherry" and looking at the phone "Hey. What isn't that strong kid" and she looked at her friend

laughed sarcastically, "I know. I know, I couldn't believe my eyes, five powerful criminals at once. This kid must be a professional."

And looked at Sherry with envy. She was a beautiful girl with blond hair close to white, and she also had an amazing body ahhhhhhh

She sighed tightly, "Shouldn't you look for someone your age?" and looked at her stupidly

But Sherry restrained herself and said softly, "I'm shocked at his power. But he's not my type."

referred to him. Understood. He is not macho

She read again until she saw something that shocked her

"Uh, did you read that?" Sherry said, picking up the phone. "He didn't enter any academy."

"Ahhh. Well, we made sure we'd never see him here," Haibara said sarcastically

"Excuse me," said a voice behind her, and when she turned, her jaw dropped

Mob was standing in front of her. It was the same boy from the video and he didn't even change his clothes

"What. Is there anything wrong with me ?" Mob said after seeing her reaction

"No, nothing," Haibara said embarrassed, waving her hand. Here arrived Aizawa Death Arms and Kamui Woods. Haibara swallowed hard. wtf? For her good luck, Sherry intervened

"How can I help you?" she said happily

"Yes, a family that was attacked has arrived here," he pointed to Mob

Sherry immediately understood and they looked at the computer, "The Kageyama family is in the ICU, room thirteen."

Mob immediately ran away when he heard this, much to the dismay of Aizawa, who ran after him with Death Arms to the stairs.

Haibara sighed in relief when she saw

"Can I ask you a few questions?" . said Kamui Woods with a reddened face as he put his hand on the table

oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh How lucky she is . She clenched her fist while crying in exasperation

Mob's heart was beating fast and he was in pain for his family, hope they are all fine

Dumbbell was more worried than him as this was quite evident on his face. His family was a red line. He remembered that face when his house was burnt, he remembered when he saw his anger. He doesn't even want to think about what will happen when

"What's wrong," said Mr. X. Looking at the terrified Dumbbell, "What's wrong. I've never seen a scared ghost before." There are not many scary things after death, think Mr. X

They reached the room on a long corridor. Mob tried to enter, but the doctor stopped him

They are in stable condition, but do not bother them

There was a glass window overlooking the sick and injured. Mob hurriedly looked out, but froze at what he saw.

Dumbbell looked anxiously. The first thing he saw was Mob's father, connected to an air hose, filled with bandages

And then Mob's mother, who hid her face completely with a white tape. The worst was his brother Ritsu, his heart rate was slow compared to his parents, his hair was shaved and the worst was that his left arm had been cut off.

"Damn it," said Death Arms. He looks at Mob with pity

Aizawa turned to the doctor, "What happened to them?"

"As you can see, they fell from a high place where they were taken by a beam," the doctor said as he explained, "there was great damage to the father's lung system, and the mother's brain was severely damaged by a blow to the head and worse." He pointed out to Ritsu. "His arm was severed, but he used his own quark to move his parents. It appears that the quark is causing brain damage. but"

"But what?" Aizawa said

"I don't know what to say, but they are all in a coma," said the doctor, raising his hand in confusion

"All of them. You mean all of them at the same time," Death Arms said in shock

"Yes." A doctor said before he continued, "The strange thing is the presence of this white substance. A substance that is spread over their bodies is not familiar, this is certain."

"What effect does it have on the victims' bodies?" Aizawa said as he selected his questions

"Yes, there is a lot of it on the girl," said Death Arms

"This is the strangest thing. It preserves the bodies of the victims, but at the expense of their brains. Perhaps this is what keeps them in a coma."

"Then everything indicates that," said Death Arms, looking at Aizawa, who shook his head

The family was targeted. Mr. X thought as he analyzed what the heroes had understood. But Mr. X refuses to believe this theory that something is mysterious and begins to examine the family. Here note Ritsu's arm. Oh my God. It was precisely cut. It must have been out of the beam in the process of transferring.

"Oi Mob I want to check your family. Something is wrong," said Mr. X politely

But he did not hear anything from him. Come on, it's just a quick check. And here I noticed that the silence of Aizawa and Death Arms

He slowly looked back to notice the shining Mob While the tools are flying around him

"Oh. Mob," said Mr. X

The ground under it exploded and things could fly up, including people. Damn

"Mob," Mr. X shouted and rushed towards him, trying to stop him. But Dumbbell stopped him

"Don't come near him," he shouted in fear as they were both shocked

Ghost shocked what he felt. Throughout his life as a ghost he did not feel pain. This is what made it more painful. But that didn't stop Mr. X, so he started yelling at Mob, who broke down in tears

Sorry. Sorry. Mob collapsed.

"Shigraki," Aizawa shouted as he tried to see me mob. If he could, he would be able to remove the quark

But he had thrown away and here the mist covered his face. What an insane power!

Here Death Arms grabbed his hand as he clutched the door handle

"Damn what powers. Is he really a kid?"

"Mob" dumbbell

"Mob" Mr. X

"Shigraki," Aizawa shouted

The roof was starting to crumble and Kamui Woods panicked. "Don't worry I'll protect you," he said to Sherry as he tried to catch her with the workers. But she avoided him, trying to reach her colleagues and patients, and by turning her hand into huge forceps, she was able to catch dozens of them.

"Don't worry," she said as Kamui Woods watched her in disbelief

Before he says "I think I've fallen in love"

Mob was silent and isolated and did not feel anything. Just watching his family from behind the glass. Why does this happen? Why does this happen? His family shouldn't have been hurt when he should see his parents like this. And why should his brother Ritsu lose his hand? Mob was crying in agony, preferring to torment a thousand times to himself before he saw his family like this. Why a world full of heroes doesn't want this just wants his family safe


"Oni-san," said little Ritsu. "Up. Up." Ritsu was floating with his brother's help while dressing up as Superman and began to float in the air. Whatever falls or falls, the smile never left his face

"You're going to be a hero," he told the Mob


A cry brought him back to the world of reality. Mr. X was "Wake up, you idiot" and here he just remembered everything and immediately restored everything, everyone and the entire building to what it was.

Mob fell to the ground, regretting everything he had done. He let his emotions take over

He couldn't resist when Aizawa angrily pounced on him

"Oh, what's wrong with you?" he shouted, holding his shirt

Mob didn't want to. He just looked at him as he tried to hold his emotions in, but he couldn't. A look of pain appeared on his face and here he burst into tears

"Sorry. I'm sorry" Mob

Aizawa looked at him before saying . "What did this kid go through? "


"They're not real," Mob repeated what he hardly heard

"Yes," said Mr. X, confirming his theory. "They are just dolls, Mob. They don't have souls, and their vital organs are fake."

Mob paused, trying to comprehend what he had heard, "But... what does this mean?"

"Think with me why you were transferred," said Mr. X

Mob lowers his head thinking he knows exactly why

"I wanted this," Mob said coldly

"Excuse me," Mr. X said in amazement

For a long time, I was a failure in everything. A failure in studies. A failure in sports. In social relations. And "In love," Mob fell silent a few before he finished, "I am only successful with this strength." I must have been able to use my powers to take us to this world. Here I am at least succeeding in something, my powers are enormous, which I can all benefit from.

There was an enormous period of silence as Dumbbell and Mr. X's expressionless faces just stared at Mob in silence but they quickly burst out laughing so loudly that he fell to the ground while Mob stood unintelligible.

"Of course not," said Dumbbell, wiping his eyes. "But it's a good theory. You're moving forward."

"But I would have liked that before we went," Mobb said, defending his theory

"How do you explain your fake profile and family?" said Mr. X

Mob stood in silence, unable to speak. I totally forgot about it

"So what happened?" he asked in amazement

"Well, I could say it's an experiment," said Mr. X

Yes, dumbbells

"Listen," said Mr. X, "You're a very strong kid from a world without a quark," and he pointed to Earth, "and this is the land of the supernatural. But no one comes close to your powers."

"What" mob

"Yes, someone sent you into this world to see how your powers affected him and how the world would react to you."

"Exactly," said Dumbbell, admiring Mr. X's intelligence

"What led me to this conclusion is the presence of your family and a file," he continued, waving, "This will allow you to roam freely and mingle with society without a doubt."

"Didn't you notice a girl who looked like you," said Dumbbell, "She must be your sister, but we know he lied."

"Yes, this person probably wants you to realize that they are not your family. But that means they don't know about your ability to see ghosts."

"But what I did in the hospital," Mobb said worriedly, knowing he would be considered a criminal

"No, don't worry," said Mr. X

"But he's right," Dumbbell said

"Yes, but Mob is too strong," said Mr. X, "they can't imprison him, they want to make him a hero. Also, that sleepy man has a quark that allows abilities to be removed. Of course, keeping you under his watch would be the best option."

He looked at Mob before placing his hand on his head tenderly, "Your theory may be correct, perhaps you can go back to your world."

And he stood watching the sun. Mob felt the sadness and pain of this ghost. He felt that this person had a sad past. Remember his request to become the hero of this ghost. He wants to help someone. Think about it a lot

"But for the time being," said Mr. X, "Can you help us with your strength?"

His voice was soft and affectionate. This ghost was kind-hearted, always thinking for others. He was a hero.

Also, Mob needs work, the idea of ​​the hero is not bad

And here they heard an annoying sound. They tracked the source of the sound until they found it. There was a boy pulling pieces of garbage and heaping them in a specific place

"Okay, starting with him," said Mr. X


How Izuku Midoriya drags a broken refrigerator into the garbage heap, he's almost done, and he's a month old with all his bones screaming for relief. Until suddenly he felt the disappearance of the weight of the refrigerator. He looked back to see what happened

"M. What," he said, seeing all the rubbish floating behind each other and settling in the codon, which he understood easily. Here he heard the sound of footsteps, and when he looked, his jaw fell as he saw that the boy from that battle. Mob standing in front of him

"Are you okay?" he said coldly

"What did you do?" Midoriya said annoyed

Mob looked at him without understanding

after a minute

"Oh, I see," said Mob, embarrassed

Midoriya sat relaxed, flexing his muscles

"Don't worry. I'll take back all the trash."

He raised his hand while Midway watched all the garbage flying everywhere. He wished he had his note, but he was satisfied with a quick check. There is a violet ray. Is it controlled by a mind that seems to come out of the mob in a way, but it is still disavowed that it is a defensive and offensive quark with a huge range.

"What's wrong with him," said Dumbbell

"You have a strong quark," Midoriya said, "Can you tell me how it works?"

He looked at him stupidly Mob. He is the reason why he is asked about him by q

"Do you use a string or command the devices?" Midoriya thought, "that you could take out energy, stick it in the devices, and move it."

Mob was speechless, he didn't know what to say

"Telekinesis," he said, interrupting Midoriya

"Haha, strong." Midoriya said in astonishment

"What about you?" Mobb said

Midoriya's smile disappeared and he sat silently on a rock

"Sorry, but I can't say," he said slowly, "I need it on test day."

"Ah, smart kid," said Mr. X

"Hey, you want to be a hero, right," Midoriya said

"Yes," Mobb said, "I have to pass the test." Mob said calmly

Despite his strong power, Midoriya felt weak in Mob. He was impersonal

"Me too," Midoriya said

"You do so much to be a hero," Mobb said, looking at him coldly. "Why do you want to be a hero?"

Midoriya looked in front of him silently, his eyes sad and miserable. You are Quarles. We don't need you

Midoriya understand that you are weak to that you insist on playing the role of the hero

He remembered everything sadly, before his eyes radiated a strange hope

"I want to be a hero who saves everyone" before he squeezes his fist" with a smile

And look at the Mob who was impressed by it. Strong words and my expression was impressed by his insistence. Midoriya was kind-hearted. Here Mob felt he was in front of a real hero

"Yes," Mobb said with a small smile, "you can be a hero."

Here he remembers Midoriya when Al Might told him about it. He cried so much that it confused Mob

"Hey, what's your name?" Mob said

"Izuku Midoriya," he said, wiping away his tears, "but everyone calls me Deku."

"Shigeo Kageyama," Mob said, "but everyone calls me Mob."

They looked at each other before they burst out laughing.

(Mob means Boring and Deku means Useless)


"I'm here," shouted the macho blond man

"Al-Mate," Midoriya said in a panic

"I said no rest," he said, raising a finger in his face. And here just note the mob

the curse . It's that kid

"Hello," he said, raising his hand to salute, "You must be Kageyama, I heard about you." Midoriya's shocked voice said

Mob shouted softly as if it was a random dude from the street. Not a world champion

"Oh, sorry I'm late," Mobb said as he ran around waving

"Uh." All Might was shocked. "What a cocky kid."

"No," said Midoriya, who was holding a newspaper that was next to him, "but he wants to get to work."

"And you," said Al Might, shouting, "move fast," pointing to the rubbish that Mobb scattered.


Mob looked at them with fear and anxiety

"What a cruel teacher," he said, frightened

"No, it is the right way to teach," Mr. X said

"That kind-hearted kid," Mobb said happily, "he just wants to help people."

"Yes, there are few like him these days," said Mr. X. Before turning red as he gestured, "Like All Mite."

"Are you gay" mob and dumbbell

"No, I'm not," he said angrily, waving his hand

"I also noticed something mob," said Mr. X, as he approached, "You are physically weak."


"Yes." She couldn't take a third of the distance without getting tired. Dumbbell shook his head

"Does he have weak physical abilities?" asked Mr. X Dumbbell

"No. He doesn't even have physical abilities," Dumbbell said, raising his hand

"Damn it," Mr. X said, before putting his hand on his face. "But this life wins something and loses something."

"Really, what did you lose?" Mob said

"I lost my patience because you didn't run twenty kilometers."
