
mob in my hero academia

Mob is a boy with incredible psychic power in a natural world ,But suddenly a mysterious light appears and sends him to another world where 80% of the world's population possesses superpowers, and now Mob must find a way back home.

DaoistkaHAxg · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

the UA Academia

Mob let out a sigh of astonishment when he crossed the gate of ua Academia the place was big and luxurious

"First time seeing this academy," Death Arms asked amazement

"Yes," Mob said naively. Here MR x and dumbbell appeared and looked at him in anger

"Hey you idiot," Dumbbell said angrily and continued MR x "Do not attract suspicion around you."

Mob was completely confused. He didn't know what wrong he done, but Mr. X came up with a quick lie

"I saw it on TV but I didn't think it was big," said Mob, repeating what the two ghosts said

"Oh, okay," said the hero

Mr. X sighed and wiped his nonexistent brow before he rushed in front of Mob and started warning him.

"Listen one word, shut your mouth and let us talk for you," said Mr. X, raising his finger at Mob's face.

"Yes," said Dumbbell, shaking his head, "yes, it must be a famous school, so how strange it is that you know her."

"I'm sorry," Mob said nervously.

Mr. X sighed tightly before placing his hand on his head. "Don't tell me he's simple-minded," he said

"No," said Dumbbell. "He's an idiot."

The two laughed before remembering that Mob was just a few steps away from them. who was looking at them coldly

"Well, our goal is to gather information," the ghost said to Mob. "go ahead."

Mob joined the three heroes with Dumbbell and Mr. X. To the inside of the largest building. On the inside, it looked like any normal school

As they walked down the corridor, Mrs. X began to analyze the situation. Tense and shy, but affectionate and kind-hearted, although his face is devoid of feelings. Is this because of his powers? His powers were probably affected his facial expressions. No, but that his powers are affected by his feelings. Yes, I can feel something terrifying inside this child. strong thing. What is it

The ghost put his hand on his face. The worst is this boy. He does not have a strong personality. He did not get upset or angry at our words, but swallowed it silently. Luckily we found him before a villain did. What is this frightening contradiction?

Meanwhile, Mob's thoughts were. This place is clean. Everything is luxurious and sophisticated. So here they make heroes and start remembering his conversation with Mr. X

"I agree, to become hero " Mob said in amazement, "Why should I?"

The ghost turned his face at him and said, "You want to go home?"

"Yes," Mob said

"So," said Mr. X, "You need help. You need information."

Mob shook his head in agreement while Dumbbell sat watching him in astonishment. how smart he is

Complete the ghost, "Then you have to become a hero. In this case, you will have access to more information. and More resources."

Mob was silent. His facial expressions were blank. It's hard to know what he's thinking

"Also," Mr. X continued, "You can get a video of how you got here , you should find useful information from it."

Those were clever and tactful words. Mob thought a lot and an idea came to his mind. He doesn't know what to do or where to go. If he becomes a hero, at least he will find a job. There is also something else

"Okay," Mob said to the ghost who shivered excitedly

"Okay, go to them," MR x said happily

How sad. mob was thinking about how weird this ghost was, but he wasn't evil. Mob felt that if he became a hero, he might allow this ghost to rest

"Here we are," said Death Arms

Mob was awakened from his thoughts by a knock on the door. They have arrived at the principal's office."

" focus . Just repeat what we say" Dumbbell said

when he opened the door Mob find the cutest thing he had ever seen .

The principal was a rat-like creature in uniform with what appeared to be a wound on his face. Standing next to him was a long-haired man with black clothes and a hood that concealed his mouth, looking very drowsy

.and there was a man who looked like a dog standing with them in a tuxedo, Nezu welcomed the heroes happily

"I heard what happened," said Nezu. "You did well."

mt lady scratched her head shyly, "Huh. We didn't do anything big."

"You're right. You didn't do anything," said the sleepy man. lefting mt lady shocked and here he turned to Mob who froze in fear. Death Arms quick to introduce him as the strong child who helped them

"My name is Shigeo Kageyama," Mob said identifying himself as he bowed

"There's no need for all this," the Principal laughed happily, and extended his hand to him, "I'm Principal Nezu."

and He raised his hand, pointing to the sleepy man, "This is Shota Aizawa. Don't worry about him." Then he looked at the dog-man.

who introduced himself " I'm The Chief of the Police Force, Kenji Tsuragamae,"

Police officer . Mob was in fear why he is here, all he wants is to register in this academy

But Dumbbell and Mr. X calmed him down. He replied repeating their words

"Nice to meet you," Mob said politely

The policeman smiled, "Thank you."

"Sit down, Kageyama," said Nezu,to Mob who sat down . How polite boy but we must be careful duty. Nizo think . he watched the video. and he was shocked by Mob Incredible power

"Do you want to be a hero?" asked Nezu

"Yes," Mob said

"I'm sure you'll become a professional hero," said Nezu. "From what I heard, you've defeated five powerful villains."

"Four," said MT lady, but she was intimidated by her colleagues and lowered her head

"Yes, strong villains," Aizawa said

"But," said the policeman, "what you did, though it was good, was against the law because you did not have a licence."

Mob was about to apologize but was silenced by Mr. X

"I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn't leave that kid, especially when I had the power to save him," said Mob, repeating what Mr. X had said. It was a reasonable answer

"But they were dangerous criminals. You almost put your life in danger." the policeman

Mr. X thought an appropriate response, but he heard Mob say, "But they were too weak."

A long silence passed . five powerful criminals. Weak. Although it seemed like an arrogant answer ,but Mob's innocent tone made him sound like someone saying a truth

"Really," said Nezu curiously, "what is your Quirk?"

Mob raised his hand and here the little gadgets began to float around him. "I have a telekinesis that allows me to move things with my mind." Mr. X predicted this question, so they rehearsed this show all the way.

Nezu let out a sound of admiration. The jaws of the three heroes fell in disbelief. What a strong Quirk Thank God he's not bad boy

"strong Quirk ," Aizawa said with a strange smile.

This guy is bad in smile , Dumbbell Think while looking at him in fear

"No doubt, you will be accepted into the academy," Kamui Woods said excitedly

"Your family will be proud of you," said Death Arms

"Yes," Mob said happily. But his happiness did not last. When he heard the Principal say "So where are your parents?" Nezu said with a smile

Mob swallowed his saliva in fear. He looked at Dumbbell and Mr. X, maybe they could help him But he saw them confused

"Uh, it doesn't matter," said Nezu, "we'll call them. Your name was Shigeo Kageyama,"

Mob was completely silent while Nezu kept searching for his name and he realized he had been exposed. Especially when he heard Dumbbell lamenting thier luck. What do I do what do I do. he Think of escaping, but it he become wanted and will cause great difficulties. and maybe get

"Ah, we found your name." Nezu said to Mob and started reading his file

Dumbbell and Mr. X stood stupidly as they tried to comprehend what had happened. Nezu continued to read things about Mob like day of his birth and his school as he mentioned his family

Were they lying? Mister X Think. No there is something wrong

"Uh," Nezu laughed as he finished reading mob file. "You don't use your Quirk . So much. To the point the teachers thought you didn't have one."

Mob did not answer, but remained silent. did I bothered him . Nezu thought? the file mentioned that Mob hurt some people in self-defense in his childhood. I shouldn't ask him about it






Mob's feelings were mixed. He was confused, afraid, happy. What happens what happens

"Don't worry about it," the dumbbell said tenderly, feeling his friend's fear

"Are you okay?" Aizawa asked when he saw Mob trembling

Mob shook his head without thinking. He was too weak to answer here. He heard the Principal calling his parents' number. . At least his family is here

"Uh, hello," Nezu said while talking on the phone. "Can I speak to Shigeo Kageyama's father?" Mob heard a worried mutter. Here, the shock appeared on Nizo's face, what happened. Everyone pays attention to this detail and silently listened to the rest of the call

"What. Really. When? Uh no. Yes. I have their son," Nezu said anxiously. he hang up

Everyone was waiting for an explanation. From the sight of Nezu, Dumbbell realized that it was not good news

Nezu looked at Mob with pity and said, "I'm sorry. But,,, but your family is in the hospital."

Mob was in a state of shock, his hair rose strangely and things started to float

"Kagayama," Aizawa shouted, "Control yourself." Dumbbell looked at him, as if saying this is my sentence

"Don't worry," Nezu shouted, "They're stable."

That was enough talk to comfort Mob

"What happened?" asked the police officer

"It looks like they were attacked," said Nezu. "They were get telepoting into the sky Thanks to their Quirk, they survived . Eyewitnesses say it looked like a white light."

The three heroes were in a rage as Aizawa tried to reassure Mob. As for the two ghosts, they sat down trying to collect this puzzle

"Where are they?" Mob asked

" At Jaku General Hospital" Nezu didn't finish . Mob ran out of the room, followed by a worried Aizawa and Death Arms.

"What a sweet kid," said the police officer

"Yeah " Nezu, " looks like we didn't need Aizawa in the end. I feel bad for bothering him."

"But don't you realize there is a connection between the two incidents," said the policeman, "They were teleport to the other side of the city."

"What do you mean?" Nezu said angrily. please don't remind me

" On top of this ", the policeman continued, "The five criminals were victims of that boy."

Nezu sadly bit his lip before saying, "Kimuchi."

"Yes," said the police officer

He continued. He looks angrily, remembering that heinous crime


A video of Mob's fight has been posted. It has taken over social media

Everyone wanted to know who this kid was the strongest. In what school does he want to be? Everyone's reaction to this video

Ochaco Uraraka: Ha, what a strong kid

Mina Ashido: Amazing

Eijiro Kirishima: Wow how cool

Momo Yaoyorozu: He must have gotten a recommendation like me

Fumikage Tokoyami: Looks like there will be a competition

Yuga Aoyama: How bright is it?

Toru Hagakure: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I wish it was in my class

Izuku Midoriya writing in his notebook: He seems inexperienced. But his enormous power compensates for this weakness. They look cruel

Shoto Todoroki: I will do my best

Katsuki Bakugo: I don't care. I will crush him"

Mysterious white-haired kid "Hmmm. well . well . this is interesting " Continue watching the video with a sly smile