
mob in my hero academia

Mob is a boy with incredible psychic power in a natural world ,But suddenly a mysterious light appears and sends him to another world where 80% of the world's population possesses superpowers, and now Mob must find a way back home.

DaoistkaHAxg · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

a girl and a job

"Good morning, Mob," Mr. X exclaimed loudly

Mob woke up annoyed rubbing his eyes inside his room in ua. Nezu suggested that Mob live with them temporarily until his family regained consciousness. Not for Mob's safety, as I have shown that he does not need her, but for him to remain under Aizawa's watch in case he gets out of control. Mob dressed quickly without speaking at all and then hurried out of his room. Before turning to Dumbbell and whispering in a low voice

"Are there really no security cameras here?" Mob doubted

"No, I'm not sure," Dimple said

Mob continued his way while looking around him. He decided to wander a little out of boredom. Tomorrow is the day of the admission test. Mob got an official recommendation, which means that he is special.

"If Mob, let's go to work," said Mr. X

Mob thought a little that he needed money and that he needed items such as clothes and book , and he did not want to be a burden on the school administration.

"Oi," said Dumbbell, "the guy Aizawa is behind us."

Aizawa was really behind them, walking slowly. He was assigned to follow Mob while he was strolling. As Mr. X expected, Mob was placed in Aizawa's class, as he proved that he would pass the test.

"Shhh" said Aizawa, "mob .Who are you?"

( flash back )

Inside a room where Nezu met heroes and ua high school teachers: .Eraser Head.Present Mic Cementoss. midnight. Snap. Ectoplasm. Vlad King and of course .All Might

"First, thank you for coming," Nezu said politely. "You must know why we're here."

"Little Mob," said All Might, "is very strong."

Vlad King blew air through his nose. "But as I can see, he has a weak personality. He looks a little stupid, if I may say so."

"I wonder if it's good or bad," Midnight said

"Well," Nezu said, "these are footage from the hospital incident."

The footage showed the destruction of the hospital in just a matter of seconds. But what terrified and amazed them was that buildings over a meter long were flying with cracks everywhere, cars were also floating easily, hundreds of them.

"Everything was back to normal after a few seconds, there was no breakage," Nezo said

"Amazing what an amazing ability," Present Mic said admiringly

As All Might sat, he felt he had a rival in strength

"I have good and bad news," said Nezu. "The bad news is that the government wants to seize Mob. To contain his abilities, he poses a danger to everyone."

This was very cruel and everyone felt pity for this child but felt it was the right thing to do

"Then where will it be reserved?" Aizawa said

"This is good news at U.A. High School," Nezu said cheerfully

While everyone's faces were so shocked that they couldn't even respond

"They'd rather want Aizawa to watch him," Nezu said

"What?" Aizawa was shocked

(back to present)

Aizawa was watching Mob very carefully, and he noticed that he was moving his head as if he was listening to a conversation, and suddenly he saw him enter a nearby store. He was talking to the seller, who was shocked on his face. He began to speak tensely, and Aizawa approached to hear the conversation

"You're sure you're looking for a job with me," said the salesman with fear

"Do," Aizawa said, surprised. The school has taken care of all of Mob's needs so why is he looking for a job

"Yes," Mob said simply

"Well. How can I say I am. Well?" The salesman was speaking with great fear as he swallowed his saliva. "Excuse me, but I already have an employee."

"Oh, okay," Mob said disappointedly, and then simply left

Mob scurried hither and thither into shops and restaurants, and behind Aizawa, the managers were afraid to hire Mob because of his enormous strength, so there wasn't much he could do.

"Hmm, okay, let's try searching on the Internet," said Mr. X

Mob wandered about the city a little, and only here among the crowds of people he noticed their strange looks. There were looks of admiration, fear, and amazement, and then grunts followed.

" it is him "

"They don't look strong."

"Mama, it's that boy."

Then people started taking pictures and standing around him. Mob felt uncomfortable, so he used telekinesis to fly far, then he stood looking at the city, still couldn't believe that he was in another world.

"Nice place," Mr. X said

"Yes," said Mob

"Can you tell me where you moved to, we might reveal the secrets later," Mr. X said

"Yes," thought Dumbbell, "there he was."

He pointed to a nearby forest, where Mob quickly set off, but they were surprised by nearby trucks and a group of people working there and taking samples. Here they saw two heroes approaching them, one of whom was wearing scientific clothes and a helmet with a huge eye on it, and the other was a woman dressed as a tiger (heroes she invented) it was the Red Eye and the Lady Tiger

"They are from the Red Eye Agency, and he is a champion specializing in scientific events whose advantage allows him to analyze materials and identify them easily."

It is likely that he was assigned to research the mysterious incident, "Mr. X said," and it is likely that what he discovered was something abnormal.

"So will he target us?" Dumbbell said

"Probably," Mr. X said

"It won't matter, we'll join him," said Mob, and his thoughts began to wonder at the two of them

"But will he let us?" said Dumbbell

"Yes, the U.A. Sports Festival matches will take place," Mr. X said.

He said that and they flew off. Mob was confused while Dumbbell and Mr. X discussed a way to get to the Red Eye database. Mob is thinking of using a threat, while Mr. X is likely to befriend him in order to then ask him for information, but they agreed that he will know their goal from the beginning, so they will not invent a story here. Just saw something bad. There were two villains attacking a store, one of whom extended his crab-like hand, while the other, who looked like a wolf, grabbed the seller's daughter in a disgusting way.

"Oh, let's go," said the crab

"Come on, let's take her with us," said the wolf, salivating

"Are you stupid?" said the crab. Just here, Mob saw something that shocked him. A beautiful girl with smooth skin who hadn't missed a maintenance had landed on him. She had bluish-purple hair and indigo eyes. She was so pretty that the trio blushed

The girl landed on the crab with strong kicks and then threw something at the wolf-like thing that blinded him

Before she kicked him so hard she made one of his teeth fly out

"Damn who are you," said the crab

But the girl kicked him again with force, making him fly backwards around the wolf. He caught her, but she dodged him gracefully.

Only here Mob intervened and grabbed the two men and fixed them. The girl looked at Mob with a gentle smile, who blushed

"I expected you to be here," said the pretty girl to Mob, "thank you for helping me."


"Thank you for saving us." Thank the salesman, his daughter Mob and the girl as the police cars approach

"Uh, I guess I should go," said the girl, before running away quickly

Mob couldn't stop her, but he felt his admiration for her, while Dumble and Mr. X looked at her infatuation.

"How cute," Mr. X said with a red face

"Thank you very much for your help," said the seller and his daughter while they bowed. "Is there anything we can do to return the favor?"

"May I work with you?" said Mob

"What?" said the salesman, shocked

"Actually, I'm looking for a job," Mob explained

"Of course. Of course," the girl said quickly, and the seller did not find any objection

"Thank you very much," said Mob

While Mr. X sat watching what was going on while a tear fell on his cheek

"Come on, come on," said the beautiful woman

"Hey, my dear," Mr. X sadly recalled his memories

When he was embracing his beautiful wife

Without realizing it, a child with long white hair and yellow eyes sat watching what was happening with a malicious smile

( in another place)

"Damn, where did that motherfucker go?" Aizawa yelled angrily