
mob in my hero academia

Mob is a boy with incredible psychic power in a natural world ,But suddenly a mysterious light appears and sends him to another world where 80% of the world's population possesses superpowers, and now Mob must find a way back home.

DaoistkaHAxg · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

mob in my hero academia p2

It all started in Cheng Qing, China when a luminous child was born with a unique power. Then, with the passage of time, similar phenomena occurred all over the world, and soon the majority of the population acquired supernatural powers - known as "quirks" but as you know human beings are selfish many of them started Exploiting their quirks for evil deeds, but in return a new work appeared. The work that everyone liked and dreamed of


heroes. the Super heroes_

"Hey, hey," said Dumbbell, surprised. "Heroes and quirks. Are you saying that people now possesses?"

"Super power, yes," said the ghost without caring. "There are those who can breathes flames from their mouth, and those who can pull nails out of their body."

He looked at them while he was amused with looks of amazement and shock on their faces. from Another world damn this is something he can't believe

Not only was I transported to another world, but a world full of people with insane power







Mob's feelings was Approaching the point of explosion at a tremendous speed but it wasn't for fear or panic

Mob looked at the ghost and asked, "How is it happening, what is causing them to have this power?"

The soul sighed before saying, "No one knows. Perhaps no one will ever know. Its mysterious secret."

"Really," Mob said in amazement

While Dumbbell stood beside him. No one really knows. How do they accept a gift before knowing what its content or its cost, start to suspect this person, this ghost is a crazy son of a bitch

The sun rose slowly. In front of Mob, the frightening dark street had become normal

"So is there someone who has the ability to travel between worlds," Dumbbell said

The ghost looked sarcastically at them "I don't know it's like looking for a grain of sand in a desert" and began pointing to himself, "In my days there were those who had quirks in every house, but now whoever doesn't have a quark is Weirdo ."

There was a look of disappointment in Dumbbell's eyes, they must have been lost in this world. What are they going to do

"I sensed his energy," Mob said simply. "His powers were producing Huge energy I could track for miles."

Dumbbell's eyes teared up, thank God. but there is a problem

"So who is the strongest hero you know right now" Dumbbell

"Oh, my heart, is there are those who did not know that the Knight ." The soul was angry (really) "He is the great knight, the first hero, he is a symbol of peace. all might

"all might " Mob said, "Is he like Superman?"

"Yes, he is the one who destroys every villain with one punch, while a smile on his face," said the spirit, breathing hard, and his face turned red.

"Are you gay?" Mob said after seeing him in this situation

"No, I'm not." The ghost groaned angrily as he moved his hand in the air, threateningly

"Wait, wait a moment, villains and heroes. Will there be battles or fights between them?" Dumbbell said frightened.

"Ah yes, daily ," he said simply

"Daily, hey, don't this people get any damage?" Dumbbell said in astonishment

"Heroes are trained to minimize damage," the Ghost said

"I can't imagine it. I mean what it's like," Dumbbell asked. He had seen a little fighting but remembered how much destruction it had caused.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it to you," said the ghost, rubbing his chin or moving his arm through his chin, "but it seemed to be-"

Boooommm. A massive explosion in the middle of the town The sounds of fighting, screaming and crashing filled the place and people were calling for help.

"Oh, how lucky you are," said the mocking ghost. "Live lesson."

*** **** **** **** ****

The scene was difficult to describe. Where three heroes stood in a state of tension and anxiety and suddenly came gloating laughter from the villain in front of them and began to caress the cheek of the little boy who was holding him

"Well...well...as I see the luck in our side ," said the red-haired villain (the one holding the child) while his accomplices smiled maliciously.

There were four bad guys, one of them was a giant with two hammers in place of his arms while his friends took cover under him which made it impossible to make a surprise attack thought Death Arms,

"What do you want?" Kamui Woods said

"A completely empty road. Hissssss," said the green-haired villains and snake-like features, "No police. Do you understand?"

"Let the child go, you bastard." A mountain lady cried angrily

"Uh oh," said someone with a half-burned face, "shut your mouth, bitch."

And in the meantime. Mob Dumbbell arrived with the ghost and here they were surprised by the event. It was clear that the heroes are in trouble

Damn, they used the kid as a hostage. The ghost said with genuine concern as he focused his eyes on them

"Why don't heroes just attack," said Dumbbell, "don't they have superpowers?

"You idiot," said the ghost, angrily. "Don't you understand, it won't help them in this situation?"

"They can't get close" The ghost begins to analyze the situation "Their abilities are easy to notice, there is no hidden movement and the path is quite clear and the worst is that this giant acts as a shield, it will slow down any attack. Which means that it is impossible to take the child by force without harming him" The ghost was completely worried and wanted to help desperately but What can he do

"Damn you, you little brat!" shouted the villain angry when the boy bit his arm and then raised his hand and hit him hard to make him fall.

"Damned" mountain lady

"You let him go now " Death Arms

"Damn what do we do what do I do" said the ghost

"hey mob" dumbbell, "what are you doing?"

Mob was Heading towards the villains quietly and silently

"Hey, wait!" The ghost screamed in fear. "Hey, you idiot, Don't get involved."

But Mob didn't stop or even turn around. he kept moving forward

Here the ghost followed him, "Please wait, if you . you will endanger yourself and that child," but he stopped when he looked at his face, his eyes were cold and devoid of feeling, but something made him move

Mob continued his way, ignoring the heroes' angry screams

"Oi You" Death Arms

"What are you doing " Kamui Woods

"Stop, you idiot." mountain lady

He stopped in front of the villains who started to look at him with amazement and mockery

"Oh, what is this ssss?"

"Do you want to play the hero, get out of here, you fucker?"

He looked at them in a strange way, his face has no expressing at all . The villain tightened his grip on the child with fear

. It's like that day . When he met that monster

"Release the child," Mob said coldly

The villans laughed sarcastically Because in their eyes, Mob represented all forms of the weak weak. short. looks stupid

. So weak that he dies from a single slap

"Or what" The red-haired cried

Here Mob knew that he had to use violence, so there was no point in arguing with fools. He raised his hands in front of them

"You need to learn a lesson," he said angrily

"Hey, come back, you idiot!" Death Arms shouted angrily


The child was pulled from the villain's hand and gently landed beside Mob. what . Everyone looked at where the villain was, he was tied up

"This is his ability. Son of a bitch." The red-haired villain said angrily

But it seemed that Mob was not listening as he was busy calming the little boy who was cuddling him and crying

"Don't worry everything will be fine" mob said kindly

"You're . you," said the hot-haired villain, " he ignoring me. Kill him, Rocky, kill him." He shouted angrily to the huge villain who roared furiously and sped towards Mob, delivering a powerful punch.

"Oh, watch out" Kamui Woods

"Oneni-san," said the boy, holding on to a mob

Mob looked at the villain and easily stopped his fist. Not only that, but he pointed with his hand as if he was swatting flies and boom, the villain flies back and hits a building, the jaws of villains and heroes fell

Everyone was in shock at Mob's amazing power

The ghost was silently looking at the battle. "Okay," he said to Dumbbell, "I believe you now."

And he returned to follow the battle and saw a red-haired and snake-like besieging Mob from two directions

The red-haired man raised his hand revealing a small cannon while the other shot a strange acid from his mouth

It was two dangerous attacks from two sides The ghost thought not Mob should protect himself but the child


Mob made a barrier to block these attacks easily, then he raised two fingers and interlaced them together and here the two villains flew and hit each other

The last villain was frozen in place, flashing horrible memories when that damned monster slaughtered his whole gang. He thought of running away, but he knew it was impossible.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." The villain laughed sarcastically, "Okay, there is only me left." His skin began to turn red as if it was heating up, but in fact it was actually heating up.

"That's why they call me Boomer King," he said with a crazy smile, "I won't lose this time. Kimchi, I will blow myself up . i will not be defeat-."

But he didn't finish as mountain lady . stepped on him

"Hello," she said, "we are still here. Good job, little one.

*** **** **** **** ****

Criminals are arrested and transferred

"They were a strong group," said the policeman, "I can't believe this boy beat them."

And he looked at Mob, who was praised by the heroes for his quirks. He could not have imagined that this boy would be so powerful. Well I guess that's a trick from him clever kid

Mob's face turned red in happiness, for he had never been so thanked or praised in his life

"Well done" mountain lady

"You were so strong" Kamui Woods

"But," said Death Arms firmly, "you shouldn't have intervened without telling us."

"Sorry," Mob said frightened

"And also, you didn't take the boy away," said Kamui Woods , "you kept him by your side. You should have sent him to a safe place."

mountain lady sighed and said "what do they teach children these days" and raised her head and said "by the way, which academy are you from?"

Mob was confused and said nervously, "Academy."

"Yes, Academy of heroes , where are you from" Cameo Wood doubt

"I'm not from any academy," Mob said.

There was a long period of silence. While heroes and police officers look at him stupidly

"whaaaaaattt," Death Arms shouted, " you interfered with a hero mission without a license or even experience."

"You endangered the boy with your stupidity," continued mountain lady

" What were you thinking", Kamui Woods

Mob knelt in front of them, "I'm so, so, so sorry," he said in fear. Heroes looked at him amazed. He was too strong to do this

Here a policeman came, pointing out the damage done by Mob. "This was very violent." He said, "You caused severe damage, you will be punished for this."

"I am very, very sorry," Mob said

Then he pointed with his hand to where the damage. Here everyone saw rocks and stones going back to where they were and sticking to get back to how it was. He fixed everything

The jaws of the three heroes fell and their eyes widened

"You said you didn't go to any academy right," said Death Arms

"Righ_" Mob said slowly but was interrupted by the mountain lady

"We know a great academy you can go to," the mountain lady said excitedly

"Yes, you will become a great hero," said Kamui Woods

"I'll make a call", Death Arms

"No," Mob said softly

The three looked at him in shock. what . what does he mean

"I have no desire to enter any academy," he said, walking away

"Wait a minute." Death Arms " you can help a lot of people. You have an amazing quirk."

but He stopped when he looked at Mob's face. It was a cold face without any feelings

"It's bad to use powers against others ," Mob said coldly and then continued his way . Leaving heroes disappointed

"May I talk to you?" Ghost said with a smile

Moments later, Mob returns to the heroes , he agrees, he wants to become a hero

"Hmmm." The ghost has been very happy . in all his mortal and immortal life and has never seen a person with the power of a mob. It's stupid not to use his powers for the tournament This boy will fulfill my dream Ghost thought as he follows Mob and the Excited heroes

"I can't believe you agreed to that," Dumbbell .said

"Don't worry, I have solutions for everything," said the ghost proudly.

"Who are you?" Dumbbell said, remembering that they did not know his name

"Ahh," said the ghost sadly. "You'd better call me master x . Just master x"

From afar, Deku was watching the situation on TV

"who is this guy " he said amazmint