
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

17. The Defier of Magic

The man, his hair the color of rich chestnuts, swiveled his head, scanning the obscure corners of the room with a curious tilt. Streaks of sunlight sifted through, bestowing an almost mystical radiance upon the subdued ambiance, which appeared to intertwine with the curls of cigar smoke they exhaled.

All eyes shifted toward Astorn as he positioned himself near the entrance, the magnetism of his meticulously crafted Steel Plate armor catching everyone's attention. Without uncertainty, it became evident that he bore the unmistakable symbol of a Knight, prompting a few cynical smirks to curve across their lips.

"Hey there, young one," bellowed a robust figure, his grimy attire, and hammer hanging at his side revealing his identity as a Blacksmith. "Lost, are ya?"

Astorn shook his head and approached, the faint clinking of his armor blending with the atmosphere. "Nah, just looking for a friend," he replied casually. "Thought he might be around."

The Blacksmith's eyes widened as they landed on the resplendent Steel Plate beside him, the sunlight catching it in a way that made it gleam like a work of art. Across the room, various groups watched, biding their time to approach.

"Take a load off for a bit," suggested a man with an attire reminiscent of an Assassin, pulling out a chair with a scraping sound. "What's your friend look like?"

Unsuspectingly, Astorn settled into the seat, the group emitting an enigmatic aura that hinted at concealed motives. "Thanks," he replied, his senses acutely attuned to the peculiar atmosphere surrounding him.

"A glass of drink won't hurt, right?" the Blacksmith said this time, sipping his foamy beer.

"Is that real?" Astorn asked, intrigued, furrowing his brow. "I mean, will you actually get drunk like in real life?"

"When you have a decent Device, that's it," replied one of the men, who looked like a Warrior without a shield on his back. "You see, they all have the funds to enjoy this kind of situation."

Astorn puzzled, then inquired, "Why do they do all of this in here?"

"Well... we don't want to cause trouble," said the black-haired Assassin. "Here, you might lose control when you're drunk, but the impacts don't matter as they do in the real world."

He halted, taking a sip of his nearly finished drink. "And when it comes to smoking, we can only feel the sensation without harming our lungs. Isn't that a great option?"

A soft chuckle escaped Astorn's lips as he recognized the meticulous effort put forth by the Axian developers in crafting the game, offering a means of escape without causing real harm. It came as no shock that the place was teeming with players hailing from diverse backgrounds.

"Then, I suppose," Astorn murmured, raising his hand. "I'll have one of beer, please!"

The bartender nodded instantly, swiftly preparing the beverage. Astorn turned his attention back to the group of people in front of him, still engrossed in their drinking activities.

"So, how about your friend?" the enthusiastic Warrior asked, different from the others.

"Ah, you're right," Astorn leaned forward, resting both hands on the table. "He's about my height, but he's wearing Leather Armor, has curly black hair, and doesn't carry any weapons on his body except for a small blade."

"Is that all?" the somewhat skeptical Assassin inquired. "Do you know his class?"

"That's tricky because he's hiding his identity except for his name," Astorn admitted, lowering his gaze, and pondering the fitting class.

"What's his name?" the Assassin inquired, finishing off his beer. "Leather Armor you said, huh, he's probably similar to me."

"His name is Liu Han, possessing incredible skills with his legs and hands. He can even defeat many monsters barehanded!" Astorn explained at length, prompting the Assassin to glance briefly at the Warrior, who had no idea about the man Astorn was seeking.

"That doesn't quite the Assassin class at all," the black-haired man stated, still looking towards the Warrior. "Do you know something?"

"Not long ago, I think I saw a man with similar characteristics," he pondered something, and the Bartender arrived with their booze. "Hey, Don, do you know where that unfamiliar black-haired guy went?"

"Ah... that lad, yes," the bartender mused, his furrowed brows trying to recall. "If I'm not mistaken, he was looking for a nearby inn."

Suddenly, the wooden mug containing beer was slammed onto the table, and the Warrior quickly downed its contents. "There's only one inn around here. Let's find your friend."

The Assassin and the Warrior rushed to their feet, Astorn flustered as he followed suit. However, before leaving the table, the Warrior slipped an extra coin to the bartender with a triumphant smile, as if something had been schemed.

In the midst of it all, a man, his upper body bare, emitted a dense cloud of steam upon successfully obliterating the final statue behind him. Slowly but surely, the sculpture of the colossal Knight crumbled with seismic force upon impact, sending vibrations rippling through the ground.

The scene bore witness to utter devastation. Ruin was the reigning theme — even the once grand palace ceiling had succumbed, unveiling the resplendent night sky ablaze with an array of stars and a graceful crescent moon. The very air whispered of antiquity abandoned and forgotten, leaving only him and the Lunar Queen to inhabit this desolate realm.

Li Han had now completed all that was required of him. Contemplations stirred within him, trying to ascertain the Lunar Queen's subsequent moves. It mattered not what path lay ahead, so long as it led him to freedom, an escape from the Lunar-Verse whose torment had etched into his very soul.

"Come to me, My Champion," the Queen's mellifluous voice reverberated, defying the distance that separated them from below. "Let us imbue this moment with value."

Without hesitation, Liu Han surged over the debris, his athleticism astounding — a stark contrast to his state upon first traversing the Lunar-Verse. In this bound, he attained remarkable height, soaring through the air with newfound mastery. In mere seconds, Liu Han stood before the enigmatic Queen.

Their hazel gazes converged, a fleeting instance that allowed Liu Han to glimpse the Lunar Queen's exquisite allure, heightened by the moon's silvery radiance. This night pulsed with energy — somehow, the woman's presence exuded a palpable intensity as she drew closer.

Her graceful approach compelled Liu Han to involuntarily retreat, evoking melodious laughter from the Lunar Queen, rich with wisdom. "Your charm is undeniable, mortal. I believe I have chosen right."

In that very instant, a pair of wings unfurled with poised elegance, a demonstration of the Queen's dominion. She came to a break, mere inches away from Liu Han, their statures harmoniously aligned. The Queen's countenance remained adorned with a serene smile.

"Fear not," her voice, a soft murmur, accompanied her right hand's graceful extension. "Take my hand, and what you seek shall find you."

In an unexplainable hesitation, he found himself struggling to look away from the Lunar Queen's captivating eyes, a magnetic pull locking their gaze. With a hard swallow, he tentatively clasped the Lunar Queen's delicate, chilly hand, feeling a shiver run down his spine at her touch.

In that intense moment, a surge of energy coursed through Liu Han's body like lightning, an electric current that left him gasping for breath. He couldn't help but let out a strained groan, the sheer force of the power threatening to overwhelm him, his eyes gradually turning a deep shade of red, his cheeks wet with tears that he couldn't hold back.

"Endure it, face your deepest hatred." The Lunar Queen's voice brushed against his ear, a soft and soothing whisper amidst the tumultuous force.

Struggling to withstand the torrent of power, Liu Han's strength finally surrendered, and he collapsed into the Lunar Queen's embrace. They both knelt there, surrounded by the unfurling of their black wings. In that vulnerable moment, Liu Han's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, yet he clung to consciousness despite the overwhelming sensations threatening to sweep him away.

Amidst the chaos, he sensed a contradictory warmth radiating from the Lunar Queen's cold skin, her arms around him offering an unexpected solace amidst the pain. Gradually, his trembling lessened, his body adapted to the influx of power, and his heart transformed from a maelstrom of resentment and fury to an unexplainable sense of tranquility.

In this profound connection, the Lunar Queen's words brushed against his ear once more and tapped her little hand around Liu Han's back, "There, there now, My Champion. You've weathered storms that would have shattered most."

Her voice held a tender reassurance. "I'll be here, by your side, always."

Easing her grip on him, she spread her wings, revealing them like a protective cocoon around them both. "Forge ahead on your adventure, seek out the challenges that await. With the strength I've shared, no force can bind you."

"The Defier of Magic," she flapped her wings, gracefully hovering in the air, obscuring the moonlight. "Prove that the weakest human in Axian can transform into the strongest!"

Liu Han rose from the embrace, his hazel eyes reflecting un-destruction resolve. Amidst the cavern's shadowed expanse, a sudden brilliance illuminated their surroundings, causing even the Goblins to be startled in awe.

Within that radiant light stood Liu Han, wrapped in a flowing dark cloak, his hands covered in gloves that matched his attire. Liu Han didn't show any signs of nervousness or fear as he was met by hundreds of monsters and Thunderous Goblins standing there. Instead, he smiled broadly, as if nothing could deter him.

"Let's start anew."

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