
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

16. Retaliation

Ha Suan stood resolute, etching an indelible memory into Liu Han's mind. The searing pain that had set the wheels in motion, the moniker "Zuiro" etched into his consciousness, reignited the smoldering embers of resentment.

The Warrior surged forward with the unyielding conclusion, his shield an extension of his resolve. As he closed in, the black-haired man leaped, a swift rush of wind unleashed from his foot, a tempest directed straight at Ha Suan.

Yet, the attack failed to unbalance the Warrior; it merely caused a momentary hesitation, a nod to the might of the wind's wrath. Liu Han, caught off guard, found Ha Suan before him with a sword ablaze in his grip.

With a swift dodge, Liu Han deftly sidestepped every assault, until a fleeting mistake disrupted his tempo. Unbeknownst to him, the wave of flames swung forth, birthing a cataclysm of fire that streamed toward Liu Han, engulfing him in a scorching embrace.

The flame gnawed at the young Martial Artist's body, a torment that seared his flesh and fused with his pain receptors. He contorted and writhed, each movement a desperate plea to escape the relentless onslaught. Amid his nightmare, Ha Suan seized the opportune moment, propelling himself forward in a sprint fueled by desire.

Yet again, Liu Han's instincts proved keen. He maneuvered aside, a gentle graze against Ha Suan's left shoulder. Instantly, the fire that had engulfed his body extinguished, as if a wind had snuffed out a candle. The fiery ordeal reduced his attire to tatters, leaving Liu Han's body exposed, clad only in the obsidian fabric of his trousers.

Steam coiled from his very being, skin blistering before regenerating as if untouched once the burn's hell ebbed away. Liu Han's breath escaped in uneven whiffs, his stare unwavering as he dissected the imminent strike from Ha Suan.

Surrender was no option; he must wrestle against the avalanche of unjust torment that had been heaped upon him. The figure before him represented the epicenter of every misfortune that had visited Liu Han, a malevolent force that had cast him into the chasm of sorrow.

Though the Ha Suan he faced was an ethereal specter, his might emulate that of his corporeal counterpart. For some reason, Liu Han formulates a stance, spreading his legs and taking on a charging posture.

At this moment, cyclonic winds enveloped his form, a resurgence of heat followed by wisps of mist. With a formidable thrust, exuding an aura aglow with golden radiance, he unleashed his newest skill, "Power Up."

As his foot poised for action, he dashed toward Ha Suan with incredible speed, nearly imperceptible to the eye. The old man took refuge behind his shield, unaware that Liu Han had suddenly appeared behind him.

Yet, Ha Suan's reflexes proved swifter this time, adeptly absorbing Liu Han's strike with his twirling shield, the strain nearly fracturing it. With a resolute sway, the silver-haired combatant jolted his shield, causing Liu Han to momentarily stumble, then brandished his flaming sword in a counterattack arc.

They engaged in a fierce duel, every attack executed with meticulous precision, leaving no room for vulnerability. As Ha Suan's sword swept forward, Liu Han's agile spin evaded it, followed by a swift kick that Ha Suan deflected with his shield.

Their technical prowess was evenly matched. Despite the barrage of skills exchanged, both fighters endured, and refuse to yield. Meanwhile, Lunar Queen observed from a distance, seated regally upon her ornate throne.

"What a sight to see, isn't it?" Her smile held a depth of wisdom, as she elegantly crossed her legs and leaned forward, her face gently cradled by her right hand. "You've grown strong, My Champion."

In a leap, the black-haired man utilized Ha Suan's shield as a springboard, descending with a powerful kick that found its mark. Ha Suan could have dodged, but the shockwave reverberated, rattling his equilibrium and forcing him to regain control by anchoring his sword to the floor.

As his gaze lifted once more, a fist met his visage, propelling the old man back several strides. Lacking in stamina, Liu Han stood gasping, allowing Ha Suan to rise once more.

"Most impressive... that even someone like you can stand against me," the silver-haired warrior tried to rise, fingers reclaiming his sword that had slipped through his grasp. "Have my eyes played tricks on me?"

"Quiet!" Liu Han's voice thundered with unleashed anger. "You're nothing but a manifestation of him. Let's get this over with."

"Is that so?" Ha Suan stood, a whimsical chuckle escaping him at Liu Han's outburst. "You're struggling against me alone, so how do you expect to beat the real one?"

"You're quite the entertainer, Zuiro." The old man prepared himself for the clash, his voice dripping with condescension. "I was right after all, you truly are meaningless."

Deeper furrows etched across Liu Han's forehead, his hazel eyes igniting with an intense rage. Moving with a burst of speed, he lunged into another assault, but this time, there was a difference. The force behind his bare-handed strike, thwarted by Ha Suan's shield, crackled with a titanic power, sending fissures radiating outward.

However, the twist that Liu Han hadn't seen coming was that Ha Suan cunningly retracted his shield while Liu Han's hand was still engaged, opening up a gaping vulnerability on the flank of the black-haired Martial Artist.

With an almost casual classiness, Ha Suan drove his weapon into Liu Han, propelling him into a chaotic loop of torture. The sensation of the blade sinking in felt tangibly real, accompanied by a searing burn that sent shockwaves through his body. Each of Ha Suan's strikes triggered an irrevocable burn effect, encroaching upon the helpless, prostrate Liu Han.

"What drives you such foolish determination?" Ha Suan drew closer in front of him, positioning his sword above the crippled Liu Han. "Only to know that you are stuck behind."

Just before Ha Suan could thrust downward at the fallen Liu Han, the young man swiftly somersaulted backward, launching his legs to propel the Warrior into the air. With tremendous speed, Liu Han followed up with a devastating attack – his ultimate skill.

"Gale Force Punch!" The lethal blow connected directly with Ha Suan's shield, which managed to withstand the impact for a moment before causing an explosive force too great to comprise.

Consequently, the steel shield shattered into shards, leaving Ha Suan entirely exposed to the annihilating force unleashed by Liu Han. The blast went on to obliterate pillars around them, causing the grand hall's ceiling to fracture and collapse.

Thick smoke clouded the sight, and amidst the chaos, Ha Suan's endurance lingered, his armor now rendered ineffective. Its durability was reduced to ruin, to the point where the old man's body appeared slightly seared and oozing blood.

Amidst his dwindling strength, it dawned on him that beyond the lingering dust and ember, Liu Han emerged with a launched kick, hurtling directly at Ha Suan who was slow to react. The impact wreaked havoc once more, rendering the situation there into an unrecognizable mess.

As a consequence of the devastation, their unintentional actions stirred the imposing Knight statues along the walls. These guardians demanded retribution for their prolonged slumber's disturbance and the violation of their sanctum.

Having bested Ha Suan, Liu Han now faced an adversary of a grander scale. The first Knight he encountered loomed colossally, wielding abilities and strength far surpassing his own.

There are ten of them, their immense strides sending tremors through the very floor as they closed in around Liu Han. A swift glance towards Lunar Queen revealed her still sweet smile, her regal bearing undiminished as she gracefully rose from her seat.

With a gesture as if giving a gift, Lunar Queen extended her right hand, and in an instant, both of Liu Han's hands seemed to radiate with a luminous glow. He was shortly awestruck as the radiance gradually transformed into a fervent blaze, a dance of golden flames that twirled and spiraled.

"Use it well." The Queen's voice, a harmonious blend of elegance and authority, resonated like a melodic echo. "And you shall be rewarded for your achievements."

Liu Han could sense the overflow of power coursing through him, his self-assurance unwavering in the face of the colossal Knights. The ground trembled as one of them thrust its weapon into the floor beneath Liu Han, unleashing vivid blue flames that danced and writhed.

Responding with remarkable swiftness, Liu Han drove himself toward the statue, soaring upwards until he confronted the helmeted Knight at eye level. With unshakable conviction, he punched the monster right in the face, causing it to stagger and nearly collapse on the spot. Even without skills, the strength bestowed upon him by the Lunar Queen was extraordinarily formidable.

Caught in a state of awe, Liu Han's guard momentarily dropped, leaving him vulnerable to an assault from another Knight. This armored adversary swung a massive mace, sending Liu Han hurtling through the air, crashing through pillars in a clamor of destruction.

Instead of groaning in pain, Liu Han quickly rose, wiping the blood from his lips with a triumphant smile, as he observed the statues staring at him with menacing gazes.

"You're nothing more than the Knights I encountered on the first floor," Liu Han declared, his steps deliberate as he advanced toward them. "I will beat you all, no matter how much you evolve!"

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