
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

18. Passive

<p>They hesitated, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air, as they glanced at their cronies who slowly retreated. Unlike their first encounter, the Goblins now lacked the nerve they once had. The motions they carved into the air revealed a mixture of fright and fear that was more noticeable.<br/><br/>This transformation was a direct result of the man before them, exuding an aura that was uncontainable – a golden essence that writhed like flames, its vehemence impossible to ignore. <br/><br/>In their efforts to maintain a safe distance, each Goblin instinctively pulled back, except for the curious Thunderous Goblin who approached with a mix of suspicion and intrigue.<br/><br/>Meanwhile, Liu Han remained indifferent to the threats encircling him, his focus exclusively on the intricate details of the attire that now adorned his body. The outfit was exquisitely tailored and carried an air of elegance that clashed with its menacing undertones. <br/><br/>The Lunar Queen had a profound grasp of visual allure, evident in the fact that Liu Han's current clothes were far more aesthetically pleasing than anything he had worn before.<br/><br/>As his fingers brushed against the fabric, he discovered its surprising durability, defying its composition of mostly cloth with a hint of steel. Even the scarf wrapped around his neck possessed a sturdiness that outmatched his last Leather Armor – a revelation that brought forth a smile.<br/><br/>However, as he meticulously delved into the blessings that the Lunar Queen had bestowed upon him, he unearthed an additional enhancement within the [Passive Skill]:<br/><br/>[Immune to all forms of magical attacks when struck. Absorbs magic into attacks with the same strength. Increases damage against Magic Users by 50%]<br/><br/>The incredible nature of this find left him both amazed and bewildered. It was as if the system itself had glitched, granting him an abnormal boost in damage output. Yet, he was determined not to squander this magnificent gift; he had a mission to fulfill – proving that Zuiro's moniker was indeed a mistake. <br/><br/>He pledged to track down those merciless beings who had thrust him into the depths of despair.<br/><br/>Brimming with unyielding self-assurance, he moved forward, confronting the Goblins and, most notably, their towering Boss, a shadowy figure with crimson eyes. Preparing an attack stance, his fingers clenched and conjured a burst of golden fire.<br/><br/>"I won't run or surrender," Liu Han declared with full conviction, his eyebrows furrowed, radiating seriousness. "Gale Force Punch!"<br/><br/>A blast of wind erupted from Liu Han's right hand, dealing greater devastation than his earlier Ultimate Skill. Its force was more lethal, and its area of impact extended, sweeping the Goblins away until they became dispersed dust.<br/><br/>The cataclysmic explosion struck Thunderous Goblin, who roared in pain. The ear-piercing echo of the impact reverberated, shattering the cave and the stalactites above the creature, burying it beneath massive boulders. Everything in front of Liu Han was obscured by smoke, leaving nothing visible but the aftermath of destruction.<br/><br/>Deep within his heart, Liu Han felt elation. He could hardly believe that his power had dramatically overflowed. All the trials he had endured in the Lunar-Verse had borne fruitful results, rendering all the agony he endured worthwhile.<br/><br/>His peripheral vision accidentally caught something in the left corner — crucial information about his character's data. He nearly jumped in disbelief when he realized he had reached level 20! The challenges he had to conquer in the Lunar Queen's domain had indeed diverted his attention, inadvertently amassing a tremendous amount of EXP.<br/><br/>His status might now be among the top rankings on the global server after the daily reset, as he confirmed that the top ten in the ranking had already reached levels in the 30s. Yet, he had no intention of revealing his identity, preferring to remain hidden and mysterious.<br/><br/>Amid his examination, Liu Han heard the sound of debris gradually falling away from the Thunderous Goblin's burial site. Slowly, the creature emerged from within, thrashing wildly and hurling scrap that surrounded its body.<br/><br/>The rush of wind generated by the monster when it shouted, didn't make Liu Han uneasy; he remained at ease, allowing his black hair and robe to be swept by the current. As the name "Thunderous Goblin" changed color from red to orange, it heightened Liu Han's determination to defeat it.<br/><br/>"You're nothing more than a fallen Knights I've annihilated," Liu Han explained, closing the distance to the massive Goblin in front of him, poised for action. "I'll make sure this home of yours becomes your tomb!"<br/><br/>As Liu Han prepared to sprint, he was caught off guard by the leaping assault of Thunderous Goblin, aiming to crush him. Yet, Liu Han's agility proved unmatched as he effortlessly evaded the futile strike.<br/><br/>The heavy impact of the Goblin's attack reverberated through the ground, unleashing a cascading wave of electricity in various directions. However, Liu Han's position remained unscathed as he stood aside from the AOE. In the whirling dust, Thunderous Goblin struck again, its pace accelerating with an intense desire to end Liu Han's life.<br/><br/>Despite the monster's relentless onslaught, none of its attacks managed to land on Liu Han. Even when he was cornered against the cave wall, he swiftly somersaulted, executing a precise kick that crashed into Thunderous Goblin's head.<br/><br/>A pained roar broke out from the creature's gaping maw as its verdant complexion gradually deepened into a more ominous shade. Intricate scratch marks are etched across its form, emitting an eerie white luminescence.<br/><br/>Observing this metamorphosis, Liu Han narrowed his eyes; even the monster's unruly hair turned ghostly white, while its breaths grew erratic, punctuated by a spine-chilling exhale. The once-red eyes shifted to an intense yellow, radiating a shrill scream that gnawed at the ears.<br/><br/>Suddenly, Thunderous Goblin slammed its mace into the ground, releasing an electric energy bolt that sped toward Liu Han like lightning, shattering the earth it traversed.<br/><br/>The attack was so swift that Liu Han had no time to evade, reflexively shielding himself behind his hands. He endured the onslaught, feeling the elemental force course over him, tugging at his garments like a tempestuous wind.<br/><br/>Yet, thanks to the amplified passive granted by the Lunar Queen, he remained impervious to the assault's impact and any subsequent discomfort. Liu Han himself was taken aback by the extraordinary power he wielded this time, observing the fluid flow of electrical energy through his hands.<br/><br/>"So, this is how it works," Liu Han muttered, shifting his gaze to Thunderous Goblin, who stood frozen in confusion. "Experience your own power!"<br/><br/>Liu Han's palm slammed into the earth with a resounding strike, releasing intense electrical energy that crackled and sizzled through the air toward the monstrous adversary. Although the creature remained immune to the electric onslaught, the shockwave left it stunned for five seconds.<br/><br/>With a gallant leap, the Martial Artist soared through the air, conjuring one of his skills that was less destructive than his ultimate one. The punch impact was like a thunderclap, a fierce collision that reverberated through the chamber, sending shockwaves of sound and vibrations coursing through the walls.<br/><br/>The force of his strike struck the Thunderous Goblin's head, resulting in an explosion of energy that brought its health bar crashing down to 70%.<br/><br/>Yet, in the chaos, an unforeseen twist of fate took hold. The Goblin's right hand shot out with surprising speed, its gnarled fingers grab on Liu Han's airborne form. The Martial Artist was hurled down with a bone-jarring thud, the impact sending seismic tremors through the very foundations of the cavern.<br/><br/>Dumbfounded and disoriented, Liu Han struggled to regain his bearings, his limbs sluggish as if submerged in molasses. His attempts to move were hopeless, a cruel numb that left him vulnerable to the Goblin's ruthless assault. <br/><br/>The creature's massive mace descended upon him like a cataclysmic meteor, each blow accompanied by a deafening roar that echoed within the confines of the cave.<br/><br/>The relentless barrage continued unabated, each strike carving a deeper indentation into the ground and bathing the scene in a dance of sparks. The once-stalwart cave walls trembled and wailed, the sound mingling with the agonized cries that filled the air.<br/><br/>As the assault finally relented, the violent encounter slowly dispersed, leaving behind a hollowed pit at the center of which Liu Han lay, battered and broken. Blood oozed from his lips, forming crimson rivulets that smeared a stark contrast against the soil-like environment.<br/><br/>The creature's primal roar pierced the air once more, its pitch and ferocity heightened to an almost maddening. The malevolent savagery emanating from the Goblin's every move was enough to paralyze the bravest heart, its sheer brutality compelling flight over fight, and survival over honor.<br/><br/>Yet, Liu Han stood undaunted, rising from the rubble with a determination that blazed in his eyes. Steam emanated from his body, and his aura grew brighter with each passing moment until it eventually faded. He had just activated his Buff Skill, wiping the blood from his mouth, and readied a battle stance.<br/><br/>"This is but a scratch compared to the trials I've conquered within the Tower!" Liu Han's voice boomed, his outstretched arms crackled with pent-up electricity, arcs of lightning dancing between his fingertips. "If you mean to kill me, do so with the whole might of your being."</p>

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