
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

15. The Lunar Queen

Liu Han approached the massive gate cautiously, its hinges emitting a deafening creak that reverberated in the air. The release of that sound seemed to stir up a cloud of dust, mingling with the heavy, oppressive atmosphere that seemed to pierce his very soul.

Stepping tentatively into the pitch-black darkness beyond the entrance, Liu Han was suddenly met with a mesmerizing sight. Torches lined the path ahead, their flames casting a warm, golden glow that revealed patterns on the walls. As his eyes adjusted to the flickering light, they fell upon the enigmatic figure seated upon a grand throne, cloaked in garments of deepest black.

A perplexed expression furrowed Liu Han's brow, his demeanor shifting abruptly to one of seriousness as he continued his advance. The dimly lit surroundings revealed imposing statues of Knights, each uniquely crafted with a striking divergence from anything he had encountered before. These statues stood as silent sentinels, their larger and more formidable forms exuding an air of dominance and power.

With each footfall on the black carpet, its abstract patterns seemed to ripple beneath his feet, guiding him inexorably forward. The journey led Liu Han closer to the Lunar Queen, who remained seated in an aura of unhurried calmness.

However, as he closed the gap to her, an invisible force seemed to grip his very being. His stamina wavered like a flickering flame, sapped away until he was left feeling as hollow as the air itself. The closer he came, the more the Lunar Queen's aura washed over him like an unrelenting tide, a force that left him helpless, unable to muster resistance.

As he struggled to draw breath, Liu Han finally yielded, his forward momentum stopped though a considerable expanse still separated him from the Lunar Queen's elevated nest. Inexplicably, he crumbled to his knees, hacking up blood as though the very air had turned hostile, carrying an overwhelming intensity that his mortal form could scarcely endure.

"What kind of strength is this?" Liu Han's thoughts echoed in bewilderment, his body convulsing as he coughed. "Is this the power of Gods?"

He raised his gaze, scrutinizing the Lunar Queen with meticulous intensity. Her eyes remained fixed upon him, a connection between their gazes that seemed to transcend mere sight. Unlike the monstrous adversaries he was familiar with, she assumed a more human-like form. Yet, her presence held an otherworldly quality that defied easy description.

Undeniably, her skin showcased a tone as pure as newly poured cream, every curve of her physique emanating an almost dreamlike luminosity. Her legs, with their graceful lines, were artfully crossed, unveiling the enticing, velvety sweep of her thighs – an enchanting disclosure of elegance.

The fabric of her ebony attire appeared nearly insufficient in veiling the intricate contours of her figure. The voluptuous swells of her bosom, reminiscent of grand mountain summits, pressed tenderly against the fabric – a fusion of potency and femininity that beckoned allure.

However, the title she held, one of power and command, failed to align with the portrait of her countenance. Far from fearsome, her visage emanated a sense of refinement and attraction. Her hazel eyes, cold and slanted, possessed a disconcerting ability to penetrate Liu Han's innermost fears, leaving an indelible mark of unease.

Resting atop her dark tresses were a crown of exquisite beauty, its design resembling elegant horns that seemed to reflect the sovereign of the Lunar-Verse. In her presence, rebellion seemed an inconceivable notion, for her dominion remained unassailable, unchallenged by any who dared to contest her authority.

Emerging with a sudden fineness, she stood tall, exuding a profound feminine aura. Her steps, adorned with the delicate melody of high heels, carried her toward the ailing Liu Han. His anguished cries, akin to the torment of a blazing fire, resonated through the air, a testament to the searing pain he could no longer contain.

Yet, the Lunar Queen's actions remained restrained; she paused courteously before the descending staircase. Her gaze, as frigid as the arctic winds, bore into Liu Han, devoid of any hint of mercy. A sinister smile spread across her lips, chilling the air around them.

"What an opportunity to be present, isn't it?" The Lunar Queen's voice, a harmonious symphony of delicacy and authority, reverberated throughout the room. "A feeble and futile mortal."

"I could see it in the depths of your eyes," she continued her descent down the staircase, each step a measured cadence of elegance. "The fear of smallness, the dread of isolation – an apprehension of walking the path of solitude."

"Worried that this life of yours would worsen." The Lunar Queen drew closer to Liu Han, who bore the weight of his affliction.

"What I've unveiled within you is an insatiable thirst for retribution." Drawing closer, she confronted Liu Han, who valiantly braced himself for the impending confrontation. "An aspiration to transcend in a world that casts you aside."

"As you seek to rise, you must dare to confront the very fears that hold you," Lunar Queen's voice, a musical fall, spilled forth as she knelt beside Liu Han. "Show me that those dormant ambitions are not mere hollow words."

"Should your intentions be resolute, you shall not flee." Her delicate fingers touched Liu Han's chin, a gentle gesture that lifted his gaze to meet her serene countenance.

In that instant, the dark-haired man found himself peering intimately into the Queen's visage, a mesmerizing beauty that cast its spell, yet Liu Han's inner turmoil persisted. With a gradual release of her grip, Lunar Queen distanced herself, a measured retreat.

In the present moment, the mysterious aura exuding from Lunar Queen receded like a dissipating mist, and Liu Han's form regained its composure, stamina gradually returning. Eerie silhouettes inexplicably manifested around him, converging slowly to form a gathering of ethereal figures.

"Zuiro!" The appellation rumbled, swelling in volume until it permeated the chamber with a chorus of taunts and laughter, a noise that resurrected the ache within Liu Han's heart.

"Worthless burden!"

"Just die already!"

"Why is he still playing Axian?"

"Your existence is unwanted here!"

An array of mocking statements gnawed at Liu Han's mental fortitude, the final phrase landing like a heavy blow, a blow that further undermined him. Memories of his fractured real-life existence merged with the fruitless second chance in the Realm of Axian, leaving Liu Han and Elan trapped in a maelstrom of frustration.

"Fear is but a mirage, one that drags you into the abyss," Lunar Queen's words unfurled like petals carried by a gentle breeze within the social torment. "Master it, and all that restrains you shall dissipate."

Liu Han struggled against the relentless wave, endeavoring to confront the inner hurricane that had long plagued his waking hours. He fought to wake, shadows now materialized impediments, attempting to shroud him in perpetual anguish.

Yet, fueled by an indestructible resolve, the man confronted his dread. He refused to avert his watch or retreat. Hazel's eyes opened wide, determination burning like a forge's fire, fanning the embers of ambition. The chorus metamorphosed into a discordant symphony, an ethereal chant that quickly faded, leaving only Liu Han's remains.

The Lunar Queen's refined face bloomed once more, her smile radiating as she reclined upon her regal throne. "With unshakable conviction, one cannot be easily swayed," she intoned, her voice carrying a wisdom that seemed to resonate through the room.

"Lunar Queen," Liu Han's voice trembled with brave audacity. "What is it that you seek from me?"

The woman's visage, an embodiment of serenity, remained unaltered as she addressed Liu Han's inquiry. "It is you who seeks something from me. Is it not you who chose to stand in this expanse?"

Liu Han stood momentarily stunned, the truth in her words piercing through. Indeed, his presence here was a manifestation of his own desires, a realization that others might have shared a similar condition. Amidst Liu Han's contemplation, the Lunar Queen added, "You might now consider such events as commonplace, do you not?"

The man found himself in a speechless reverie, his thoughts laid bare before her perceptiveness. A mellifluous chuckle escaped the Lunar Queen's lips as she continued, "I know your story, young mortal. A singular class, exclusively yours. Do you perceive this as ordinary?"

"I present an alternative to you, for I sense you to be the right champion," her words flowed forth with grace as her hand extended in a gesture of offering. "But before I bestow upon you a gift, commemorating your journey thus far, I beseech you to once again show your prowess."

A shadow materialized before Liu Han, its form gradually taking shape, imbued with intricate details. Crafted from steel, the figure bore a shield and sword, both fashioned from the same material. Liu Han was left astounded, grappling to accept the impending encounter.

A warrior stood before him, the very embodiment of his former team leader in the Dungeon, Ha Suan. The old man stepped forward, closing the gap between himself and Liu Han, who involuntarily took a step back. In an instant, memories surged through Liu Han's mind, evoking a poignant ache.

"Zuiro... if you're still as weak as before," spoke the Ha Suan clone as he drew his sword. "It would be better for you to die here."

"Embrace the shroud of trauma and fear," the Lunar Queen's voice resonated, a whisper that seemed to weave through the air. "For true strength emerges from conquering them both."

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