
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

14. Perseverance

An eruption of energy painted the surroundings, accompanied by a thunderous roar and a cascade of effects that sent ancient structures crumbling in disarray. The colossal Golem, its towering form casting a formidable shadow, briefly staggered as an audacious mosquito darted at it – a mosquito named Liu Han.

With unwavering bravery and a self-assured demeanor, Liu Han unleashed a precision strike upon the stone head of the Golem. The impact toppled the behemoth off its balance, forcing it to crash heavily onto the ground. But Liu Han's prowess didn't halt there; he seamlessly transitioned into his signature move. Executing a graceful somersault, he unleashed a whirlwind kick that descended like a hammer, culminating in a breathtakingly devastating sequence.

Amidst the chaos, a cloud of dust and smoke enveloped the air. Acting swiftly, Liu Han retreated, his eyes never leaving the colossal creature as he gauged its condition. Yet, the monster refused to relent; gradually, it rose from its fallen state, burdened by its colossal mass. Liu Han wasted no time, propelling himself into another airborne assault.

In an unforeseen twist, the massive hand, once seemingly ponderous, condensed with startling rapidity, shedding fragments of debris. The Golem's newfound agility powered its punch, hurtling towards Liu Han as he remained suspended in the air. Undeterred, Liu Han channeled his inner strength, triggering his ultimate technique.

"Gale Force Punch!" With those words, their opposing forces collided in a cataclysmic clash, birthing an explosion of extraordinary proportions.

The impact jolted the Golem off balance, leaving its hand shattered and its form crumpled in a chaotic heap. Meanwhile, Liu Han was propelled with incredible force, a human projectile that ricocheted and bounded until he finally made contact with the fractured mosaic building, shattering tiles and debris upon impact.

Amidst the ruins, the resonance of agony emanated from within as Liu Han emerged, his form bathed in crimson blood, particularly around his mouth where the scarlet fluid meandered a path. Striving to retain his footing, his legs faltered, their strength dwindling, compelling him to crumple, his body an embodiment of profound frailty.

His coughs echoed, a symphony of expulsion as he disgorged sanguine remnants, all the while, the palpable tremors of the gargantuan entity pulsed through the air, a relentless reminder of the Golem's unyielding stance. Yet, at that moment, Liu Han's lips curved into a fragile smile, fortifying his resolve to confront the looming trial once again. Driven by the pursuit of unparalleled might, he stood resolute, unwavering in his determination.

For, beyond all else, the Tower of Trial remained his solitary path, a road he could not forsake.

In a tranquil woodland, Astorn and a graceful Elven maiden tread softly, their footsteps rustling the fallen leaves as they journey toward an undisclosed destination. Every so often, the Elf delicately unfolds a weathered map, her cerulean eyes scanning its intricate markings to guide their way. Astorn, his demeanor uneasy, his questions about her identity hanging in the air like an unspoken mist.

"Hey... would you tell me your real name?" The question slips from Astorn's lips, as gentle as a breeze, yet it fails to startle the Elven lady, her presence as serene as a forest glade.

Unfamiliar with her true self, the woman's response comes with an air of quiet confidence, "Arunika. Pleased to meet you."

Astorn's brows furrow, his perplexity evident. His attempts to fill the quietude between them are as uncertain as the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. "By the way, Arunika, what brought you to the Goblin's lair?"

The question causes a ripple in Arunika's composure, her gaze momentarily downcast, like a fleeting shadow over a pristine pool. Recognizing the potential darkness it might cast, Astorn hastens to add, "Ah... just curious. No worries if you don't want to talk about it."

"We were once part of a group," Arunika reveals, her steps carrying her gracefully forward, and Astorn can't help but be taken aback by the impending revelation of her captivity's origins. "A party where each role seamlessly filled out the others."

"We hunted the monsters we encountered, feeling no obstacles along the way," Arunika recounted, the sound of her small dagger slicing through the foliage accompanying her words. "But when we stumbled upon that cave, an undeniable desire to conquer all challenges took over."

"With full confidence, we ventured in, slaying several Goblins within, until that creature emerged," Arunika's voice caught in her throat, her lips quivering as she spoke. "Even with teamwork, we couldn't defeat the Thunderous Goblin."

"We were truly overwhelmed, unable to think clearly," she continued, the ethereal melody of birdsong woven into her tale. "Our once-strong camaraderie crumbled into self-preservation, and panic gripped us as we sought a way to escape."

"And I... I was left behind," Arunika's voice trembled, tears mingling with her flowing blonde hair. "Because I placed too much trust in my parties."

"If only I hadn't teleported them both away," a sudden collapse to her knees punctuated her words, her fingers gripping her thighs tightly as sobs wracked her form. "I might not have experienced the torment that has left me so filthy!"

Astorn stood motionless, his heart shredded to pieces, the palpable ache of grief evident in the contortions of his anguished face. The mere thought of enduring each passing minute within that cave, facing an array of excruciating torments inflicted by the Goblins, all to ensure Arunika's suffering persisted without granting her the solace of death – was utterly unfathomable.

The revelations about the system in the Realm of Axian were as disturbing as they were surprising. It had an unexpected sadistic twist. Players found themselves trapped by challenges, unable to log out – such as imprisoned and ensnared just like the Goblins in their confinements. This level of inhumanity raised a haunting question: How could the game developers approve such a twisted system?

Amid a slightly subdued tempest of Arunika's sobs, her cries continued to reverberate, casting a pall of melancholy over the entire area. Astorn cautiously approached, sinking to his knees beside her. With a voice heavy with remorse, he murmured, "I'm so sorry for making you tell everything."

The complex ambiance gave way to the resonating rush of the river's flow, and a discernible path unfurled, leading toward a broader thoroughfare. Astorn yielded to Arunika's guidance, allowing her to lead the way to the nearby Safe Zone – more precisely, a place named Denia Village.

The verdant foliage that once enveloped them now transitioned into an expanse of sprawling rice fields. Despite the captivating display of vibrant blooms adorning the corners, Arunika remained indifferent, a stark contrast to Astorn's fascination.

Horse-drawn carriages traversed the route repeatedly, converging upon a distant destination that gradually became visible. Stone-clad houses, crowned with smoking chimneys, lined their path, signaling their impending arrival.

The vigilant Guards stood steadfast by the wooden gateway, their status as NPCs notwithstanding, their might adapting seamlessly to their opponents' levels.

"Here we are," the Elven remarked, pivoting to face Astorn, who scanned the vibrant surroundings with keen observation. "Your friend might be near the portal or possibly at one of the inns."

"Thank you, Arunika," Astorn conveyed, a radiant smile adorning his face as his cerulean gaze locked onto the same color of Arunika's eyes.

The Elven's gaze lowered in bashfulness, "Actually, it's I who should be thanking you for saving me. Without you and your friend, I might have remained trapped there."

Astorn found himself momentarily perplexed, unsure of what to say. However, for some reason, he ended up asking a question, "Arunika... would it be okay if I send you a friend request?"

"Well, if you want to, I'm not forcing you," the man looked awkward and foolish, stumbling over his words while trying to conceal his nervousness with unclear chuckles.

Arunika fell silent, not quick to respond when she witnessed Astorn's odd behavior. Her graceful fingers pressed a button, and something suddenly appeared in front of Astorn. "Sure... I don't mind."

[Do you want to accept Arunika to be your Friend?]

Astorn jerked in surprise, his eyes widening with disbelief. With trembling hands, he accepted the request. Still, in a state of silence, he suddenly bowed and stammered, "T-Thank you!"

"Well then, I'll be on my way," the Elven exclaimed as she passed by Astorn, her blonde hair waving in the breeze.

Astorn found himself rooted to the spot, captivated by Arunika's beauty. Before she could venture too far to reach, he half-shouted, "Arunika!"

The slightly loud sound caused her to turn around, curious to hear Astorn's continuation, "I hope we can meet again and form a party together!"

"I know you won't easily trust me or anyone else after this," Astorn added with a tone that was more convincing and serious. "But my friend and I will definitely accept you as a family!"

Those words sank deep into Arunika's heart, a weighty emotion rendering her utterly wordless, imprisoned by silence. For reasons unknown, her chest tightened, her heart raced, an intense rush of feelings engulfing her as she witnessed Astorn dashing away, heading towards a place to find his friend, Liu Han.

Meanwhile, in a desolate place bathed in splatters of purplish blood, stood a man amidst the scattered remains of a tentacle-like monster. Liu Han panted heavily, his body wreathed in thicker, denser steam. His aura was entirely different, and his hazel eyes blazed in the darkness.

"At last, I've arrived here," he exclaimed with a relieved smile, standing right before the colossal entrance adorned with abstract carvings resembling women – each topped with a crescent moon.

"Lunar Queen, what is it that you truly want from me?"

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