
MMORPG: The Realm of Axian

A street performer named Elan, who had no definite life determination, discovered the MMORPG: The Realm of Axian which became his new obsession. This famous virtual world offered immersive real-life functions and was accessible to almost everyone, regardless of their social status or economic background. He thought at first, that his life would be better in a world full of magic, but as he spent more time in it, the tables turned. The magic wasn't with him. Unable to contribute to his team, he was kicked out and mocked, ostracized by some of them who attached the nickname 'Zuiro' to his existence. Elan's love for the Axian world made him never leave. Instead, he influenced himself to move forward and tenaciously face all the troubles, hoping to savor his second chance with someone he was excited about. She was the one who never saw him as weak or different from others. However, when he discovered his newfound hidden skill and the blessing of a Goddess herself, his inner vengeance started to rise. Consumed by his overwhelmed hatred towards the magical users, Elan embarked on a chase for revenge. In the game, his ID is Liu Han, transforming him from the weakest to the most dangerous man in the Realm of Axian. What will happen to him next and what choices will he make?"

Winterfire · Games
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21 Chs

13. The Tower of Trial

All the monsters in front of him looked the same: some kind of Knights in full armor of black steel but with different weapons. He observed the details and realized they were not human at all, but rather statues made of rock that had come to life. One of them started to move toward Liu Han, making the man bounce back for a moment.

[Reach the Throne to meet the Lunar Queen]

"So this is Lunar-Verse?" Liu Han murmured and readied himself to face the sculptures ahead.

The creature launched a sudden attack with its Long Sword, but Liu Han evaded the strike. In a flash, he had delivered a spinning kick, connected to the left side of the Knight's helmet, though it had seemed to cause minimal damage.

"What is this? It's so tough!" Liu Han's concern had thrived. "And I supposed to defeat them all?"

He retreads and maintained a distance between them as the other Knights went wild in tandem – attempting to surround Liu Han amidst his unease. With his adept skill, he spun in mid-air and unleashed a kick that induced a blast of wind toward them, pushing the Knights to lose balance and be knocked down.

Not letting this significant opportunity go to waste, the black-haired man counted on it. He somersaulted forward and delivered a downward kick from above, trembling the floor at the Knights who were still trying to regain their foot. Spectacular explosions splashed in various directions, toppling dilapidated houses, and turning the broken area into a more chaotic mess.

Unforeseen by Liu Han, he hadn't expected that the Knight would kneel and swing his mace remarkably, striking Liu Han who couldn't evade due to his surprise. He was hurled upwards with a pained cry, enduring the strangely vivid pain.

"This is insane! The pain is unbearable!" he had exclaimed, unable to get up and withstand the agony. "Has the pain tolerance parameter increased in Lunar-Verse?"

As he redirected his focus to the Knights, they had once again risen and were closing in. The massive damage Liu Han had dealt merely lowered their HP bars to 80%. This alternate option wasn't casual; the difficulty level was extreme, all to maintain the death count.

"Damn it! I can't withstand this pain!" He had attempted to crawl, reaching for the elixir he possessed and drinking it to ease his wounds. "If it continues like this, perhaps death isn't so terrible."

He had leaned against a large boulder, observing the terror of the Knights drawing nearer. "I need to get out of here, all of this is beyond my capability."

However, when he pressed the Log Out button, nothing happened. Instead, a notification had appeared before him:

[Special area. You cannot exit until you reach the Lunar Queen]

"What the hell!" Liu Han had shouted in despair, left with no option but to defeat them. "Why do I always make the wrong decisions?"

A bunch of adversaries stood before him, almost stabbing Liu Han had he not been late in dashing sideways – once again delivering a gust of wind kick that fell weak knocking them down.

It was because Liu Han hadn't fully exerted his abilities, still plagued by the sensation of pain, causing his power to significantly decrease. Trying to launch numerous attacks against the Knights, he ended up receiving a flurry of strikes instead, shattering his morale to the depths of despair.

Loud cries of hell echoed in the area several times, splatters of blood scattered in various directions, but it seemed that Liu Han's desire to die was yet to be realized. It was as though he had been granted an infinite HP that inflicted actual distress upon him.

This was endless torment.

Another upward slash sent Liu Han flying once more, accompanied by tearful sobs of hopelessness. He lay blood-soaked amidst the mishmash, gazing into the dark high plafond that rugged. His hopes were scrambled, and the weakest player in the Realm of Axian had come to an end.

Remain a mockery, unworthy of persevering in the game any longer, he deserved all of this – to be ostracized and forever forgotten. If only he had surrendered from the beginning, if only he hadn't worked so hard to be acknowledged, indeed something like this wouldn't have befallen him.

Amid the depths of sorrow, he found himself immersed in a sea of memories. The sight of Brent trailing him through the orphanage, the tender gestures of the caring women there, and the elusive warmth of Mr. Ryan's smile that had long been forgotten — all these scenes rushed back with a dizzying swiftness.

And then there were the memories of Mei Li, her captivating beauty etched in his mind, her offerings of herbal remedies that spoke of care and kindness, and the exhilarating triumphs they achieved together on their shared missions. Each memory replayed like a vivid tapestry woven with the threads of his former life.

Yet, all these recollections came to a sharp halt when he confronted the image of himself as the outcast Astorn, a figure scorned and regarded as a burden, igniting a fierce surge of anger within him.

Ha Suan's face loomed before his eyes, the echoes of Zuiro's taunts reverberating around Liu Han, stoking the fires of his emotions until they reached a fevered crescendo. The need for strength, the urgency to prove them wrong — these thoughts fueled his determination, drowning out his weakness with righteous fury.

Gradually and deliberately, he rose to his feet, defying the frailty of his body. His hoarse voice edged with trembling intensity, rang out in a rallying cry that cut through the air, carrying the weight of his frustration. This time, he wouldn't squander his second chance, nor would he let it suffer the same fate as his real life.

Steam seemed to rise from his body, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. In the encompassing darkness, his hazel eyes gleamed with an inner light, casting aside shadows as he settled into a resolute stance, readying himself for action.

His aura underwent a transformation, evolving into something entirely different — a manifestation of heightened power that was palpable in the air around him.

With a surge of revitalized energy, he sprinted and his feet pounding the ground as he delivered a forceful blow to one of the Knights. The collision echoed with a bone-jarring impact, sending the foes hurtling through the air to collide with their comrades. They lay sprawled, dazed witnesses to Liu Han's graceful ascent into the air, where he unleashed his ultimate skill.

"Gale Force Punch!" The young man's shout was carried away by the wind as he unleashed a devastating tempest, a blast of wind that tore downwards, targeting the Knights.

The very earth quivered and smoke erupted in a chaotic frenzy as his power tore into the ground. Although not sufficient to wipe out the statues, a mere sliver of their HP remained, clawing its way out from the midst of the swirling dust.

Witnessing this, Liu Han refused to stand idle. He cut through the thick haze with determination, raining down blows on every adversary. The impact of several strikes rattled him, causing him to momentarily lose his control. Amidst the whirl of sensations, his screams melded with his growing resolve. The pain that shot through his body only fueled his strength, a burning fire within.

And then, he deployed a series of skillful moves. Evading an oncoming attack, he soared through the air, executing a mid-air somersault, and with precision, he brought his right leg hurtling downward. The result was explosive, an eruption of power that obliterated the surroundings in a spectacle of destruction. Nothing remained but debris and fragments of shattered statues.

In that defining moment, Liu Han emerged triumphant, rewarded beyond his expectations. A notification appeared:

[Congratulations! You have reached level 10]

[Unlocked Buff Skill (Power Up)]

[Unlocked Passive Skill (Strong Will)]

In confusion, Liu Han checked the details:

[Buff Skill (Power Up): Increase stamina by 100 points and reduce stamina consumption by 50%. Accelerate attack and move speed by 50%. Lasted for 30 minutes. Cooldown: 3 hours]

[Passive Skill (Strong Will): Whenever you are struck or block the attacks, increase all skill damage by 50% and immune to slow debuff]

Liu Han smile wider, all his pain disappeared in an instant. The days he had eagerly awaited had finally arrived, ushering in the revelation of the long-held secret. The power, a key to unlocking his class's hidden potential, filled Liu Han with impatience to put it to the test. The Tower of Trial beckoned, its allure growing stronger.

Yet, a sense of bewilderment lingered as he observed his level skyrocket at an astonishing pace. Progressing from level 7 to 10 was as swift as defeating a mere ten Knights. Did the debuff that had affected him in the Aruna-Verse hold no sway here? Or was it the monsters themselves, each offering a bountiful wellspring of EXP? Liu Han refrained from dwelling on the matter, fully aware that this trial remained unfinished.

With unwavering determination, he steeled his resolve, pushing himself wholeheartedly to the journey ahead — a journey that aimed not only to conquer the Tower but also to stand before in the presence of the enigmatic Lunar Queen.

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