
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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50 Chs

Chapitre 48

Chapter 48

"Who the fuck is President Jones?" I muttered to myself as I flipped through the newspaper in the library, "And why is he wearing such a silly hat?"

Before him had been President Carmichael. Now, I'm not an expert on American politics, but I'm pretty sure the guy in office when I left Earth had been named Obama.

Sighing, I dropped the newspaper onto the table. So not my Earth. Did Celestia know? I didn't know.

I would just need to ask her.

Fuck. Well, that answered that question at least. I was going back to Equestria. Honestly... even if it had been my Earth, that wasn't in question. I was still fucking pissed at Luna, but...

I still loved her. I had friends there. Better friends than I ever had on Earth, to be honest. But first...

"Did you find out what you needed to know?"

"Yeah. Similar to my Earth but not actually my Earth."

After selling my gold watch... which was difficult in and of itself. Strangely, not just anyone is willing to buy a gold watch from a random teenager.

I finally managed to sell it for a hundred bucks, though. Pretty sure that was a complete ripoff, but I only needed enough for food and phonecalls.

Calling my family resulted in ending up at a pizza place. Anyone I called ended up at either the wrong person or 'That number is not available'.

So it was research time. Best place for that was the library.

She nodded and looked around. "...You really are from another world?"

I nodded as well. "Yeah. Something similar to this one. There was an accident, and I was stuck in Equestria."

"Waiting for the mirror to open?"

I scowled at that and shook my head. "No. I was not told about the mirror."

She stared at me for a second. "...Oh."

"Yeah. When we go back, I'm going to have a bit of a talk with Luna about that."

"So you are going back?"

I nodded and sighed. "Of course. This is not my Earth anyway. And Equestria is my home now. Come on, it will be dark soon, I think. I think the library is about to close anyway."

Twilight nodded and got up, looking at her hand for a second. "This is so strange."


Walking outside revealed that it was indeed quickly getting towards night. "So... wanna get something more to eat or should we scout out the school?"


I smirked at that. Twilight got a vegetarian salad. I got as many big, thick, medium rate steaks as I could eat.

Twilight had been mildly disgusted by it all, even after I explained that cows here were not actually talking or thinking. I didn't care, it was delicious.


"See anything?" I whispered.

Twilight looked around and then shook her head. "Nothing."

Shrugging off my jacket, I wrapped it around my hand and the handle of my dagger before I slammed it into the window.

The shattering glass seemed to echo through the night and I quickly removed the shards as quietly as I could before freezing and listening hard.

No sirens, no alarms or yelling.

Still, somebody might have heard something, better hurry.

Putting the jacket over the windowsill so we could safely climb inside, I looked around. "Where is the offices?"

"Uhm... this way. I think." Twilight said and lead the way through the dark school.

Nodding, I quickly followed along, keeping my head on a swivel. "Better hurry, the police might be on their way already."




It didn't take long to find the office. It was locked, of course. Luckily, the door also had a window in it! Why do they always have windows in them, that's so stupid.

Breaking it was easy, as was reaching in and unlocking it to let us inside.

"You take the desk, I check the rest of the room." I said as we entered the principals office. "Don't turn on the lights."

Luckily, the moon was out tonight, so we had some light to work by other than the emergency signs.

I started to check the shelves and drawers. Not there, not there, not there... bottle of booze. Half empty as well.

If I had to handle teenagers all day, I would probably need a drink from time to time too.

A picture on the wall drew my attention. Celestia as she would look as a human. Still tall, her hair the same colors. Next to her was...

Luna. Human Luna. She was beautiful.

Shaking my head, I continued searching. She and I needed to have a talk when I returned.

"Page! I found it!"


Red and blue light started to flash outside the windows. Damn, there might have been a silent alarm. And it's so embarrassing that human Celestia had better security than the Alicorn version.


"It's the Guard. We need to get out of here and I just had a really bad idea on how to do it."