
MLP:Normal Life 2

Ceci n’est pas mon livre pour lire l’original suivez le lien https://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings. Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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50 Chs

Chapitre 47

Chapter 47

I found her out by the gym and away from the school proper. She was heading along the west side of the building so I ran around it to get ahead of her. Stopping, I took a deep breath.

Okay. I need to do this perfectly or things might get ugly. Damn it, she might be a dangerous unicorn mage in Equestria, but here she look like a teenage girl. I can't fight her!

I glanced down at the parchment patch on my jacket. My special talent was writing stories. Making things up.

Time to make things up and give my best performance since Chrysalis.

"Sunset Shimmer?"

She stopped as I stepped out from around the corner in front of her, my hand in my satchel.

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Blank Page." I said, pulling the chakram, holding it carefully around the inner edge while keeping my thumb away from the outer edge, "Warmage, consort and herald of Princess Luna. My orders are to bring you and the Element of Magic back to Equestria."

Sunsets eyes widened for a second, "Warmage? They are extinct!"

"And still here I am. Where is the element?"

She smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know? What are you going to do, stab me?"

"My orders don't specify in what condition I'm to bring you back in. Whether it's walking or being dragged unconscious and bloodied is up to you."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me. My day have been somewhat stressful. I not only found out that my marefriend have been keeping a massive secret from me for years, but then somebody goes and steals the one artifact keeping Discord on his leash and from turning Equestria into popcorn. So please if you would be so kind as to give me a reason to smack a bitch."

I slowly moved closer and she took a step back,

"I'll scream! They think I'm a normal girl."

"Think the humans would get here and help fast enough? Go ahead. Trust me, you want to take your chances with Princess Celestia. You can always escape later, right?"

Sunset glanced around and then shot me a death glare before she nodded and ground out a "...I'll go."

"Good. Now where is the Element of Harmony?"

"Fuck you."

"Sorry, you are a bit young for that." I answered with a raised eyebrow. Better not push this any further or she might see through it, "Fine, I'll find the thing myself. Now move." I ordered, sticking the hand holding my chakram back into the satchel to keep it out of sight.

The way back to the portal was the tensest I had been since... well, since the changeling invasion. Because if we were caught there would be trouble.

I was technically kidnapping somebody. Somehow I don't think the jurisdiction Luna gave me extended to what I think is the United States.

And there was a lot of people around that might notice something was wrong.

Still I kept close to Sunset as we moved back to the portal. Not that I think I would have been able to stab her if she actually caused trouble. She was unarmed and looked like a girl. I just needed her think I would. And if push comes to shove I would still be able to grab her and drag her there. We might look to be similar ages but I was a good deal bigger than she was.

Stopping by the statue she turned towards me to say something. I didn't bother letting her speak and just gave her a hard push.

She disappeared with a yelp of surprise and a couple of ripples.

Letting out a sigh of relief I almost sagged.

Damn it, that could have gone so much worse.


I turned to looked at a worried Twilight, "Was that...?"

"Sunset Shimmer has been sent back to Equestria." I confirmed with a nod as I let go of the chakram in my bag and rubbed my neck.

Twilight nodded with a small frown, "We still need to get my crown back. I know where it is."

"Awesome. Where?"

"In Principal Celestias office. They found it and are using it as the price for their Princess of the Fall Formal Dance."

What? Principal Celestia?

...D'oh. So that's where Sunset Shimmer found the replica. What were the chance they looked the same? Then again, this might be some kind of alternate universe if the Principal was named Celestia.

Sighing, I nodded, "Fine. So there is just one thing to do..."

"Yeah. I need to win that contest."

I stared at Twilight like she was not making sense , "...No, we need to break in and steal it."

Did all alicorns use Wisdom as their dump stat or something? Because I'm starting to think that's what's going on in general. Luna should have realized I would have stayed with her even if I knew where the portal went.

"That sounds risky. What if we are caught?"

"Valid point. That's why we wait until tonight. Until then let's find something to eat."

Twilight hesitated and then nodded, "... I could go for a hayburger right about now."

I smirked slightly at that, "Sorry Princess, but I have some bad news for you."