
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 5: Summer Feelings

"Summer Feelings" by Lennon Stella ft. Charlie Puth (Chorus)

"Hey (yeah), I'm in my summer feelings

And I, I'm trying to keep it cool

Wait (up), here is my summer feelings

And I found a piece of me that I never knew

Hey, gettin' in my summer feelings

(And I) I'm trying to keep the cool

Wait (uh), here in my summer feelings

And I found a piece of me that I never knew"


Summer's POV

"Wow! It's beautiful here!" I shouted my lungs out when we got here in Isla Minerva. It was just ten in the morning when we got here. We left our things on the bus and decided to set the place first before we go to our respected villas.

I ran towards the shore in my excitement. I was currently carrying some tarpaulin and posters for the room assignments and the program tomorrow. I really miss going to the sea. I have heard of this place before but indeed, this place. It was really breathtaking. When my seniors saw my reactions, they just laughed at me.

"Hey, Sam! Let's go now!" Gio said to me while smiling. I went back to their side.

Nikola fixed my hair who keeps on coming to my face and said, "We can have plenty of time later. Let's just finish preparing for tomorrow's welcome party."

I followed them at the main hall of the resort. The place was huge that I think can accompany at least four hundred people inside. Our team, with twenty members, went to this place first so that we can prepare for tomorrow's event. Together, we started preparing the stage and set some decorations to made the place feel the summer vibe. We also set up the tarpaulins and posters around the hall.

This event is for the third year students of our campus. They will stay here for thirty-five days to learn different activities around the area and not just to enjoy the beach. The current dean of the university wanted to let the students learn how to live independently and start to think as adults before they go to their senior year. Because in their last year they will go to their respective on-the-job training. This event was being done for six years now and was still showing positive results from their former students.

After we finished setting up the main hall, we've decided to eat together since it was already one in the afternoon. We went to the resort's canteen and there we found a boodle fight set up. This made all of us feel more famished than before. The food was placed on top of the banana leaves. It was full of rice with steamed crabs, fried fish, bagoong (salty shrimp anchovies), fried eggplant, salted egg, and adobo on top. It also has unripened and riped mango on the side and buko juice as a drink. We ate with our bare hands which made it look more fun. Some had a hard time eating since they don't know how to do it. We laughed at them for trying their best so that they can eat. Everyone dug in and no one talked for a moment because the food was just so good.

Then, Gio, who was eating beside me, suddenly tucked my short hair on my ear using his left hand. I felt my cheeks burned for a moment.

"Oh, sorry. I just noticed that your hair keeps on coming near your mouth. You might eat them in that state." He said nicely.

Rainier laughed at my reaction since he knows that somewhat I have a small crush to Gio. Nikola looked at us and smiled as well. Is it that obvious? Who can't like him anyway? He was always smiling and nice to everyone. Plus, he was really good looking with his cleaned cut hair, tanned skin, and dimples. He looks angelic to me sometimes for some reason. It's like he will always do what is right despite any situation given to him.

I just left him with a smile because I feel ashamed for my reaction. I went focused on eating so that I can forget what happened.

After that, we took a picture together when we finished all those food and only left the banana leaves. Then, Nikola started to give us our room assignments as team leaders. Only Gio and Nikola will be supervising the whole event. The rest of us will handle two groups consisting of twelve members. Each group will have six boys and five girls. Our first task was to find their villas and paste the following on the door: their roommates, daily routines, and program for tomorrow. While Gio and Nikola will set those as well in the main hall, canteen, and on the gate so that the students will not have a hard time when they come here early in the morning. Also, they will accompany the event's official band who will come before dinner time.

I first went to my assigned room, Villa Hera so that I can choose the bed first. The resort has a hundred villas that can accompany six people inside. Each villa has two bedrooms with three small beds inside. It has one common toilet and bath and a kitchen area. The room doesn't have internet access and television. After checking the room, I left my things inside and pasted the announcements on the door. Then, I locked the room and find the next villa for girls. The team made sure that the villas for the boys are way far from the girls. Then after I found Villa Hestia, I roam around the beach to find the two other villas for the boys.

I was busy walking near the shore when I felt something hard bumped to me which made holding my forehead and drop the papers on the sand.

"Ouch," I said with my small voice then immediately followed the papers who fell on the sand fearing they will get wet.

"Sorry, Sam," A familiar voice said which made me raise my head. There I saw Shien with his guitar on the back and on his knees like me while gathering the papers.

My eyes widened because I didn't expect him to be here already. He must come here tomorrow, right?

"Oh, my name's here," he said to me while handing out to me one paper for the room assignment in curiosity. I reached it out as well and was surprised when I really saw his name on the list. We stood up together while my eyes still fixated on the paper. This means...

I looked at him with my eyes wide open because of disbelief. Why did it happen to me? Of all people? Out of those almost four hundred students, why?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said while laughing at me with such a reaction.

Because of that, I was awakened and asked him a question, "Why are you here already? You're supposed-"

"Oh, that?" He said cutting me off. "I was part of the university's official band, Summer Solstice. I am amazing, right?" He even raised one of his eyebrows to me with a smirk that showed his dimples.

What the hell? Does he have dimples?

"Oh, alright. Gio and Nikola were in the hall I think. They were waiting for you." I said and left him because I know I will get used to that irritating face for a month.

"I've met them already." He said that made me stop walking and look at him. He faced me and smiled at me amusingly.

"They also told me where you are after I've heard the wonderful news." He said.

"And what is it?" I asked curiously.

"That Miss Summer Louise Cortez, an incoming elementary education of De Vera U., will be my team leader for my whole month stay here in Isla Minerva. And you have a cute name, Summer. Let me call you, Summer." He said smiling.

"What?" I said in my small voice.

"I think, I will have some summer feelings for this time this year," he said seriously and gaze at the sea while his hand was on the pockets of his shorts. The air was moving towards us which makes his polo shirt danced on the air.

And for a moment, I have this urged to look at his face who looks glorious under the setting sun. There I realized that even if I run away from him, the universe pushes me to know him. Like I really have to know him because only by that, I can free myself to this destiny or curse. Like it was something predestined and I will miss something important if I will not try... even once in my life.

I breathed heavily and asked him, "Will you want to come with me so that you can find your room?"

He looked at me smiling and said, "I thought you've never asked."