
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 6: Everytime

"Every time" by Simple Plan (Chorus)

"Every time I see your face

Every time you look my way

It's like it all falls into place

Everything feels right

Ever since you walked away

It left my life in disarray

All I want is one more day

It's all I need

Is one more day with you"


Summer's POV

"ARE YOU READY DE VERA U?!" Gio asked on stage.

The lights suddenly went down and the crowd shouted back with enthusiasm. All were wearing simple summer tops and shorts for girls. While boys wear Sando and beach shorts. Everyone was excited to hear from the university's rising band, Summer Solstice. Gio was hosting the party since a while ago. We were done to the boring parts of the program and now, our team was backstage to help out the band set up their things. Nikola said that after this, we will join the crowd so that we can also enjoy the night.

The band was going to the stage, so it was our time to join the crowd. Shien winked at me before coming up on stage which made the rest of my teammates look at me.

"What an epic night batchmates!" Shien said to the crowd afterward.

When I heard that, I followed Nikola and Rainier who left us already. I saw them stayed in the far most area of the hall. I smiled as I joined them when I suddenly felt Gio's arm on my shoulder.

"I was a cool host right?" he teasingly said to us.

Rainier gave him a thumbs up and Nikola just rolled her eyes at him which made me laugh.

"It's sad that Sass was not here," Rainier said teasingly to Gio. "She would love to see Shien playing tonight."

So, it means the Sass that Gio likes were the same Sass that was famous for being Shien's girlfriend?

"Stop it, Rainier," Nikola said which made Gio smile.

"It's okay Nikola. Sass would really love to be here. It was a sad thing that she was just a sophomore." Gio said to them nicely.

We stopped talking when Shien started speaking again. We all focused on him, trying to forget what happened. But I was saddened by the thought that Gio really liked pretty women. I guess I have to crush this simple adoration to him. How could he like me anyway? I'm way too simple.

"These were my bandmates, Cal for the base, John for the rhythm, Beau for the keyboard, and Jordan for the drums." I heard Shien said.

"And we are Summer Solstice. This song is every time."

Shien left the mic for a moment and played his own guitar.

"It was 3 AM

When you woke me up

And we jumped in the car and drove as far as we could go

Just to getaway"

I can hear the crowd singing with him. So they are really famous, huh?

The rest of the band was just encouraging the people to sing with them. And started playing their instruments as well.

"We talked about our lives

Until the sun came out

And now I'm thinking about

How I wish I could go back

Just for one more day

One more day with you"

Shien surveyed the place as if he was looking for something as he was singing. When he saw us on the back, his dimples showed and winked at us again. The crowd became wild after that.

What was he doing?

"Every time I see your face

Every time you look my way

It's like it all falls into place

Everything feels right

Ever since you walked away

It left my life in disarray

All I want is one more day

It's all I need

Is one more day with you"

He did not stop looking at me the whole time he was singing that part. I suddenly remember the look on his face yesterday. On how peaceful he looked when he was with me. It was not the playful or famous Shien that I know. I smiled at the thought.

He helped me yesterday in finding their villas and we joined the team in the canteen after. We just ate together with them and did not talk after that. They practiced at the hall and the rest of the team just spent our nights on our own. I spent my time reading some academic books I brought and slept afterward.

To stopped myself from thinking, I glanced at Gio who was still standing next to me. He was focused on the band's performance. I thought I would saw him cheering as well but he has this dark look on his face. This was not the Gio that I was used to. I suddenly felt afraid.

"Gio, are you okay?" I curiously asked.

Then, his face suddenly changed to the angelic Gio that I know. "Of course," he said and placed his hands on his pocket.

I find that weird but I waved the thought. Maybe I just saw him differently because of the ambiance of the place? Or maybe I just don't know Gio at all?

I looked back at Shien and his bandmates who were adored by the crowd. Jordan looked cool on playing the drums even though he has this weird bun on his head. Beau, who was wearing glasses looked like he was enjoying playing the keys. While John and Cal continue to interact with Shien and the crowd.

The crowd kept on singing and jumping with them. I can't help but smile because Shien looks like he was really enjoying what he was doing. He was like living his dream on that stage. He looked like man-made music and popularity. He closed his eyes when the music suddenly slowed down.

"Now I'm sitting here

Like we used to do

I think about my life

And now there's nothing I won't do

Just for one more day

One more day with you"

And at that moment, I felt a weird feeling in my chest. It was a bad omen, an upcoming curse. This is so wrong in all aspects. Shien stared at me again. I looked back at him and asked myself.

How can I run away this time?