
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 4: Gorgeous

"Gorgeous" by Taylor Swift (Chorus)

"You're so gorgeous

I can't say anything to your face

'Cause look at your face

And I'm so furious

At you for making me feel this way

But, what can I say?

You're gorgeous"


Summer's POV

"Shien!" Our small commotion was stopped because of a loud but sweet voice calling someone's name.

The voice came from a very sweet woman with long hair and curls at its ends. If you will look her properly who will truly see that she was a kind and sweet person. She was tall and have perfect curves in her body. Her presence screams wealth and popularity. You can get easily intimidated by her presence. She waved her hand in our direction, particularly to Shien.

"Oh, Babe," Shien said in his small voice. When the woman reached our destination, she linked her arm to his right hand and smiled at us.

"Hi girls!" She said in a cheerful tone.

I smiled then looked at Shien who keeps avoiding my eyes. Then I glanced to my side where Abby was. She looked terrified at the presence of this unknown woman. I sighed in disbelief.

"So who is this girl now?" I said to my head while raising my brow to Shien.

"I am Sass Jordan Saavedra. You can call me Sass. I am Shien's girlfriend." She said and gave me her other hand, preparing a handshake.

"So this is his girlfriend? Then, who the hell is the one in the garden a while ago?" I asked myself.

I've accepted it and said, "I am Sam from Planning Committee for University Events and this is my best friend Abby."

"Oh, so you're part of the event for the third and fourth-year students of the school in Isla Minerva?" She asked.

"Yes. Actually, right now, we are a bit busy. We just asked Shien to help me where to go. I get a little lost here on campus sometimes."

"Oh babe, that's so nice of you," Sass said and glanced at Shien who also gave her a small smile before looking at me.

"Thank you, Shien. Nice to meet you, Sass. We will go now." I said nicely.

"Oh, sure. Bye!" She said cheerfully.

I dragged Abby to walk out of the cafeteria. She still looks surprised by our small encounter with them. When we reached the front door of the student council's office, we stopped. We sat on the floor along the hallway. No one wants to talk, as if we will be killed if we dared to even breathe.

"Bestie," Abby said, killing the silence.

"What is it?" I said.

"Why didn't you tell me that you've met Shien?" She said sadly.

I looked at her and said, "I don't know that you know him. And it was just my second encounter with him. I thought it was not a big deal."

"How did you meet him by the way," she curiously asked. "He's always nowhere to be found here on the campus."

"Really? Well, on my first day here, I tried to eat lunch outside. Then, out of nowhere, he asked me to eat." I simply said.

"Oh, to eat at a restaurant?" She asked, still looking at the wall in front of her.

"Uhmm," I became hesitant for a moment.

"He asked me to with him at his apartment."

"WHAT?!" She said as she grabbed my shoulders in disbelief. "HIS. APARTMENT?!"

I nodded at her. She let go of me and kicked her legs on the floor. When I gathered my courage, I asked her why.

"Why? Well, he was the most famous guy here on campus! He was charismatic, talented, tall, and handsome. He was always good at others that's why girls are chasing him. They said he was a womanizer and he was just playing with Sass."

"I think they were right." I wanted to add but I kept my mouth shut. I don't want to have a business with him anymore.

"They also said that since Sass was the granddaughter of the major shareholder of the university, all the girls who linger around her boyfriend just suddenly vanishes into thin air," Abby added while having fear in her eyes.

"Really? She doesn't look like it. She looks like an angel with that face." I said in disbelief.

Abby sarcastically laughed and waved her hand, "Bestie, you can love Shien all you want but don't believed that bitch. She will not be called 'Angelic Medusa' for no reason you know?"

"Wow. What a power couple." I said as I shake my head to all these ridiculous rumors I'm hearing right now.

Abby sighed and said, "But still, I'm so in loved with Shien and I will keep on doing so."

"Really? But you looked like, you will die any moment when you saw Sass a while ago." I teased her which make her eyes roll.

I laughed with her so hard as we remembered the scene at the cafeteria a while ago. It was really weird!

"But Bestie," She seriously said which stopped me from laughing. "We know how gorgeous Shien was, but don't fall in love with him. Okay?"

"Why? Because you like him so much, huh?" I teasingly asked.

"No! That's not it." She irritatedly said.

"Then, why?" I asked.

"Because it will not be reciprocated. He loved Sass so much. So even he does some weird things behind her back, he will always come back to her. He was like put in a curse for some unknown reason."

I suddenly became confused now. One moment he was rude then sweet to the next. Then he turned out to be popular and womanizer at the same time.

"Why did you make me feel this way?" I asked Shien in my mind. Not minding if he will answer me or not.

I suddenly have the urge to know more about him. To know his side...but I resolved to do not. I waved the thought in my mind.

"Okay, Bestie. I will keep that in mind." I said to her and smile.

From that moment, I prayed that I will never have any encounters with Shien.