
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 3: Never Be The Same

"Never Be the Same" by Camilla Cabello (Chorus)

"And I could try to run, but it would be useless

You're to blame

Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be the same"


Summer's POV

After that close encounter with Shien, I have decided to do not to meet him again. I didn't tell him that we will be together in the same school. I just have a strange feeling behind his smiles and actions. Good thing, he kept his promise to return my purse. He also forgot to ask for my name so after we ate, I went my own way. He was not bothered by it and stayed in his apartment. Thank goodness. I just went back to school to meet Abby after that and she treated me some ice cream from the school canteen.

A week has passed without me noticing it. I am still updating my father about everything that was happening to me. But sadly, he still kept his distance from me by totally ignoring my texts and calls. I have been busy with different tasks given by Sir Vero for the university event in Isla Minerva.

He also introduced me to the school staff and some students in school. Most of them are just part of the student council and higher levels than me. But I became close to the three of them for that whole week.

First is, Jon Rainier Minerva, a second-year student of Fine Arts. He was in charge of the Camp Itinerary and Design Team. He was cool and easy to deal with. He just volunteered in this event just because he wanted to stay more in the school this summer.

Next is, Nikola Chan, a third-year education student major in Mathematics. She was assigned to the Room Assignments. She's serious but kind at the same time. She keeps on helping me whenever I got lost in the tasks I am doing to. She was also the Student Council Secretay that's why she knows everyone in the classroom. She was pretty but intimidating.

And last is, Gio Minerva, he was the older cousin of Rainier. He was a third-year Business Administration student. He was the student council Vice President. He was always funny and makes weird actions that make our light and chill. He was pretty close to his cousin, Rainier. He was assigned to the preparation of our accommodation in the resort.

All of them are star students of this campus that's why it was a privilege to work with them thinking I am not yet a certified student at this school. These upper-class students are pretty popular in the school as well. They have the looks and personality that really catches attention.

Abby, on the other hand, will just meet me in her lunch break. She will come to the Student Council Office to bring me some food and eat there with me. I always urge her to eat outside but she always refuses to do so. She said she was waiting for her dream guy to come to the office. I kept asking her who was it, but she always keeps her mouth shut. Good thing, the people here were nice to us and allowed us to stay with them.

Now, we only have two days before the event. Everything was all set so we are not that busy anymore. The officers are just hanging out together in the office. Most of them keep on teasing Gio to a girl named Sass, which I didn't even meet once.

It's been past lunch and Abby didn't come for the first time. I was so concerned with her so I decided to look for her in the cafeteria, even though she might only have 10 minutes left in her break time. I texted her first that I will look for her in the cafeteria so that we will not miss each other.

I was about to enter the cafeteria when I heard someone playing the guitar in the garden. You need to pass through the garden first before coming to the cafeteria. I followed the sound and there, I saw Shien again! He was sitting in one of the benches and playing the guitar.

He was so into the music that I think he didn't notice my presence. He looks so peaceful and real in my eyes, for the first time. As if... this was the real Shien after all. I can't stop looking at him for about a minute when I remembered that I have to do something.

I was about to leave when I suddenly saw, a beautiful girl approached him and kissed him on his lips. Shien removed the guitar in his lap and placed it on the side. Without breaking the kiss, Shien grabbed the woman's waist and make her sit in his lap.

My eyes widened to this vulgar and scene and ran towards the cafeteria.

"Summer, you have to forget everything you saw!" I shouted to my brain and tried to look for Abby which was the main reason I left the office. I didn't see Abby so I have decided to look for my favorite cheese bread. This cafeteria has weird pricing on their menu! It wasn't that cheap after all. I can get three-cheese bread with the price of a meal.

I was about to pay for it when someone grabbed the cheese bread in my hand. I was about to curse when I saw Shien behind me grinning.

"Hi," he playfully said while opening the cheese break. He takes a bite and was trying to figure out the taste, I guess?

My mouth left open for a moment when I remembered the scene in the garden. I can feel my cheeks burning up just by the thought of it.

I regained my strength and grabbed the bread in his hand and said, "This is mine." He already ate at it with that dirty mouth of him.

"Wow. Feisty. I like it." He playfully said and left a chuckle. "Every time I see you, you are about to eat something not delicious."

"And every time I see you, you kept on ruining my appetite!" I fired back.

He laughed so hard because of that. Did I say something funny?

"You didn't tell me your name," he said to me still biting his lips to prevent himself from laughing again. "You just ate my adobo and left me without your name."

"Well, you didn't ask for it," I said and tried to look for a new cheese bread since he already took a bite on the one earlier.

He followed me from behind and ask me, "So, what's your name?"

"Sam," I said to him. Not glancing at him while looking at the pastry corner.

"Oh, Sam," he said as he bends his head towards me. "Nice name."

It was not my real name but my father used to call me like that. I didn't lie am I right?

I ignored him and paid the cashier with those two bread. I looked at him and gave back the one he took a bite on.

"It's yours now. It's my payment for the food you gave me last time." I said and left him laughing at me.

"Sam!" He followed me and held my shoulder for a moment. I looked at him because of shock. He was about to say something when I saw Abby running towards me.

"Bestie!" She shouted and suddenly stopped in front of me and gave me big hug. Because of that, Shien removed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank goodness. Abby, you are really heaven-sent!" I told myself. Shien didn't leave though.

"I have to tell you- What?!" Abby shouted when she realized who was with me.

"What?" I asked her in shock as well

"What are you..." she cannot finish her sentence while pointing his index finger to Shien, as if he was a ghost.

Shien raised his brow, looking like he cannot really understand the situation as well.

"What are you doing with my dream boy?!" She shouted at me with her lungs out.

Shien laughed at Abby's words. "You are a crazy woman!" He said.

When I realized what Abby said, all I can say was, "What?!"

What did I bring myself into?!