
Missing Summer

Shien, the famous Summer Solstice songwriter, has lost everything just because of one wrong decision. Then, 40-day time with Summer came and he will never be the same again. He knows that he was not supposed to be inlove with her. But Summer suddenly went missing and the record-breaking, "Missing Summer" track produced to find her. Five years later, nothing happened until another 40-day opportunity came again. Will he find out why Summer suddenly vanished?

Lutrada_Filipina · Teen
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17 Chs

Track 2: When Can I See You Again

"When Can I See You Again?" by Owl City (Chorus)

"It's been fun but now I've got to go

Life is way too short to take it slow

But before I go and hit the road

I gotta know, 'til then,

When can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can I see you again?"


It's a good thing that Sir Vero, the University Dean, allowed me to stay in my dorm even though the class is not yet starting. But he said that I have to help out in the upcoming university event next week. I will be paid for allowance for the whole month because of that job. He allowed me to be assigned as one of the dorm leaders. It will be done in Isla Minerva in Batangas. I have heard of this place before but I have never been there since the place was for private use only. I agreed on his terms and now he helped me to find my room in their dormitory. I just hoped that I will not bump into one of my neighbors in my one month stay there.

"If you still need anything, you can contact me anytime," he said and gave me his small business card and a temporary pass.

"I'll go now. There are still classes until five in the afternoon. You can roam outside the campus as long as you have that temporary pass."

"Thank you, Sir," I said with respect and he left me after that.

I sighed and said to myself, "So, this will be my room for four years, huh?"

I surveyed the room and found out that I might be staying with three other girls here. There are two bunk beds in the furthermost area of the room. On my right near the door, there's a small circular table with a vase on it. And on the left side are four small cabinets that I think are for our clothes and stuff. The room was clean with a plain beige paint on its walls. It also has one bathroom inside. There was no kitchen area but there is a small refrigerator since we are not allowed to cook inside. The windows are all closed but there is aircon so I think it will not be that hot here.

After I looked around, I chose the upper bunk bed on the right. I wanted to have a quiet place in this room that's why I chose that. I will not be staying here for fun, so I might as well, do not be too friendly with everyone. She will also get a job after this university event.

I also started to put my clothes in one of the closets. Then, I texted Abby who was probably in one of her classes now. I said everything that happened to me a while ago and asked her if she can eat with me after her class. She said that she will be free by four in the afternoon. It's already two in the afternoon and I was really starving so I told her to just meet me later and I can eat on my own.

I got my purse, phone, and temporary pass and I left my room and will try my luck to eat outside. As soon as I got out, I walked past the street near the school and saw another street full of street foods and mini restaurants. I was amazed because all look delicious and affordable. I stopped in front of two mini restaurants full of people. I guess they have good food since people kept on coming to them. I was about to enter into one, when someone grabbed my arm, stopping me to come inside.

"Hey!" I said and glanced at the person who grabbed me. My eyes widened when I realized that he was the guy earlier this morning- the one with guitar!

"Kid, don't come inside. Their food sucks." He said coldly still looking in the restaurant.

"How did you know?" I asked back and tried to survey him. I realized that he was also studying at De Vera University. I was about to read his name in his ID when he caught me with his answer.

"Because I know that I can cook better," he said with a wink and smirk.

"Thanks for your kindness but I wanna eat inside," I said and left him alone.

I started to fall in line when I realized that my purse was not in my hand anymore! I tried to look at the floor and left the line until I realized something. I looked at the guy, still smirking at me and holding my purse on his right hand. He was waving it at me, trying to get my attention

"That's mine!" I shouted at him. The people started to look at us. I don't know how he got that but who cares? I'm hungry, tired, and stressed from all that happened to me since last night. I tried to reach it out but since he was way taller than me, I can't do anything.

He was laughing so hard as I keep on jumping just to get it from him. I stopped because I was really frustrated with the situation. After a gave him a glare, I started to away from him and have decided to just wait for Abby to finish her class, so we can eat.

'I just wanted to eat! I just want to eat!' I shouted in my head.

"Hey!" The annoying guy said. I didn't look back because I might cry at any moment.

'Who are these guys anyway? Why does he keep on pestering my life?!' I said in my head totally ignoring the crazy guy.

"Hey!" He said again and run towards me. "I was just joking. I'm so sorry. I will return it to you I promise." I stopped walking and look at him, trying to figure out if what is his problem! Because I just can't see the point of this prank!

"I...," he seriously said. "I just want someone to eat with. I just... had a bad day." I suddenly remembered what I have eavesdropped earlier this morning. Then he started to my eyes and shyly ask, "Will you eat with me?"

Because of his seriousness, I said yes to him and told him that I know martial arts so he must keep his hands off me. He laughed at me and told me that we will just eat- nothing more, nothing less.

We went to a simple apartment near the university. He said that his name is Shien Alfredo Olaivar. He was in his third year Marketing student at De Vera University. I also told him that I will be a student at De Vera University.

Now, I am sitting in the mini living room in his apartment and felt so awkward for staying. He was now busy cooking Chicken Adobo so he cannot face me. It smelled so nice and I can hear my stomach churn.

"What will you take in college?" He asked to suddenly cover the silence in the room.

"I will take an elementary education course," I said plainly and he just nods while preparing two plates for our food.

"So, teacher, huh?" He looked at me with one of his brow raised.

"Why? Do you have a problem with that?" I asked back.

"Come here, let's eat," he said with a smile, totally ignoring my question. I went with him to the kitchen and sat beside him. He gave me a spoon, gesturing that I must taste it first.

"You did not put anything like poison in here, right?" I said suspiciously.

I gained a burst of laughter from him. Then, he got the spoon in my hand and gather a small portion of meat and sauce from the chicken adobo. He motioned the spoon near my mouth with a smile.

"I did not put anything, taste it," he sweetly said. I think my face heated up because of his sweet action. I suddenly forgot that I am so hungry at that moment. To save myself, I just get the spoon in his hand.

"I can eat on my own," I said while rolling my eyes. He chuckled and waited for my reaction as I put it on my mouth. My eyes widened because it tasted so good! I looked back at him and give him a thumbs up.

"Where did you learn this? Teach me how!" I said to him while getting some rice and chicken to start eating. I didn't bother to wait for him because the food was so good.

He laughed again and asked me with an amused smile, "When will I see you again, Summer?"