
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 11- "Loopin was masticating"

"I was horrorfied!"

Ebony takes a bath and one of the best characters in Harry Potter becomes your neighborhood stalker. Just another day at Hogwarts

This is my favorite chapter to read, but my least favorite to write so far



B'loody Mary and Hagrid immediately jumped in to ask questions, and Dumbledore tried to get them to calm down. Diablo stood by the couch, trying to control his breathing.

I stood frozen, unable to even move. I took the action as though I were a statue.

Suddenly, without even thinking about it, I pushed Dumbledore out of my way and ran through the halls, narrowly avoiding slipping as I curved around corners. I heard voices calling after me, but I couldn't stop. I felt like if I ran fast enough, the truth would stop being the truth like it would bring Draco back to life.

Finally, I stumbled into my room and collapsed on the bed as sobs tore through my body. Like by now I shouldn't be able to cry anymore, but here I am. Sobbing my eyes out.

Time sped up without my consent, and suddenly I found a knife in my hand. The knife Draco had given me for our anniversary. I squeezed the handle and pressed the blade to my wrist, watching as the blood rose to the surface almost immediately. I carved the lines into my wrist, uncaring if the crimson liquid covered my arms and clothes.

Then, once a little of my despair had subsided, I observed my arms. The cuts I had made were deeper than the ones I made usually. They were much more haphazard too, some cutting much deeper than I was accustomed to. I quickly tried to stop the bleeding even a little and ran to my bathroom, cranking the faucet in my clawfoot tub to a full, steaming-hot blast. I climbed in, ignoring how the water burned my skin and sunk up to my nose. I used the pain to try to ignore the sinking feeling in my heart. Yet, images of Draco flashed through my head. When he called to me in the rain, him pouting at the Good Charlotte concert, his blonde hair in the moonlight, every act that had made me fall for him.

I couldn't handle this pain. I needed to get a stake.

I stood up, and let out a shaky breath. Cold air surrounded me and anyone else would have shivered. Too bad my heart was already freezing over. I snagged a towel (black with Marilyn Manson's face), quickly dried off, and started to change into a comfortable outfit. A low cut black dress, with intricate lace details. At one point I thought I felt tears run down my cheek, but I ignored it.

As I walked from the bathroom back into the main dorm, I saw movement in the window. The bathroom was detailed in onyx and dark woods, with large windows to bring in light. In my panic, I had left the curtains open. Two men on broomsticks hovered outside. Professor Snape and Professor Lupin... holding a camera... filming me in the bath!

I screamed and grabbed my gun from where I had set it on a vanity. "You fucking perverts!" I screeched, "What the fucking hell are you doing?!"

I started to run toward the door, but before I could take more than two steps,it was thrown open. Vampire strode inside, pointed his wand at the two men, and shouted "Avada Kedavra!" The spell missed both men, but my blood was boiling.

I couldn't just watch as Vampire took revenge for me, so I aimed the gun carefully and shot at both men until the clip was empty. Both men leaned forward in pain and crashed through the window. The camera shattered on the floor.

The door flew open again as Dumbledore entered the bathroom. "Ebony," he stated, "We now know the-" He was cut off when he saw two injured professors on the floor. He immediately waved his wand to cast a healing spell, but another voice was heard outside the window.

"We need to talk," yelled Hagrid as he turned in through the bathroom window. His face contorted in shock, "Wha-What the hell's going on?"

"Shut up Hagrid," snapped Dumbledore, "You're just a student. What could you possibly know?"

"W-well..." Hagrid drew back, clearly unsure of how he should react. But, squaring his shoulders, Hagrid glared at Dumbledore. "I may just be a student," he declared, "But I am also a satanist!"

Dumbledore flinched back as if he had been struck, while Snape and Lupin gasped.

"T-this cannot be! There must be other factors," Snape sputtered, speechless at the statement. Blood oozed from the injuries to his side and dripped to the floor.

I realized that no matter how shocked I was, I was still pissed as all hell.

"What do you mean? He can be whatever he wants." I marched over to the two men slumped on the floor. "I want to know what you were doing outside the window, especially now that the camera's destroyed."

Lupin smirked up at me, "What do you mean broken?" He withdrew an SD card from the inside of his robe and cackled, "The video is safe and sound right here!"

I leaned back, feeling even fainter than I would if I hadn't drunk any blood. Ah, am I falling?

Strong arms caught me and held me tightly against a broad chest. Hagrid?

A voice just above me howled, "What are you doing to her?"

"Why do you care?" Snape snapped.

"Be-Because... because..." Hagrid set me back onto my feet and made sure I could stand, humming a gothic tune into my ear. Or maybe it was 50 cent. Maybe I was going more insane than I already was.

Finally, Hagrid turned to Snape and roared, "It's because I love her!"


I honestly couldn't tell you what happened at the end of this scene based on the original story. I just don't understand what was supposed to happen.