
Mine Everlasting

Have you ever tried to read My Immortal and just couldn't get past the bad writing? Do you want to actually understand the insane plot? Welcome to Mine Everlasting, the longest My Immortal rewrite (as far as I can tell). Come enjoy meeting all your favorite characters from Harry Potter all over again, but this time they're goth and have none of the personality from the original canon! I'm here for you as I rewrite all of My Immortal to be intelligible. Inspired by My Immortal by Tara Gilesbie.

LemonxLark · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 10-"You might think I'm a slut but I'm really not"

Wait... who's actually a vampire in this?? Is it just Ebony, Willow, and B'loody? Idk anymore


Band practice went about as well as it could when you were being blackmailed to kill one of the other members. I was terrified of everything, even shadows, which felt kinda stupid because I'm a vampire. I couldn't help think Voldemort would jump out at any moment to kill Draco because I couldn't kill Vampire.

The rest of the band clearly noticed how jumpy I was, as we were supposed to be practicing for a small show we were doing next week. I would've skipped practice, but Draco and Vampire had already called out because they were feeling too depressed.

After playing a few songs, B'loody Mary stopped me.

"Ebony, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned. Hagrid also turned toward me, nodding at her statement.

"Nothing" I curtly replied, hoping she didn't hear the slight crack in my voice.

She looked at me, eyebrow raised. "Your crying," B'loody Mary stated.

I raised a hand to my cheek and felt a tear hit the pad of my finger. There was a trail of wetness down the rest of my face. Damn, how long had I been crying?

B'loody Mary tried again, "Are you okay Ebony?"

I snapped at her, "What the fuck do you think?"

She backed off, but I still felt like she deserved some explanation.

I sat down on the couch and tried to explain. "Well, after I ran out of the potions room, I ended up in the forbidden forest." B'loody and Diablo nodded, remembering the scene. "While I was out there, Voldemort appeared. And.. and the bastard told me to fucking kill Vampire! But I don't want to kill him, because, he's really nice, even if he did go out with Draco. But if I don't kill Vampire, then Voldemort threatened to kill Draco!" I burst into tears, curling in on myself. Diablo put a hand on my shoulder and then pulled me into a hug.

Then Draco slammed open the door to the room we were in. "What the hell Ebony!"

My head snapped up and in shock I stopped crying. "D-Draco?"

"I heard it all that shit. What do you mean he's gonna kill me?! Why wouldn't you tell me?! We're in this shit together!!" Draco roared.

I stood up and staggered toward him, tears springing again to my eyes. "I-I couldn't... I-I just..." I stuttered, but Draco quickly stopped me as he turned and slammed open the door.

Over his shoulder, he paused to find the right words. Eventually, he spit, "You're a fucking lying poser muggle bitch!" And threw the oak wood door closed with a rattling bang. I thought I saw tears falling from his eyes as he left.

I collapsed to the floor, crying in shock.

What felt like hours later, Diablo and B'loody Mary were able to coax me from my unresponsive state. I picked up a guitar and the three of us played some sad songs, so I could keep my mind off what had happened. I was just starting to think about something other than Draco when the door slammed open.

Dumbledore stormed in and locked eyes with me. "What have you done?" He questioned, as a small tear trailed down his face. I stared back, confusion etched in my features. At my response, he signed and looked toward the floor.

"Draco Malfoy," he said gravely, "has been found dead in his room."


I feel like this was more of an in between chapter. Like, yeah, Draco's dead. But also... like... who cares?