
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


{New magic detected. Do you wish to acquire?}

[What is it? I do not want anything useless.]

{Arise. Allows the user to summon 10 undead soldiers.}

[Ok. That sounds useful. Yes, I wish to acquire."]


Jason looks around trying to figure out who is magic he is currently coping right now.

{New magic acquired. Analyzing. Upgrade available. Do you wish to upgrade?}

[What do you mean, upgrade? I did not even know I could do that!]

{Due to your intelligence being over 400, even though sometimes you do not act like it, there is a chance for a newly acquired ability or magic to get upgraded. It is a 1 in 10 chance, and you got lucky this time. Do you wish to upgrade?}


{Upgrading....New magic upgraded to Bone Dragon Slayer Magic. Consume any type of bones to use any of the following 3 spells.


Bone Dragon Armor.

Summons a layer of bones over the user's whole body to act as armor.

Bone Dragon Roar.

Shoots hundreds of 1-foot long bone spikes from the user's mouth.

Bone Dragon's Undead Army.

Able to summon 50 undead soldiers. Enemies or creatures that are killed by the Bone Dragon's Undead Army, have a chance of becoming permanently part of the Bone Dragon's Undead Army. If a Bone Dragon's Undead Army soldier dies, it will consume part of the user's Ethernano and rise back up to the battlefield. When Bone Dragon's Undead Army is not currently summoned, they reside in the users Ethernano container.}


Jason is walking towards the staircase still holding Lisa's hand trying not to show how excited he is.

[Friday, what is Ethernano? Where is the Ethernano container? And, how big is mine?]

{You can consider Ethernano, as mana and the container resides of your body. Every mage from this world has an Ethernano container inside their body. As far as how big yours is, your Ethernano container is infinite. It is like saying you will never run out of mana. Did you understand that Dummy?}

[If Ethernano is like mana, cannot we just call it, mana. It would be so much easier.]

{Fine, dummy. I will dummy it down for you}

[Are you in a bad mood Friday]


[On another note, why is my mana container infinite?]

{God thought you might need it. Look at the powers you asked for in your wishes.}

[What do you mean by that?]

{Look at 'Adjust', if you level that ability up, you can change your race. You can change your body into that of a dragon or a giant. Don't you think you would need a big 'mana' container to be able to do that and still use magic? And then there is your 'Copy' ability that you 'HAD' to have, what do you plan to with all the magic and abilities you copy, just save them?}

[Wait. How do you level up my abilities? Can I level up my magic too?]

{Sigh. Yes, you can level up your magic, just like your abilities. The more you use and understand them, the more powerful they become.}

[So, the more I use my magic and abilities, the more powerful they become? That is awesome!]

{I think God took away some of your intelligence when he remade you.}

[Well, that is not very nice!]

"I did. Hehehehe" God chuckled to himself.


Jason and Lisa finally make it to her room. Once they enter, they both move over to the couch and cuddle together.

"So, you really don't remember anything before yesterday?"

"No. I don't."

"That's really sad. I will look into the magic that might be able to help you recover your memories."

"You don't have to do that. I am sure it will come back on its own. I did have a weird dream last night, in between one of our sex-capades though."

"What was it about? Do you remember?"

"Kind of. It was about me using magic. In my dream, I could change my appearance however I wanted. All I had to do was think about it."

Lisa had a surprised look on her face, and she said, "I have never heard of magic that could do that, and I have studied a lot about magic. All those books on the bookshelf over there, have all kinds of different types of magic and spells."

{That would be a JACKPOT for you. With your copy ability, you could copy all of them if you wanted to.}

Now Jason has a surprised look on his face as Lisa continues to say, "Can you try and see if you can use that magic? I would be really interested in seeing it. Even though I cannot use magic, I love seeing it. I always have.

[Hey Friday, to use Adjust, all I must do is think about what I want to change about me, right?]

{Sigh. Yes.}

Then he turns to Lisa and says, "I will give it a try, if I can do it, will you let me look through your books about magic?"

"I would let you look through them even if you could not do it," Lisa says with a caring smile on her face.

"Ok, here it goes." Jason starts to think about being 15 years younger, and then suddenly, He looks 15 years younger.

Lisa's jaw drops as far down as it will go, as she is just staring at Jason in bewilderment. Then she says, "What else can you change?" As she runs into the bedroom to grab a pen and paper from her desk. "I have to write all this down. This is amazing."

They spent the next couple of hours, testing out all the things that Jason could change. They changed his hair length, hair color, eye color, dimples, his chin, the size of his nose, the position of his eyes, the length of his arms, and they even tried to see if they could add extra parts to him like, arms, fingers, and *cough cough* (which he could). She even tried to talk him into seeing if he could turn himself into a woman, which he refused to do.

After they tried as many things as possible that Lisa could think of, he decided on what he should look like. He made himself look like a 20-year-old, with blond hair that went down to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, and a chiseled chin. He kept his muscles and his height the same because he said it just felt, comfortable.

"Hey Lisa, do you have a full-body mirror in here?"

"I have one that hangs on the inside of my closet door. You can use that if you want to." Lisa said as she was drooling.

He walked into her bedroom and looked at himself in the mirror and thought to himself, 'I look like a young Chris Hemsworth if I do say so myself.'

He walks back out to the living room and looks at Lisa and says, "Do you mind if I check out some of the books on your bookshelf now?"

Lisa nods at him still drooling at how he looks, as Jason walked over to the bookshelf.

[Time to learn!]

{At least she is useful for something.}

Only I level up/Solo leveling won which was perfect because it was already close to what I was going to use. I wanted to put my own twist on it so that it is like Solo leveling, but not exactly Solo leveling. Thank you for all of the comments. It is actually what made me come up with the bookshelf idea because, there where so many good ideas in them. Oh, and it only took 24 hours for Jason to break Friday.

Dohdohscreators' thoughts