
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


When Friday starts to pull up the neurolyzer's, she shows Jason 5 different types. The first one looks like a giant silver cigar tub, the size of an MRI machine, with a bed inside of it. The second one has a chrome box with a black nob on it that fits on a person's belt, has a wire running out of it, and is connected to a cigar sized tube. The 3rd one is the neurolyzer that is the most recognized from the movies. The fourth one is the Statue of Liberty and the fifth one is one that looks like a silver flashlight.

[I did not know there are this many different versions of the neurolyzer. How much is the regular one that I am used to seeing in the movies? The third one down]

{That one cost 22,000 SP. It is also the one I recommend, as it will be the most useful to you in the future.}

[That is expensive. Does it at least come with the Ray-Bans needed for me to be able to use it?]

{It does as it is part of the standard set. The reason it cost so much is, due to it coming from another universe. If you are to purchase commonly found items from this planet, it would not cost that much.}

[I guess that makes sense. I will go ahead and purchase it.]

The neurolyzer and a set of Ray-Bans show up in front of Jason.

[How much time do I need to take from her?]

{You should take 48 minutes from her. That is when you yelled out my name. That should take care of the mess you have caused.}

Jason adjusts the time dial on his neurolyzer to 48 minutes and puts on his Ray-Bans and waits for time to start again. Soon, he again hears Lisa crying and moves in front of her and says in a caring voice, "Lisa. Can you please look at me for a second? I want to show you something and, if you still want me to go after showing you this, I will leave, and you will never have to see me again."

Lisa looks up at Jason with puffy red eyes and says, "What?" Jason hits the button to flash the neurolyzer and a blinding white light envelops the whole room. As soon as the flash goes away, Jason looks at Lisa as he is taking off his sunglasses, she has a deer in the headlights look on her face. Jason puts the neurolyzer and his sunglasses on the table and then bends down to help Lisa stand up.

Jason looks into her eyes still unsure if it actually worked and says, "Come on. Let us go finish our bath and then I will take you out for breakfast."

Lisa looks up at Jason and just nods. Jason picks her up and carries her back to the bathtub due to the glass, just being happy she does not remember anything that just happened.

[Friday, I need a story to tell her when she starts to ask questions about where I am from and things about my life. Do you think you can help me out with that, please?]

{It is simple really. Just tell her you woke up in the forest yesterday and the only thing you can remember is your name.}

[I guess that can work. I did just show up here yesterday and everything I know about this world, I learned from the anime. Thank you, Friday.]

{You're welcome Jason.}

They finish their bath and get dressed to go out for breakfast. Jason turns to Lisa and asks her, "So where is a good place to eat around here?"

"The Hargeon Restaurant isn't too far from here. Why don't we have breakfast there?" Lisa says.

Jason being happy that everything worked out in the end, grabs Lisa's hand and walks out of the room, heading to the restaurant for breakfast. As they are leaving the room, Lisa looks around and says, "We should stop by the front desk before we head out. I want to get one of the cleaning maids to come in here and clean this place up." As she blushes and walks out of the room holding Jason's hand.

The two leave and go eat breakfast, and then they walk to the park and sit under a tree. They start talking about their lives and Lisa cannot believe that he does not remember anything before yesterday. She tells him about how her father was a merchant in the town and went to Mt. Hakobe to collect Hakobe Ice to sell a couple of years ago, and never came back. Her mother's family has owned the hotel for about 30 years, and she is set to inherit the hotel in the next couple of years when her mother finally decides to retire.

The two sits there until the sun starts to go down, talking, and getting to know each other. They decided to go back to The Hargeon Restaurant for dinner and then head back to the hotel, still holding hands. As they approach the hotel, Jason turns to Lisa and says, "Are you going to make me pay for another night?" Jokingly. Lisa blushes and says to Jason, "No. You can stay in my room again."

As they walk into the hotel, they notice that the hotel is busy. There are people everywhere trying to get a room. They overhear customers talking about how one of the hotels in the town was destroyed yesterday, and now there is a shortage of hotel rooms in this town.

As they walk toward the staircase leading up to the rooms, Jason hears {New magic detected. Do you wish to acquire?}

(A/N What type of magic do you all want him to get next? I already have a list of magic that he will get in the next couple of chapters, but I want this one to be unique. Please comment and the best one I will try to work into the next chapter.)