
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

The White Monarch

Jason walks over to the bookshelf and starts to pick up some of the books and read the titles. As he looks through them, he thinks to himself, 'Even if I can copy all of these, I only want the ones that I think would be useful in the future.' Some of the titles he is reading are, Ice Magic, Summoning Contract Magic, Darkness Magic, and Warp.

[He Friday, I think these are good to start with, don't you?]

{Yes, although I think Ice Magic and Darkness Magic, have the best practical applications.}

[Great! I will read these.]

He walks over to the couch where a still drooling Lisa is sitting and starts to read the Ice Magic book. After he finishes reading the book, cover to cover, he hears {Ice Magic acquired. Analyzing... Complete.}

[Well, that was easy. Can you show me Ice Magic in my stats?]


{Ice Magic (I)



The user can summon a small blizzard that drops the temperature to below freezing and creates a thick fog that makes it hard to walk through in a 20-foot radius.}


[Not as impressive as I thought, but I see how it can help me in a pinch.]

{Just keep reading the books, dumb dumb.}

Jason continues to read the other 3 books while Lisa is curled up on the couch, snuggling next to Jason. When Jason finishes reading the last book, which is Warp, he hears the same thing he heard the last three times, and then he hears,

{Warp acquired. Analyzing. Upgrade available. Do you wish to upgrade?}

Without a second thought, Jason says, [Yes] without trying to disturb the sleeping Lisa that is now using his lap as a lap pillow.

{Upgrading...New magic upgraded to Teleportation Magic. Do you wish to see it in your stats?}

[Yes please]


{Teleportation Magic (IV)



The user can teleport anywhere the user can clearly picture in his mind. The clearer the picture in the user's mind, the faster the teleportation happens. If the user does not have a clear enough picture the teleportation will fail.}


[I guess that can make traveling easier for me. It might be usable.]

{Sigh. Are you sure you are a genius? Because the implications for this are endless. You can literally go ANYWHERE!}

Jason shrugs off what Friday is saying to him and picks up Lisa and heads off to bed. They did not get a lot of sleep the night before and he is feeling tired.

[I will think about it tomorrow. I am going to bed. Good night Friday.]

{Good night, dumb dumb.}

[You know. If you keep acting like this, I am going to start calling you Karen!]

{Why Karen?}

[Because you are acting like a Karen! Do you want to speak to my manager?]


[I am going to bed. I am too tired right now.]

Jason lays Lisa down in the bed and then climbs into bed himself, and quickly falls asleep. Jason wakes up the next morning as the sun is starting to come through the bedroom window. He feels an unusual pressure coming to form his chest and looks down, where he sees Lisa snuggled up to him, using his chest as a pillow, still asleep. As he is laying there in bed with Lisa, she starts to wake up. She looks at him, leans up to his face, and steals his lips.

After a short, but passionate kiss, Jason says to her "Do you want to take a bath and then go get some breakfast with me?"

Lisa is propping herself up on her elbow still looking at Jason and says, "That sounds nice." and gets up from the bed and starts heading to the bathroom. Jason watches her as she heads to the bathroom, then he stretches and gets up from the bed and follows her.

After their bath, they get dressed and go eat breakfast at the same restaurant they ate at the day before. Once they are done eating, they walk hand in hand, back to the park where they spent all day yesterday.

As they are walking there Jason asks Friday, [Can you show me the stats from the magic I copied last night that I have not seen yet please?] Trying not to anger Friday again for the second day in a row.


{Summoning Contract Magic (II)



The user can summon one familiar to perform a contract with. To form a contract, the summoned familiar must willingly agree to the contract.

Darkness Magic (III)


Dark Vanish.

The user can target an opponent making them implode and decompose, leaving only clothes behind.

Dark Gravity.

The user can amplify gravity in a 10-foot radius, causing everyone and everything in the effected are to fall downward.

Evil Shower.

User forms a sphere in their hand that spreads darkness bullets over a wide area.}


{You also still have 10 unassigned stat points. I recommend putting them into your agility, as it is your lowest stat.}

[Ok Friday. I trust you. Thank you.]

Jason quietly reads through all the magic he copied last night and then asks, [Friday, the familiar I summon, is it something like, if I want a specific familiar, all I must do is think about that it while summoning? Or is it a random familiar, and once I upgrade the skill the familiar gets stronger?]

{That's.... actually, a good question. Why don't you try and think about a familiar you want to summon and see if it shows up? Although, I personally would find it funny if the only thing you could summon was, a rat or field mouse.}

As Jason and Lisa get to the park, he guides them to a secluded spot and turns to Lisa and says, "I had another dream last night."

"What was the dream about this time Jason? Was it something about your past?"

"No. It was me using summoning magic. I do not know why but, I have this feeling that I can use it. Should I try it here?" Jason asks Lisa.

Lisa looks around and make sure there is nobody around and then nods to Jason. Jason stands back and starts to think of the familiar he wants to summon. Suddenly, a bright yellow circle forms on the ground in front of him. It lasts for several seconds before the light rescinds, and what is left in where the magic circle was, is a 5-foot-tall white tiger.

[Wow, that worked?]


"Is that a really big tiger? "