
The Woods

I'm walking in the woods, it is dark so dark that I can barely see in front of me. Someone is following me. I stop, I can feel him getting closer. He is right behind me. My heart is beating quickly. I can feel his breath on my skin. It smells like blood. I turn my head to see him, but he bites me. I can feel the blood run down my neck. I wake up I'm in my bed, but I can still feel the blood. I go to rub my shoulder and I feel it . I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror my neck is covered in dark red blood. I start running water and take a washcloth and begin rubbing the blood off my neck. There they are two small red dots on the edge of my neck. I fish in my backpack to find to small bandaids I place they carefully on the cuts. I go back to my bed and lay there trying to go back to sleep, but I can't. I look at my clock it is 11:30, I moan. Then I get up to get a glass of water. As I am drinking the glass, I wander in to the stables. The silver mare stands as I walk in. It is like she wants to go for a ride. I go to get her saddle, but she snorts. So I just climb on, it is probly a bad idea to ride with out a saddle, especially since I have never ridden a horse be for. She takes off in a sprint in to the woods. This is so much fun it is like I'm flying. It is amazing I say out loud. As we road on the forest became darker. Suddenly the mare took off in a galup, when she did I slided off her butt. I landed on my feet, but that was when I heard it. Something was behind me, I stand still thinking it must be a bear or something. I stand there trying to remember what dad said about bears. I remember that if you play dead they will leave you alone, so slowly I lay on the ground. But instead of the deep growl I expected, I hear a soft whisper. " I know you're alive, I can hear your heart beat," says the man. I half open my eyes. He is hansom, with deep dark eyes. I stand trying not to blush. I'm sorry, if I'm on your land. I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm to stop me. A warning is going off in my head saying," run this is bad run run now." I don't, I can't it is like I'm glued to the ground. He is right behind me, but he must be holding his breath I can't feel it. I can see him out of the corner of my eye, but he has changed. Instead of the deep dark eyes he had earlyer he has bright yellow and he is smelling me. More like he is smelling my neck. Then he whispers," you'll make a perfic adision to my flock, miss black." I can something white in the corner of my eye. I prepare my self, I know what is going to happen. I've experienced it a thousand times, then he bites me in the same spot as in my dreams. I jump back and try to run, but a hot pain is filling my body. My vision is blurring, but I can see someone walking toward me. Then everything goes black.