

Who are you let me go! " it's ok miss Black, it's me William," said William trying to calm me. Then I realize what just happened. Oh no no no no no. William is watching me, he is staring at my neck. No my blood. Your one of them! Your a vampire aren't you, no you can't be I saw you in sun light. He looks down then says," your not wrong I am a vampire, but I'm not like the one who attacked you. I am what you might call a living vampire." How is that different? "As a living we can walk in the sun and continue to age, but much slower than a human,"he said. But you still need blood. He looked at me and said," yes, but we can live off pig's blood." I nodded wait you said your different from the one that bit me. He looked quilty then said," you were bitten by a flegging, and you will have to drink human blood before a mounth passes or you will die and once you do you will no longer age, but can still go in the sun. Your lucky it wasn't a demonic vampire." What? Demonic, so there's another type of vampire. He just looks at me,"....ah." Then he looked at the sky the said," it's almost dawn, we should get going." What but I thought you said we could go in the sunlight. He smirked then said," yes, but your family will worrie if you're not there." We walk in silence to the mantion. When we get back I am met by nine worried faces. " Where have you been all night," said my mom and my dad just gave me "the look". So I did what any teen would do if they just found out about vampires. I lied, I couldn't sleep so I when to see the horses, but when I got there the silver mare had her bridle on, so I went to take it off, but she took off and we were half way into the forest by the time she stopped. Then Will found me, and we walked back. Mom looked like she was going to say something, but I could not focus on it because of the sharp pain that went through my side. Will ran up and steady me then whispered," we have to get you in side, and stay a few feet away from your family for now." What is happening will." Your just hungry, and I think Sarra has some blood in the kitchen," stated Will. Blood, what oh. Oh ya. I'm a vampire now, okay can we hurry I'm so hungry it hurts." It will May. That is one of the downsides to being a vampire," he whispered." May what is wrong," said Robin running up to us. She smelled so good and I could feel my teeth extending. She stoped seeing my fangs then said," May what is going on." I couldn't stand the feeling, so I pushed Will away and started running for the kitchen. I was there faster than humanly possible. when I get there I grab the wall to keep from falling. A few moments later will walks in and helps me find some blood. I drank it gladly, to gladly it is so weirder to be drinking blood and enjoying it. Then will said," your family is worryed, but to protect them you must stay away." I can not believe what I am hearing. I walked back to my room so confused and lost. Not wanting to hurt my family, I lock the door. I sit there feeling sorry for my self most of the day. By six the sun is setting and I can't stand being alone much longer. I sneak down to the courtyard, I'm not looking for anyone I just want out of my room. I find a bench and watch the sunset. That's when I hear it. It sounds like music, it is strange, but beautiful. It is like nothing I have ever heard. " Mis Black", said someone behind me I turn. I swing, and I hit Will. Oh William I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you. " It is ok Mis Black I shouldn't have snuck up on you", said Will," I wanted to tell you more about being a vampire."