
The New House

I can feel the buzz of the car around me. I sit up rubbing my eyes and look around. It is dark outside the car, but I can tell that we are in a dence forest. Like in my dream, I shake off the tingle that just went down my spine. as the car climbed the hill the trees broke away and I could see a great looming figure. As I look closer I realized that that was our new house. It looks just like one of those fairytale castle, like the ones you see in one of those knight movies. As the car stop and we got out I could not stop starring in awe at the building. When my dad walks up to the door to open it, it opens on its own. Startled Robin screams, as a old man steps away from the door. The man walks forward and stands right in front of me and says," hello miss Black, I have been waiting for nearly six years to meet you. I am John. Come let me show you and your family to your rooms." We walk though the door and are meet by three new faces. A young girl about my age steps up and says" hi I am your cook, and my name is Sarra. Pointing at a young man about her age says ," and this is my twin William." He looks up and gives me a shy smile. Then the older woman says," hello mistress, my name is Kate I will take care of the house for you." Robin smirks and says, " they act like your some sort of princess or something." Ya it's kinda cool. " kinda it is totally cool May," said Robin. Just then she is interrupted by John who says," come now it is time to see your rooms." We walk though the house and saw almost every room when he stopped and said," the rooms on the right are for the boys and the room up those stairs is for mister and misses black. Miss May and Robin's rooms are this way." Robin and I followed him for about four minutes when he stopped again and showed Robin her room. Then he led me to this huge room and said," this miss May is your room." I stood there with my mouth hanging open in surprise for who knows how long, but when I turned to ask John a question he was gone. I walk in to the room to look around, but I stop when I see what looks like a portrait of me hanging on the wall. I know that it can't be because I have never worn let alone owned a dress that fancy. It is a beautiful painting, but It is not me. I look at the label on the painting and it said" Bell black age 16". I look again at the painting and I notice that she has gold blond hair. How did I miss that my hair is not blond, but midnight black. I step back from the picture and go back to checking out the room. After a wile I start unpacking, the first and most important thing I pull out is this small black stuffed cat that I have had as long as I can remember. I set him down on the bed and go back to unpacking. I only have two bags for now the moving van will be here on Saturday, so I sit on my bed and wait for Robin. About five minutes later there she is like always. We go down the stairs and head for the stables. In the stables we find William is brushing a beautiful silver mare, so I walk over to ask if I can ride her. William jumps back in surprise when he sees me. "I don't know why but it is almost like he is afraid of you May",whisper Robin. I think we should go Robin. We can come back later. " what? Okay", she answered.