
A Strang Dream

It is near midnight, I am standing in the woods. Something or someone is right behind me, but I don't move. I can fill his breath on my neck. Then he bites me and I wake up. Just like every night for the last year. " this has been happening for a year, why didn't you tell me May", asked my mom. I don't know, it just did not seem that important. Until last night, when this happened. I pull down my sleeve to show the two pin shape brusies on the edge of my neck. " oh sweety how did this happen", said my mom in shock. I don't know they were there when I woke up this morning, the weird thing is they are right were I was bitten in that dream. " that is strange, but I don't know if there is anything we can do but get you an ice pack and get ready for your party", finished my mom.I knod and go to the kitchen. That is when it hits me today is my birthday and I am finally 16. I'm 16, and we are going to move in two weeks. It is not all bad after all we're moving in to a mansion and we're about to get a lot of money. I'm not exactly sure why, but I do know that my great aunt Bell left me her entire fortune. In her will it had said that upon my sixteenth birthday I would receive it all. As I stood there lost in my own head my younger brothers came barreling past. Nearly knocking me over, my sister Robin is right behind them. As she walks closer I prepare my self for a huge bear hug. Robin is two years younger than me, but she is my best friend in the whole world. We have been most of are lives. My family is the only thing that is not about to change.