
mha with sans power

i don't know what i am doing this is my first fanfic and i don't understand anything on writing and since i procrastinate a lot don't expect frequent updates a soul was on it's way to the afterlife was granted a choice go to heaven and live his life in paradise or reincarnate with a power and world of his choosing.

xiaomin_Ye101876 · Others
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15 Chs

U.A entrance exam

Today is the day I'm going to U.A I'm so excited though my parents don't seem all that excited which I find very weird even Midoriya thought it was weird because before this they always said i could go into U.A and never stopped me.

They must be worried that I might fail get depressed or something, but they don't have to get worried . Even if I fail I could probably get into the scientist business I learned that I am smarter than most of my peer's.

I see Midoriya just as he was about to enter the school, just as he was about to fall i cought him with blue magic.

"Hey Midoriya how did you even trip? there was nothing in your way except your feet." I yelled at him from a distance. I then ran over to him and he started stuttering.

"hm? o-oh hey n-nozomi I thought y-you already got inside." I laughed at what he said did he really think that i would wake up 8:00 A.M I go to school late everyday at 9:00.

(uraraka) "Hey my name is uraraka ochacko I was going to help you with my quirk but it seems that your friend got you before I could."

I looked at her and smiled "Hello uraraka my name yusha nozomi" I told her while Midoriya just looked and just freaked out on the inside.

"Hello yusha-san" She then looked over to Midoriya and asked "What's your name?"

(Midoriya) "o-oh you want my name" He said as he pointed at himself 'stupid of course she want's your name she said it to you'

"M-my name i-is Izuku midoriya" She laughed at how much much he stuttered "Wow your so nervous well I guess anyone would be nervous this is U.A after all anyway see you guys at the exams"

"Bye midoriya see you in the building" I yelled at him as i was already at the door as i opened it and saw that a lot of people was already seated. I sat down to someone random as the examiner said this was the written exam portion of the test.

(After the written exam)

I was pretty sure i aced most of the question's on the exam the examiner said that if the people that were in general studies to leave and that they will receive the score soon. I saw that most of the people didn't move and only the small portion left the school building.

As the examiner left present mic came in and yelled "For all you people who tuned into my show today say hey!!" Everyone was silent and present mic started shaking.

"let me give you all the rundown of the practical exam. Are you ready? YEAH!!" everybody still stayed silent. I see Midoriya in the distance freaking out for seeing present mic in person.

"you listeners who tunes in for my show will conducting in a urban battle ground of robots for ten minutes. After the presentation you will head to the specified battle center." As i looked at my card i see my battle center is E.

"There are 3 different faux villains in each battle center Each of these robots have points 1-3". Behind him showed 3 different robot with the numbers 1-3.

"Your goal is to defeat these villains and earn points depending on what robot you defeat. Of course attacking your fellow examinees are prohibited."

Ida then stood up with one of his hand in the air the other with the paper "May i ask a question?" Present mike replied with a okay. A spotlight was then pointed on ida.

"on the paper there are 4 villains not 3 if this is a misprint, then U.A the most prominent school in japan should be ashamed of this foolish mistake, also you with the green hair stop muttering it's distracting for the other participants" He said while pointing at Midoriya Then he pointed his finger at me.

"You should take this exam seriously you haven't opened your eyes since you got here. This is a school meant for heroes not lazy kids who don't take this seriously."

I opened my eyes and looked at him "you can't be serious we live in a world full of supernatural things that scientist don't know fully. For all you know my quirk could be gorgon and the second i look at something they turn to stone."

"Next time learn more about a person before thinking they are lazy or not paying attention."

Ida looked super surprised then adopted a thinking pose and said "you are totally right i apologize for thinking you were lazy" I then told him "oh no you got that part right i am lazy all i want right now is sleep.

Ida looked angry and was about to yell at me, but present mike stopped him " alright that's enough, to answer your question the fourth robot is zero points it's something you can't defeat and even if you do it does nothing. NOW GET OUT OF HERE AND GO TO THE BATTLE CANTER'S"

Everyone left without saying anything else.