
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

You Are Not A Drop In The Ocean. You Are The Entire Ocean In A Drop

~~~~Before you read, midway through writing this I realised that during the Hosu incident I used Todorki to talk about Endeavor, so Endeavor is the name I'll be using from now on for you not to get confused~~~~

(This is a slight edit for my chapter 5 as helpful readers pointed out some small mistakes, I've not changed anything just one or two words)

"Thank you, Granny," I said to the old woman who healed me

"It's Recovery Girl!" She shouted in annoyance, "Young'ens these days don't ever respect their elders! We made what you have today…"

I start getting dressed into my hero outfit as I drown out the noise coming from the Granny. I had been called over here in a request for help with the League of Villains and the kidnapping issue that happened two days ago. I begin to prepare myself after being fully healed and checked; Pulling out some raising bread, I take a bite and hook my sword onto my side

Opening the door, I make a swift exit, as the Granny is still talking, "You at so rude to so many people! No wonder most people don't like yo- Hey! Listen when I'm talking-" *Bang* I shut the door so I don't have to listen to the nonsense she will start spouting

*sigh* I begin walking down the halls of the building, the local police station. This is the place that we are going to be using to swiftly plan our next move. Luckily, a student by the name of Momo Yaouorozo created a tracking device and with the help of another student, Yosetsu Awase, they had successfully implanted it onto a Nomu variant

I walk into a conference room, as I spot All Might, Gang Orca and yellow spandex man speaking with each other, Endeavor was off to the side staring discreetly over at All Might

"Ah! Young Tomioka!" All Might greeted from the end of the room

"Mmm," I replied, chewing my raising bread as I sit on a chair

"Tempest," Endeavor said lowly, "I forgot to speak with you about the Hosu incident," he informed me as he walked over to where I had sat

"Mmm?" I questioned…Hosu? What's tha-…Oh! "Mmmmmm!" I sat up quickly as I remembered

Endeavor deadpanned me as I could feel Gang Orca and All Might staring at me from behind

"Well, anyway, I just want to say that you have left a small impression on my so-" He spoke, his voice raised in a tone slightly as he continued speaking

"It's because I can't speak with my mouth full," I informed Endeavor while pointing to my mouth

"As I was saying," he growled slightly, "You have left a small impression on my son, Shoto, whatever you said to him, it seemed to have changed his demeanour, even slightly," He said

Hoh? So, he's not as cold-hearted as they say huh?

A small smirk tug at the edge of my lips as I say, "Well, Endeavor, I did have a small prep talk with those three kids, they seemed to mmm mmmmm mm," I said, having a bit more raisin bread while talking

"Yeah, sure," Endeavor said unsure of his own words, "So, how do you feel about today's opera-"

"It's because I ca-" "CAN'T SPEAK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL I GET IT!" Endeavor shouted at me

"That's was rude, why did you interrupt me so suddenly, shouting as well," I saidoffended,

His head gains a few more stress lines and some veins bulge, "Nothing," He said gritting his teeth, "Just a bit annoyed about today's mission," He said struggling to keep himself from shaking

"Hm, you look quite nervous, do you want to know some ways to keep calm and stop shaking, I'm quite good a-"

"No!" He said loudly, "No," he repeated calmer than before, "It's okay,"

"If you say so," I tell him

"Anyway, as I was saying. Again. I just want to know if your thoughts on this operation," He told me sternly

"Well," I started, "If we're speaking on difficulty, then we should be fine, I've got this feeling that something bad is going to happen, but I guess it's just needless worrying, the heroes that were going to have on this operation are some of the best," I explained to him

"However," I said again, his attention still focusing on what I'm saying, "I don't know if you had been told about it, but you do know of the training camp attack by the League don't you?" I question

"Of course," He confirms in response, "Why wouldn't I? It's all over the news," he said perplexed

"Oh! Right! It was!" I said shocked

'That's the entire reason we're here!' The four heroes in the room thought at the same time, all of them are now listening to what Giyu is about to say

"Well, anyway, I was in the same city that it took place at the time that it happened," I told him

"What? Then why didn't you go to help them?" He questioned both himself and me

"That's where the problem starts," I stated, "I wasn't on duty that day, I had just been walking around, Nezu had contacted me, wanting me to survey surrounding areas around UA and to tell me about how Stain was linked with the League, and that while I am in the area, I should go down to check and see how the first years at the camp were progressing. The call was ended early when a hit and run happened, it was loud, attracted a lot of attention, anyway, things happened and I was lead into a forest about a mile away, of course, I was suspicious, so when I was launched into the ground by a fenile like Nomu, I knew something big was going down," I explained

"So you were distracted since you were in the area, how did they know where you were?" Endeavor questioned

"I don't know either, my best guess is that someone mmm mmmmm mm," I told him. Raising bread is nice

"I see, I guess this goes to show that the League is more than some random gro-"

"Hey, guys sorry we're late!" Shouts a female voice, I looked up to see a blond woman with a blue, orange and cream suit on, horns poking through her hair, she is followed by a man-made of wood with a skin-tight suit on

"Will anyone allow me to finish. My. SENTENCES!!" Endeavor bellowed, his flames getting agitated

Eventually all of the available police force and heroes had gathered, our plans were laid out and talked through quickly. The heroes will split up into two teams from two locations:

Team 1: Retrieving Bakugo and stopping the League: All Might, Gran Torino, Kamui Woods, Edgeshot and Endeavor and more

Team 2: Nomu Facility: Tempest, Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist, Tiger and Gang Orca

The Police are there also

We all split off into separate rooms to prepare ourselves, talk things over and make sure that we act in contrast to team 1 to be able to act in one fell swoop

"So," I begin the conversation as we ride down the barren nighttime streets as we head towards our location, "Raisin bread? It's really mmm mm" I ask them, taking a bite into mine

"Oh! I'll have some please!" Mt. Lady says as I grab some and hand it over

"Tempest, what you were talking about with Endeavor earlier, about being attacked by a feline Nomu, a variant I take it, how strong would you say they were, for you to be held back for so long, I'd expect them to at least pose a challenge," Best Jeanist spoke to me

"Mmm mm mm," I told him

"Errrm Tempest, we don't know what-"

"It's because I can't speak with my mouth full," I tell the confused Mt. Lady as she gains a tick mark in her head, "Let a woman finish speaking!" She shouts

I go on to explain everything that happened in detail to Best Jeanist, of course, the other people in the truck heard as well. All of them stared at me with an unreadable expression until Best Jeanist spoke up

"Tempest, wouldn't you have thought it would've been wise to let the officials know of this experiment going on?"

I release a deep breath and say, "Of course Jeanist, I have already told the people that need to know, don't fret, I wouldn't expect Nomu of that level to oppose us today. It happened recently, they wouldn't have enough time to deploy more, I'm sure it is a long process to create those types of Nomu, the voice changing clown also spilt small details during our fight to solidify that point,"

"I see," Best Jeanist comments as the truck comes to a stop, all of us rushing out of the truck

"Okay people! Let's get this show on the road!" Mt. Lady shouts as she grows to a height of around 60ft, using a small pickup truck as a weapon to destroy the wall of the building

Without time being wasted I rush forward, 'Third Form: Flowing Dance'. I swing and bend my blade in a winding motion along with my body, cutting down and incapacitating multiple Nomu, leaving a few, knowing that the other heroes are behind me

"Excellent swordsmanship Tempest!" Best Jeanist says as he, Mt. Lady and Gang Orca clean up the rest of the Nomu. All of them now in our grasp. It went a lot quicker than expected. It went smooth…too smooth

"Ugh!" Mt. Lady beckons in disgust, "Are these gross dudes alive?" She questioned, her body lay flat to the ground. Nomu struggles in her grasp, "I thought we would be in for a fight but this was super easy," she wined, "Maybe we should've left this to the police and gone with all might,"

"Difficulty and importance are two very different things Rookie!" Best Jeanist reprimanded her, "Riot squad! Get the transports ready! There could be more of them, be in your guard!" He ordered

"Yessir!," they say rushing off

Tiger is holding an unconscious woman as he and Gang Orca converse, Tiger held a pained expression, this is most likely the reason behind his constant scowl today in the board room

"I'm sorry Tiger, but Ragdolls quirk was so useful, I just had to take it, how could I not?" A voice came from the shadows, I felt like I recognised that voice from somewhere

"Are you with the League?" Gang Orca questioned

"Somebody get us a light!" Tiger ordered to the squad behind us

"Since my body was mostly destroyed, I haven't been able to stock up on quirks," the voice continued, small footsteps continued to resound

"Stop there don't move!" Gang Orca said, throwing an arm in front motioning to cease movement

Suddenly, the suit he was wearing tightened and his body stopped moving

"Hey, you can't attack like that, what if he's just a bystander!" Mt. Lady complained

"Quiet BigFoot, look around you, watch the situation, this man should be treated as a threat" I informed her harshly

"Good observation, Giyu Tomioka," the voice said. I know that voice!

Clutching my blade, I ready myself as I shout, "Be on your guard, this is the voice I heard the other day, from that ear pod in the Nomu!"

Rushing forward at full speed, I use my 'Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust' and intend to take out my target quick. Suddenly, my instincts scream danger as I swiftly jump away from him using 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow', piercing my sword into the ground in front of me bending down, water spreading in front of me like a shield just in time as a huge shock wave is sent outwards from the mans arm

The shockwaves are violent as I keep myself logged into the ground. The air clears as I look to my side to see that Jeanist must've been able to get everyone away. I look forwards and notice Jeanist collapsed and injured in the middle of the debris

*clap* *clap* *clap*

"I see why you're the number 4 hero best Jeanist, that blast should've annihilated the lot of you, but you were able to manipulate everyone's clothing and pull them out of the way just in time, quick thinking consider me impressed," the man said calmly as Best Jeanist lays in the floor injured, his eye looked like it wouldn't stop shaking

Getting to my feet, I ready my blade as I try to calm my nerves. My instincts screamed at me to run! To flee! He's dangerous! Too dangerous! He took everyone out in an instant!

"And you, Giyu Tomioka, the young superstar, your quirk may be crappy, I won't be needing it, but the way you use it is most impressive, however, you're far from being the best" he spoke

I got slightly annoyed at his comment of my quirk. I narrowed my eyes at him. As my mind thinks back.


"Hahaha look at him! What an idiot!" Some kid yelled at me. His friends stood there surrounding him snickering, "What can a wimp like you ever do?" He taunted as I stood there protecting the cat, well…was, it ran away

I turn towards them, my legs shaking as I take a deep breath in, my lungs start to burn as I feel the air enter me, small thin strands of water begin to release from my hands.

That's my quirk. I awakened it 3 years ago. I'm able to breathe in all the best properties of the air, no toxic, no smoke, no pollution, when using my quirk the only things I can breathe in are the best of the atmosphere, but also, I breathe in too much moisture from the air as well, so it gets released from my hands, however, I'm able to control it somewhat, so it's not too bad

"Hehehehe, take this!" The kid shouted as he punched me straight to my stomach, "Who do you think you are? Interrupting our fun? Huh? You're just a loser with no family!" He shouted at me from above as I had fallen over from the punch

"You shut up!" I screamed, grabbing a stick, swinging it towards him, though my reach is too short. Huh? What that? Why is the water…following the stick?!

*bang* "Ow ow ow ow! That hurt! It hurts! I'm gonna get my momma on you!" The kid shouted as he ran away holding

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected as I look back up, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up

"Hohoho! Most impressive little one!" I heard a deep voice say

I turn around and see a man nearing his old age, his hair was black with a small mix of silver tied into a topknot, his face was very gentle and calm

"W-What do you want sir?" I question carefully

"Oh! It's nothing! I just wanted to thank you for protecting my cat, he's a close friend of mine you see, he wanted me to come over here, but what I saw from you was very interesting," he told me

"Ah! Your cat! Where is it? Is it okay?" I questioned hurriedly

"Yes yes, he quite alright!" The man said "You did something quite interesting there buddy, was that your quirk?" he asked lowering himself to my level

"Y-Yes, but I didn't know it could do that, I only thought that I could breathe in super clean air, I feel a lot lighter and fresh when I dot it but I also get quite exhausted afterwards. Also, I take in too much moisture and water leaves through my hands," I told him, "B-but I'm able to control that water!" I said quickly and loudly, "It's lame," I finished

"Well, that just makes everything even more interesting!" He said, "Where's your parents kid? Shouldn't they be looking after you?" He asked as the cat firm earlier came and lay flat on his head

At that question my mood dropped, "W-well, they died," I said, his gaze softened slightly as I spoke, "It was four years ago, ever since then I've been doing what I can to get by, local shelters are kind to me," I told him, I looked down to the ground

He ruffled my hair slightly and asked, "How old are you now big fella?"

"O-oh, I'm 8 in a few days!" I said looking up to him, slightly excited at the prospect of my birthday

"Well, kid! I think your quirk is great!" He said as I looked up to him confused

"What do you mean by that?" I say in wonder

"Well, when you're fighting, breathing is one of the most, if not the most, important factor, and with that water thing you do, your quirk is amazing for someone who would want to use a weapon. Take it from me, I used to use a sword, I still practise today, but that's about it," he said with a big smile

That cheered me up as I said, "Do you think so? Ermmm, what's your name?" I ask sheepishly

"It's Sakonji Urokodaki," he said with a smile

"My name is Giyu Tomioka!" I said with a large smile as he ruffled my hair


"It's not about being the best," I say with a small smirk, looking up at him, "It's about being better than you were yesterday,"