
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

In One Drop Of Water Are All The Secrets Of All The Oceans

"It's not about being the best," I say with a small smirk, looking up at him, "It's about being better than you were yesterday,"

"I…apologise, Tempest," Jeanist struggled to say, "I…was only able…to save the others…but I noticed…you would be fine…" he croaked out

"That's fine," I tell him, "You've done a good job, just leave it to me-" I swiftly dive to the side as some sort of powerful wind assaults the ground where I had just stood

I grit my teeth as I try to stay calm. This man's presence was terrifying, and I'm the only one who's able to stand let alone fight him! Damn. Why is this guy even here? Does he know about what group 1 is doing? Is this…the man we were warned about? The man on par with All Might?!

No. Stay calm. Irrational behaviour won't get me anywhere. I've got to calm myself and assess the situation. My first job should be to make sure that Jeanist is out of the way…but how will I do that?

"Jeanist, I know this is a lot to ask in your state," I start, "But do you have anyway so you can get out of the way? I don't want you in the crossfire," I tell him bluntly

He doesn't respond as he uses his quirk to blast himself as far away as he can.

I take in a deep breath; 'Eleventh Form: Dead Calm' I enter a state of tranquillity as I look up at the man in the black suit.

I hear him chuckle as he says, "Now now, don't leave so soon," he says, blasting another airwave at Best Jeanist; I rush forth to block it, "We've only just gotten started,"

I sprint across the ground as fast as I can as I leap into the air, covering the front of my blade with a surface of the water when I connect with the force of the air. I put a large amount of strength into my swing, and yet I still hold in a stalemate with it.

Then, if brute strength won't work, I'll just have to redirect it! 'Urokodaki Style: Weaving Willow', my blade becomes soft as I weaken my strike, allowing the air push to follow through, as I use the flat side of my blade and my water to redirect its trajectory, blasting it straight downwards as I slowly fall to the ground

All the heroes and the police force are finally out of the picture now it's just me. Around thirty Nomu. And one big bad bully in the sky.

"That was most impressive Giyu Tomioka," the man said, "We didn't gather information on a skill like that in your grasp, I'll have to reprimand him when this is over" he spoke in an uncaring tone, "However, I do feel like I've seen it somewhere before," he said before sending more airwaves towards me

I hear heavy footsteps behind me, they were in quick succession as the Nomu begin rushing towards me in sloppy formation

'Third Form: Flowing Dance', I weave my way through the Nomu, decapitating two and immobilising four.

"Well, we can't have you doing that, Tomioka," he said as the Nomu began to get sucked in by a strange black liquid disappearing

I sprint towards him full speed, utilising my 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' to repeatedly gain height until I'm in front of him, bringing down my blade towards his neck, changing my position mid-air again as another blast of air is sent, I change my position around him multiple before I bring my blade down

'Second Form: Water Wheel', I vertically spin, my blade connecting with his arm. A large metal chunk comes out, ripping the fabric of the suit to block my strike. I gift my teeth as I retreat to the ground, the man doing the same

Digging my feet into the ground, I shoot towards him at full speed, my heart was racing way too high as I dig my left foot into the ground in front of him, pivoting around bringing my blade right across his chest.

It is proved futile when another black portal is opened in front of me, stopping my blades trajectory as a familiar set of blond hair comes out. I don't know if I should see this as a win or a loss, this guy has just given me the only thing we are here for.

Retreating my swing, I give a roundhouse kick to the man, utilising my water foothold to kick off faster. He backs away as I grab the boy and jump backwards. We land and I place my arm in front of him

The boy starts coughing, "Dammit, the hell?" He says, continuing to cough

"My apologies Bakugo, there was a slight interruption, you just happened to come in useful at the moment,"

"Are you okay kid?" I asked him

"Huh?! What do you mean, am I okay? Of course, I am!" He shouted

"Good, now stay behind me, unless you want to get involved with that," I said lifting my sword up

As I finish warning the kid, more black portals open up as members of the League fall from them, all of them coughing and complaining about their transport in their separate ways

"Master," facepalm says coarsely

"So, you failed once more, Tomura, but you must not be discouraged, try again, that's why I brought your associates back with you, even that child," he said pointing over to Bakugo behind me, "Because you judged him to be an important piece on your game board," He stretched his arm out to him, "Try again as many times as it takes, I'm here to help, all of this, is for you,"

"Kid, how are you feeling?" I asked him as he started shaking

"I'm fine," he told me

"Alright, stay here," I told him, pressing the ear pod I have when I heard an incoming broadcast

"Hello, Squad 2, what's your situation?!" I heard Naomasa shout

"Hello, this is Tempest, don't worry about me, I've got everything handled on my side, just a few inconveniences," I tell him

"Are you sure?!" He questioned, "Because to us it seems like you have lost control of the Nomu!" He shouted again

"I told you don't worry!" I reprimanded him, my heart racing, "I can probably guess the situation you have, and I can probably make a guess as to the mood All Might is in," I began to explain

"You must tell him to calm down if him of all people are in an irrational mood, then everything we've been trying to set up for this mission will be done for, I'm sure that this man leading the League wants All Might here, so tell him to wait until he's calmed down and he can think straight, if anyone can do that it's you," I tell him

There was a short silence until I heard another voice come through the transponder, "Young Tomioka! What going on?!" He asked concerned and rushed

"All Might, stay where you are until further notice, trust me, just give me some time to get this situation cooled down, you're not thinking straight, irrational actions never end without consequence," I tell him

"That's too dangerous! I understand what you're saying, but the risk is your life! This is a death wish! You're planning on sacrificing yourself just so we have a better chance, in the end, it's too risky! I'm heading over right now!" He says, at least he seemed to be calming down

"I'm offended you don't trust me, but do what you will," I speak walking towards the villains, "Life is about taking risks," I get into my stance, "And we've got our whole life ahead of us," I said, disconnecting the call

"Now isn't that surprising? You figured out my plan with just a few minutes and a small exchange, even more impressive," he said, "Tomura, make sure you get Bakugo so your plan doesn't fail once more, I shall assist you,"

He told his…disciple? No. He doesn't act or seem like the type of guy who would trust someone else. Possibly…a tool? For what? Damn. Now I have to keep the villains distracted and fight this guy at the same time. No. It won't be a fight. All I have to do is buy time, so I can protect this kid!

I dash towards the weakest villain on paper, Spinner, his appearance was reptilian, purple hair flowed as it stood up. 'Tenth Form: Constant Flux', I form a dragon on my blade as I aim for his head.

Just as my blade would land, my body is covered in blue light as I start to get dragged towards the Magnetism woman, Magne

Using the sudden speed increase to my advantage, I use my 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' and dash towards her, using the momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash, my 'First Form: Water Surface Slash' giving her a long cut across her side.

Sliding across the floor as I change my position, I notice that facepalm is walking towards the kid

I swiftly bring my sword downwards to my side as I sprint towards him, only for the magician man to appear in front of me, his index and middle finger pointed outwards nearing me. Rotating my body, I perform my 'Third form: Flowing dance', striking his midsection twice, his body jerked backwards as I cut off both his fingers; Jumping up, I grab his face, slamming him to the ground, continuing to rush towards the kid

"There you are," I heard the man say before a huge gush of wind is let out into the surroundings, using the technique from before in front of the kid to protect him

"I'll have you return my student! All For One!" I heard the voice of All Might say in anger

"Have you come to kill me a second time? All Might?" All For One responded

"It took you long enough to find us," All For One commented slyly, "It's only 5km from the bar to here, and yet it was at least 30 seconds since I sent the Nomu that you arrived…you've gotten weaker, All Might,"

"You're one to talk, it's kind of difficult to ignore that fancy life support mask you've got on," he replied, "Aren't you overexerting yourself?" He questioned getting to his feet

"I won't repeat the mistake I made 5 years ago, you hear me?!" He spoke while jumping up and down on the spot, "I will take young Bakugo back, and I will make certain that you're locked up for the rest of your sad life! Right along with your despicable villains!" He started rushing towards All For One

"Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, this will be hard for us both," he expressed shooting out more air pressure, both men colliding

All Might gets flung back as All For One begins to monologue about all of the quirks he used to do so.

"All Might!" The kid shouted worriedly

"Stay back, you're the whole point of this mission, don't screw anything up," I told him, slowly walking forward assessing the situation:

Mr Compress was getting to his feet, Magne was slightly struggling to hold her side. Shigaraki was staring at me with burning hate. Two of their members, Dabi and Kurogiri were knocked unconscious. Twice, Spinner and Toga were just stood doing nothing as they were helpless in this situation

"So, your name is All For One?" It fits if your quirk is what I'm assuming it is, "Greedy bastard," I said with a shit-eating grin, shooting towards Shigaraki

"Forcable quirk activation," All For One exclaimed as a purple portal opened in front of me

I slide on the floor, stabbing my sword in the ground as I put a hand stop on top of it, leaping over the portal, 'Second Form: Water Wheel', I spin vertically aiming for the head of Shigaraki. I am sent flying towards the kid as a strong force blasts me to the side

"Leave this place," All For One tells Shigaraki

"What about you?" He questions in response

I get to my feet, as I hear a loud crash in the distance as a smoking figure flies through the air, revealed to be All Might as he rushed back down towards All For One

"You're not thinking Tomura, there is much room for you to grow," he declares floating in the air, stopping All Mights fist; They have a battle of strength

"Let's go Shigaraki, while our mask man is keeping All Might entertained, claim your prize," Mr Compress said, compressing Dabi not a small ball

The kid looked at me for a moment, I stare back for a moment, then look ahead of us, then looked back again, shaking my head

"Stay back kid, the weak have their way of fighting," I voiced, "Leave it to the strong to fight each other head-on,"

"Haaaah," I released a deep breath, "All Might! Leave the fodder to me!"

"Alright!" He replied in a shout

"Kid listen," I began, "I'll try to give you an opening to escape, I don't know if I'll be able to protect you from all of them, so if they near you, keep your distance, do not engage them, I'm putting trust in your ability to be able to do that!" I shouted pointing my sword towards the League

'Eleventh Form: Dead Calm', Calming my nerves back down again, I enter another state of tranquillity, rushing towards the League once more.

'Third Form: Flowing Dance', I breeze my way through, swinging and bending my blade in a winding motion along with my body and dance in a flowing pattern, slicing the villain, Twice in multiple areas, he swings a straight punch towards my face, I move my face to the left, grabbing his wrist, kneeing his stomach and as he bends down, I grab into his nape, lifting myself over him, pushing downwards and pushing him into the ground with my knees on his back

"Ow! That hurt! You punch like a girl!" He shouted

Jumping upwards from him, I narrowly avoid a hand that was sent towards me. Grabbing both of compress' hands, I pull him towards me, sending a flying knee into his chest

"Magne! Now!" Mr Compress shouted

"Huh? What ar-" My body was unexpectedly jerked backwards as I get repulsed into the destroyed factory

Swiftly getting back to my feet, I jump up onto the gap in the wall. Surprise isn't an emotion I've ever taken well. Generally, someone gets hurt and it isn't me.

So when I look down and notice five kids stood up against a wall, three of which I recognised. The blood drains from my skin and every movement becomes slowed as I notice that Mr Compress was flying towards me as a result of being repelled from the quirk of Magne

Grabbing a rock from the destroyed wall, I swiftly throw it upwards; Instead of my face, Mr Compress touched the rock that suddenly appeared ahead of him. I pivot myself onto one arm, performing a sweeping kick, causing his body to flip as I grab his clothes throwing him into the air

"Huh?" He said in shock, "Hey guys! There are some kids here!" He yelled. Shit

"Hmm? What was that?" All For One said as he launched All Might away, walking towards us

"Kids! Get away from here now!" I shouted preparing myself.

After a few seconds. "What are you doing?" I ask them as they stay there stood still

I look back up to see All For One with a charged up arm, launching a heavy attack towards us as the ground get ripped apart, the five kids launched into the air. Endeavors kid, Broccoli and Engine legs can steady themselves

'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow', I changing my footwork, I dash towards the girl and red hair, grabbing them, landing near the kid named Bakugo, setting them down gently

"What are you doing here?" I question with a raised voice, "How do you even know about this operation?" I question until my gaze lands on the girl, "Don't tell me-" I dragged my words at the end as the realisation of what the girl has done hits me

*Sigh* "Shit, Endeavor wasn't lying when he told me you took what I said to heart huh?" I said aloud, "You had to make my job more difficult,"

Taking in another deep breath as I walk forward, I dash past all the villains as fast as I could, rushing past them without them being able to see me, using my Fourth Form: Striking Tide' slashing at their legs as I pass

"Kids! Get out of here now as I distract them!" I shout at them

Pushing my feet into the ground once more, I push myself upwards straight towards All For One. 'Second Form: Water Wheel' I spin vertically jumping over the figure of All For One. However, something peculiar happens. Only my blade connects to his arm that is lifted, protected by a multitude of quirks, the extra water effect all fully turned into steam, my momentum dissipating

My quirk…turn into steam?! No. No that can't be.

"How is it Giyu Tomioka? This quirk is quite useful for facing someone like you is it not?" I could hear the smirk in his voice

I just stood in shock, my body movements ceased as I tried to contemplate what happened just now. He turned my water into steam. No. That's impossible! IT CANT BE!

"DAMN YOU!" I screeched as I rushed towards him, "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THAT QUIRK?!" I yelled my very being shouted in pain

What is Giyu so angry about? Who knows? Except me. I’ve also revealed five sneaky kids who were hiding away! They were stupid and irrational, If it weren’t for plot armor, they definitely would’ve been caught

If All For One is able to sense All Might approaching from ages away, then surely he could sense five kids a meter away from him.

Meh anyway

I revealed them in my own way!

How will Giyu deal with it?

Also, All Might will appear swiftly, I just wanted a little twist for next chapter

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