
MHA reborn as Kaminari Denki: breath of lightning

reborn as Denki Kaminari, join Denki on his journey to earning the number 1 spot as the top hero

KIMPOtripin · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

4 The highly anticipated reunion

It has been exactly four years since Laxus Dreyer has died and our protagonist had received the lightning dragon slayer lacrima right now we can find Denki kaminari sitting on top of a tree talking to seem… no one.

The tree that Denki is currently sitting on is the tree that Denki planted on top of the grave of his late master shortly after his death. It usually gets lonely for Denki to live alone in the woods on the outskirts of the city of Musutafu.

After the death of Laxus, Denki often found himself training to master his lacrama enhanced quirk in the name of his master or just sitting on top of the tree talking to his master.

"Master today is my first day of middle school and it is also the day that I finally get to reunite with my girlfriend after 8 years. I don't even know what I would do or what I would say."

"I wonder if it would be awkward.'' Suddenly Denki went pale when a thought crossed his head then he decided to share his thoughts with his dead master. "What if she got transmigrated into the body of a man."

Denki started to cross his fingers hoping that it never comes to that and that god would not do him like that.

1 hour later

Denki could be found running as fast as a cheetah could as he ran towards the direction of the city in order for him to get to his first day of middle school, but currently that was not going through his mind all he could think about is his girlfriend and catching up with her.

Over the past years denki trained his body so hard that it could almost rival his master when he was at his prime, keyword almost, he was not quite there yet though the only thing that was holding him back was the fact that he was only 12 year old and can't produce enough testosterones but thanks to the dragon slayer lacrima at least produces a decent amount of testosterones in his body so that he can properly get muscles.

Right now he was running almost as fast as a wild animal without even using his quirk but it was not like he was trying anyways he just wanted to get to the school so that he could finally see his girlfriend.

At Aldera Junior High

Denki just made it to the block of his middle school and when he finally got in front of the building he looked around the sea of different heads looking for if he could find someone with their index finger in the air.

After five minutes he was the only one in the street because everyone already went to their classes, at that moment he began to feel a little bit of despair at not being able to find his girlfriend.

With a depressed expression written on his face he began to walk inside of the building of the school but then suddenly he heard a voice coming from behind him and what the voice said caused his head to shoot up in surprise.

"Arian is that you."

Denki turned around slowly to see where the voice came from and what he saw had him in complete shock. What he saw was a girl who stood at 5,3 and had pink dreadlocks and was wearing the school uniform that perfectly outlined her abnormally big bust for her the age of 12.

"Lele is that you." After she heard those words come out of his mouth all the doubts that she previously had all disappeared as she began to tear up while running at her boyfriend boy to pounce on him.

When she jumped at him he caught her into his strong arms and began to spin her around in his strong arms before taking her into his embrace. They stood there for about 5 minutes in each other's embrace, his chin was on top of her head while she cried into his semi-broad chest.

Soon she began to chuckle causing Denki to look at her weirdly and ask her what she was laughing at then she said "haha you got transmigrated into Denki kaminari the kid who turns retared every one time he uses his quirk."

When Denki heard the reason of her sudden laughter his only visible eye began to twitch as he said "are you serious iv ovestly been training do you see how fucking jacked i am."

When Denki said that she took a step back and looked him up and down and when she saw that he had the body of a lean but semi-buff body builder her cheeks started to slightly heat up.

"Wow i did not think it would be possible you turned that scrawny little boy into well… this she said the later while jestering at her boyfriend's body causing him to smirk because of his new ego boost.

He then came to sudden realization "wait you would not happen to be mei hatsume." when she nodded his head he smiled and said you may be sexy but your quirk is still leagues worse than mine.

She then playfully punched Denki on the arm with a cute pout on her face while muttering "whatever" then she spoke you're not the only one who has been training because I have been training my fighting style to be like black widows since my quirk is pretty much useless in combat, and besides since i was trans migrated into this body i smart as shit." her last comment making Denki roll his eyes at his girlfriend's attitude.

Denki just ignored her comment from early and changed the topic by saying "you wanna skip school today and catch up with each other."

Mei thought about it at first but then she replied by saying "but isn't this the first day of school." when she said that Denki looked at her with lots of amusement in his eyes, then he asked do you really want to go back to school? 'Ms im smart as shit'"

This caused her to blush at the jab.

"But" she said but was cut off by Denki who asked her "do you have parents or something." she then looked to the ground in sadness then said no i'm an orphan again just like in my last life.

Seeing the sadness in Mei's eyes he pulled her into another hug and said "don't worry about that look on the bright side i can adopt you and you can live with me" he said in a reassuring tone.

She then looked at him as if he said the dumbest thing in the world and then asked him "how the hell will you adopt me if your 12 years old"

Denki just smirked well "technically you will be adopted under the name of my late master but it not like anyone really knows that he's dead and then you can get out of whatever orphanage you live in live with big daddy Denki" he said the later while wiggling his eyebrows causing may to blush.

After a couple of minutes of thinking she finally agreed but then she asked a question that's been bugging her mind "how about when we have to go to school." Denki just replied "we can just drop out and say we're home schooled.

" From the looks of it, it looks like you already have everything figured out" said May earning a smirk from her boyfriend.