
MHA reborn as Kaminari Denki: breath of lightning

reborn as Denki Kaminari, join Denki on his journey to earning the number 1 spot as the top hero

KIMPOtripin · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

3 Even the strong die

When Denki's hardcore training began he always did everything that luxus told him religiously and even in his moments of disappear he kept on going because he knew at the end of the day it would all be worth it.

At first training started day 1 and then days started turning into weeks weeks turned into months and months turned into years and finally here we are four years later we can find two men talking to each other one man looked frail and old and had an expression of amusement while the other looked strong and lean and had an expression of worry.

"Master Laxus you can't leave me you know I'm nothing without you and you still have to train me please master don't go,'' the 8 year old boy said while choking on his own tears.

Young kaminari there is nothing more that I can teach you that will make you any stronger than what you could teach yourself, my time is coming to an end and i can die any second now so please take my lightning dragon slayer lacrima."

"But master please." Denki was cut off by laxus who said "kaminari you promised me that you would not do this while i'm on my deathbed and now that time has come and you must now take responsibility and inherit my power cause i know that I did not train you for no reason." he finished with a stern voice.

"Do you understand?" asked Laxus and Denki just nodded his head yes earning a prod smile from his master.

Laxus then pierced his chest where his heart should be then pulled out a glowing yellow orb with an oppressing ora of lightning than the fairy tail tattoo that went from laxus's left pectoral to his left shoulder began to fade into nothingness then he jesterd for Denki to come closer.

When Denki came close to laxus he moved his hand up to Denki's right eyes then he skillfully plucked it causing denki to flinch a little bit but it didn't affect him all to much because of all the physical conditioning that he was put through by laxus it caused him to have a abnormally high pain tolerance.

Then laxus put the lacrama in Denki's right eye socket which in Denki's opinion hurts like bitch.

Soon after laxus began to pant while occasionally coughing globs of blood on to his white blanket then laxus looked up at denki and smiled before saying "these are my last words so listen closely "be careful in this cruel world that many call life because EVEN THE STRONG DIE" and like that he took his last breath before closing his eyes and saying goodbye to the world.''

Soon after Denki started to feel an immense pain in his chest more persily his heart and he even fell to his knees and started to clutch his chest in pain and eventually he ripped off his shirt because of the immense pain and finally after 2-3 minutes the pain finally died down to numbness.

Denki looked down at his chest and was surprised to see on his left pectoral and shoulder there was the fairy tail tattoo the same as his masters but then he also felt something on his right eye so he walked over to a drawer and pulled out a hand mirror and was shocked to see that his eye was glowing yellow with the kanji for lightning as a pupil and around his eyes where some tribal tattoos (jellas tattoos in black).

Denki just figured that he would ignore the tattoos and changes that he was feeling and just focus on burying his late master.

Denki put the blanket over the the face of laxus and then began to roll the bed over to the elevator of the bunker that they were currently in when he got to the surface Denki was met with a modest sized house it was not to big not to small it was just right it was fit for at least 4 people to live in comfortably excluding the bunker underground that stretched out for miles.

Denki already had a coffin placed and a whole that was pre dug by him earlier that week. After Denki finished the task of placing laxus in side of the coffin he then put it on a wagon and started to roll it over to the backyard when he reached the backyard he gave his master silent prayers dumped the coffin down the six foot whole as gently as he could then threw a bunch of seeds on top of the coffin before he started to fill in the whole with dirt while tears dell out of his left and only his left.