
MHA reborn as Kaminari Denki: breath of lightning

reborn as Denki Kaminari, join Denki on his journey to earning the number 1 spot as the top hero

KIMPOtripin · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

5 Catching up

"So you mean to tell me that your master gave you an eye implant before he died." mei said with a shocked face on earning an amused nod from her boyfriend.

Currently we can find both Denki and mei laying down in a bed beside each other catching up about what they have been doing over the past eight years that they have been separated.

Denki then spoke up and asked "so Lele what have you been doing these past years not that i told you what i have been doing?"

"Okay so you're not going to believe this. I acutely met bulma." when mei said that denki eyes grew wide and then he asked her "how." in which she responded "well at first i thought she was just some random old lady but what peaked my interest about her was the technology that she walked around with."

"Long story short we hit it off and she said that she would agree to take me on as her apprentice and she taught me all she knew by the age I was eight years old, but sadly that was also the same year that she died, and after she died i started to practice my combat abilities since i figured that you would want to go to UA and i did not want to slow you down since i know you would also be busting your ass to get stronger." she finished briefly.

After Denki got out of his shock he asked mei "I'm guessing that you learned alot about engineering since you met thee bulma so do you like to build things like the original mei mei hatsume."

"Well yeah of course i love to engineer but my problem is you see i'm an orphan and i don't have much money so hard for me to get the materials needed for me to build to my heart's desire." mei said with a saddened look on her face.

Denki pulled her closer to his chest to comfort her then he looked down at her in the eye with a big grin on his face and said "lucky for you have me, you see my late master had litrily mountains of money im not 100% sure where he gets his money from but what i could tell is that he was an author who wrote western fantasy novels and fairy tales and we have more than enough money to get you the materials that you need for your projects.

When Mei heard the last part Denki could have sworn he could see a gleam in her eye before she snuggled more into his chest saying "thank you so much this could help us with our hero work in the long run think about all the inventions i could come up with."

Denki then assumed somewhat of a thinking position before saying "now that i really think about it you could make lots of support gear for us."

"So now that we dropped out of school we have so much free time on our hands and I want to spend it training because I can only make it so far by myself with little to no experience and I can already tell just by looking at you that you're really strong ." Mei said the latter while poking Denkis chest.

Denki then said "I second that but before we even attempted to start training do you think you can build something that looks badass but it covers the right side of my face."

This question caused mei to look at Denki in confusion.

"Why would you want to cover the left side of your face, first of all that tattoo looks sexy and second of all why do you keep your right eye closed all the time anyways." Denki sighed and said well the reason i don't open my right eye is because my right eye is the seal between my normal power and the power I use when I am actually trying and the reason i want to cover the tattoo is because it makes me stand out to much even when im not trying to."

"And cover the right side of your face won't." may asked sarcastically which Denki quickly replied people would just assume that i got an injury on the side of my face or something." When Mei heard his reasoning she nodded because she knew that he was somewhat made since.

Mei finally gave in and asked fine. I'll see what I can do for you but before that are there any other secret tattoos that I should know about that are somewhere on your body?" she asked.

Mei was only teasing him and was not really expecting to say yes but surprisingly nodded yes then he got off the bed before taking his shirt off(slowly for teasing purposes).

When he finally got the shirt off her eyes landed directly on the fairy tail + tribal design that he had on his left pec and shoulder "wow i did not acutely think you would say yes but hey, i'm not complaining." when she said the last part he smirked and got back on the bed and they got into a heated make out session almost immediately just like what they did back in the old days.

sory not sory for the short chapter

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